What My Late-in-Life Autism Diagnosis Taught Me about Change | Anna Kutbay | TEDxGeorgetown

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Diagnosed Autistic with ADHD last year at the age of 51. It answers so many questions and explains so many things. 50 years of being undiagnosed has brought a lot of trauma. Unfortunately, popular culture has backlashed against us, saying that its just a trend. It most certainly is not a trend. People just want to invalidate others.

Thank you for speaking out.


Diagnosed yesterday at nearly 54. Part of the lost generation. I feel like so much of my life finally makes sense.


I believe I am Austic and have been for 60 years. Being raised by a Narcissistic parent made it more challenging. I keep being reminded that in elementary school, I was sitting very still in one place while all the other students were running around in circles, not listening to the teacher. I refused to touch certain things (and do that currently). Too much activity makes me shut down. I was forced to attend activities, including college, that would physically make me sick. To get out of the house, I played along. I struggled to keep jobs that had lots of interactions with others. I would think I was understanding what was said, but if the directions weren't very clear and detailed, I misinterpreted the directives. I have been fired from many jobs. I am just looking to make my remaining years livable but can not get past the interview stage


It’s never too late! I was just diagnosed at age 71!


I have anxiety, PTSD & major depressive order. At 24 years, I'm realising that I tick all of the autistic & ADHD boxes 🥺


Thank you so very much for this amazing talk! I was not diagnosed until I was 58! It has been so freeing and I feel like I have a new lease on life.


Makes me feel less alien as someone who is also on the spectrum. Thank you for this presentation. I am also very blown away by how hard it is for women to be diagnosed as compared to men such as myself. It’s great that she is advocating for the lost generation


Right? I want to hear more.

I received my diagnosis at the age of 37. It feels as if this TedTalks was created with me in mind.

"you are not alone. In fact, you have never been closer to becoming the person you were always meant to be."


I was diagnosed a year ago at age 30, with ASD & ADHD.
That “feeling different from the world” is STILL a thing. I’m thankful for videos like this. I need this.


This talk is so incredibly validating. I pulled a similar course-switch, changing first from Computer Science to Physics, then to 'Economics and Politics', and now wanting to leave uni and pursue other things more directly related to what I refer to as the Objective (to increase the freedom and flourishing of all). Talks like these have helped me to finally liberate myself, so I can help others liberate themselves too. Thank you :)


Thank you for this powerful speech! Your words described how I feel about disruptions and the loneliness caused by changes.
I changed my country, I’m struggling with learning a new language, my master degree in one of the top 100 universities doesn’t work in here and lots of things happening… I feel lonely.


Just started the process of getting tested for autism and adhd at 66. Just researching on my own has opened my eyes and so many things makes sense now. Yet another journey… never stop learning!


Wish I could hear more! She’s incredible!


There are very few services for "late diagnosed" autistic adults. My psychotherapy practice is dedicated to serving them via individual and group psychotherapy and case management support. I thought I had done a deep dive into researching and understanding autism before I began seeing newly self- or "officially" diagnosed autistic adults. Nope. I have learned so much more from my clients, particularly when facilitating therapy groups especially for them to share and process their experiences discovering they're autistic and supporting each other with their new insights as they continue to navigate a predominantly allistic world, which I like to describe as being full of "neurotypical static."


diagnosed with ASD now at 34 (female) 🥳 things starting to make sense.


Since 15 I have used self harm, I have wanted to end my life so many times, I even attempted to end my life in 2017. I woke up in the ER from a Seizure. I have had over 60 jobs, I’ve been treated like im supposed to be a “ normal 38 year old.” I have worked with autistic kids and adults, that’s the only job I’ve ever loved. I just can’t handle working with non- autistic people….they don’t understand.


Thank you for giving me a voice and the words.


40 here and diagnosed one month before I turned 40.


Please, please, please, don’t leave those men who mask “like women do” alone! For the same reasons.. please. I am 51…


Anna please help me get a diagnosis, it’s a 2 year waiting list here in California…
