I’m a fan of bonsai grown in their naturally occurring form. Well done, as usual. Keep growing. Thanks
When I lived in Japan I got to see bonsai in the wild so to speak. There were whole yards dedicated to plants in pots some in various stages of development. And if the owners saw you taking an interest even with the language barrier they were happy to show you their collection. Fascinating.
Where I was at south of Tokyo the generally mild climate was excellent for bonsai. Where I have lived since has not been conducive to bonsai. Too hot for too long or to cold for their survival.
What part of the country do you live in? Do you have extreme weather?
Years from now it’s going to be like the most beautiful masterpiece I love it
I had a Japanese Elm tree that died on me. I cried lol I really put a lot of work and energy into the plant.
The patience and dedication is astounding! Beautiful job! 💚
Thats awesome. I love how you can bonsai just about anything, including cannabis plants which look way cool. I always loved how they are passed down from generation to generation, I went to a bonsai expo in Santa Cruz once and they had bonsai trees older than 200 years. Was awesome
when i was a kid, my dad was very into bonsai. even today, i love watching people work with bonsai, as it reminds me of those hot days in the sun helping him however i could, going to “meuseums” of bonsai (i don’t remember what they’re called) and all the life lessons he taught me using bonsai. he doesn’t have any trees anymore, he doesn’t have the time, but we still like sharing bonsai content and going to see bonsai together. thanks for the smile this video gave me ❤️
I love them in their natural form ... hanging horizontally while hanging on for dear life from a cliff.
Just amazing.
Gorgeous! You did a great job. It looks so good!
I’m a huge plant lover, I have about 35+ in the house and a big garden with more plants than I can count. My dream is a bonsai! I hope I can get one some day ❤️🌱
I've grown alot of cannabis in a bonsai form and it's so relaxing
Now that I live somewhere with normal weather, I want to try bonsai again. I've already learned more from this video than any two books I studied. So here's hoping the carnage of my bonsai tending will not be repeated!
I know absolutely nothing about the art of bonsai trees but your channel always pops up and I love seeing your vdeips
I really enjoy these short videos. Not to say I don't enjoy the long videos I just enjoy these more.
We had one of those big trees with inedible orange berries in front of our house.
Tom and I decided to Bonsai it out and it was so cute.
Little balls of Orange berries
Years ago my dad had a small bonsai tree. It was adorable.
I believe everything feels pain and has purpose
This is amazing
Thank you for caring about the little guys of our planwt