How Oral Tradition Worked During Biblical Times - Darrell Bock

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Darell Bock is known as the historical Jesus analyst and Scholar, Darell has taught in various seminars about the historical Jesus and corroborates this with the Gospel as well.

Here in the lecture, Darell explain how oral tradition works in the biblical times showing how faithfully the words and records of Jesus as found in the Gospel among other is not the telephone game thing.

If you are interested in defending the truth that the Apostles and others witness really knew and understand what they wrote about Jesus, here is an interesting video you for.
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The problem is the oral tradition of early pauline christians was not controlled, islamic oral tradition which is the one Beyley (the missionary) was refering to is very controlled, its memorised in islamic schools. Then it was later compiled by several authors like Hammam bin munnabih, imam malik, ahmed ibn hanbal, bukhari, ibn majah and 30+ others. These oral stories or "hadiths" are controlled every person it passes through is named and documented.

For example person A tells person X Y Z

X ⬅️ A ➡️ Y

X goes on to tell Q who tells an author who then writes it down

So it looks like this:
A ➡️ X ➡️ Q ➡️ Author

Y tells W who tells an author

A ➡️ Y ➡️ W ➡️ author

Z tells L who tells author

A ➡️ Z ➡️ L ➡️ author

So here we can see exactly who X, Y and Z told the story to and also who those people told to. This form is controlled and its not some random game of telephone.

Christians dont have this form of tradition, muslims do.

The christian one was not controlled, it was like a game of telephone but worse, its why diferent kinds of christianities came to be. There was jewish christians who did not believe in paul or jesus divinity, there were pauline christian who believed jesus was god incarnate, there were gnostics some of whom were
Polytheists and believed in a pantheon of gods including jesus. There were some like basilides who did not believe jesus was crucified but that simon was. This is why you have early gospels like the one according to peter which explicitly claims to be written by peter, or non pauline ealy christians who claimed to have been either followers of the disciples or their successors

This is why there were no absurd division in early islam, they had a controlled tradition that was supervised and maintained while also being written down. The only early division between sunnis (orthodox muslims) and shias was 90% political reasons rather than religious.


Is there any specific evidence that this is how the orality of the early church occurred?
