Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) Concepts In Java || by Durga sir

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This tutorial covers complete object oriented programming (oops) concepts in java. It covers the following topics:

### Contents: ####
1.(00:00:00) Java Source File Structure-Introduction
2.(00:24:20 ) Java Source File Structure- Import Statement Introduction
3.(00:44:15) Important Points about Import Statement
4.(00:56:59) Java Source File Structure- Package Statement
5.(01:16:13) Important Points about Package Statement
6.(01:25:36) Class Level Modifiers: public and default
7.(01:43:51) Abstract Method
8.(02:00:00) Abstract class
9.(02:16:58) Abstract class vs Abstract Method
10.(02:32:02) Member Modifiers: public and default
11.(02:49:48) Member Modifiers: protected
12.(03:07:24) Summary of public,protected,default and private modifiers
13.(03:13:11) Interface - Introduction
14.(03:28:31) Interface Declaration and Implementation
15.(03:46:15) Data Hiding
16.(03:55:10) Abstraction
17.(04:11:06) Encapsulation
18.(04:30:18) Tightly Encapsulated Class
19.(04:40:16) Inheritance Introduction
20.(04:55:33) Importance of Inheritance
21.(05:14:47) Types of Inheritance
22.(05:27:47) Multiple Inheritance
23.(05:51:43) Cyclic Inheritance
24.(05:56:33) Method Signature
25.(06:12:50) Overloading Introduction
26.(06:27:30) Method Overloading:Case Study-1
27.(06:39:35) Method Overloading:Case Study-2
28.(06:47:32) Method Overloading:Case Study-3
29.(06:53:29) Method Overloading:Case Study-4
30.(07:02:46) Method Overloading:Case Study-5
31.(07:11:39) Method Overloading:Case Study-6
32.(07:20:24) Method Overriding
33.(07:37:00) Method Overriding Rules Part-1
34.(07:52:11) Method Overriding Rules Part-2
35.(08:06:25) Method Overriding Rules Part-3
36.(08:14:59) Method Overriding Rules Part-4
37.(08:30:54) Method Hiding
38.(08:47:12) Overriding wrt var-arg methods
39.(08:57:15) Overriding wrt variables
40.(09:06:59) Comparison between overloading and overriding
41.(09:15:17) Polymorphism Summary
42.(09:26:55) 3 Pillars of OOPs
43.(09:32:14) 3 Mantras of Object Type Casting
44.(09:56:28) Object Type Casting- Case Study
45.(10:06:29) Internal Things of Object Type Casting
46.(10:18:16) Different Scenarios with Object Type Casting

Next Video: The Complete Story of Java Constructors
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Рекомендации по теме

The moment whenever he says "respond man", I feel like he was in front of me and starts answering. Best teacher ever


A BOY starts LOVE with the word FRIENDSHIP, but GIRL ends LOVE with the same word with FRIENDSHIP. Word is the same but attitude is different. This beautiful concept of OOPs is nothing but Polymorphism. 😂😂😂


"Compiler will give left-and-right" 😂👀😂 echoes in my ears everytime I code.

Even if I'm well-versed with the Java course, I'm still fond of Durga Sir's teaching and in-depth explanation; I'm still rewatching the entire course video to brush up my concepts.


2:30 hours have been passed but I am still willing to go further.... I have 6k paid course from udemy I didn't get that much of clarity that Durga sir provided .. thanks a million sir... Love from West Bengal


Legendary . trainer i have nerver ever saw any such savage guy who teach java in tthis waay . even a 10 times attempt 10th std student can able to understand java if this legend trains him


I learned python from durga sir, got offers from tcs, infosys and accenture. Joined TCS last month, they assigned me java course on their internal platform to learn, leaving that I am learning from Durga sir here on youtube just because I am addicted to the way Durga sir teaches....Much love for you sir. You are a True LEGEND.


Sir is teaching like our childhood teacher teaches us ABCD
We will never forgot ABCD, same way we will never forgot java... The way he teaches us everything gonna fixed in mind....🔥🔥✔️✔️


I haven't found teacher like him ever before in my life. Durga Soft rocks 🔥


1.(00:00:00​) Java Source File Structure-Introduction
2.(00:24:20​ ) Java Source File Structure- Import Statement Introduction
3.(00:44:15​) Important Points about Import Statement
4.(00:56:59​) Java Source File Structure- Package Statement
5.(01:16:13​) Important Points about Package Statement
6.(01:25:36​) Class Level Modifiers: public and default
7.(01:43:51​) Abstract Method
8.(02:00:00​) Abstract class
9.(02:16:58​) Abstract class vs Abstract Method
10.(02:32:02​) Member Modifiers: public and default
11.(02:49:48​) Member Modifiers: protected
12.(03:07:24​) Summary of public, protected, default and private modifiers
13.(03:13:11​) Interface - Introduction
14.(03:28:31​) Interface Declaration and Implementation
15.(03:46:15​) Data Hiding
16.(03:55:10​) Abstraction
17.(04:11:06​) Encapsulation
18.(04:30:18​) Tightly Encapsulated Class
19.(04:40:16​) Inheritance Introduction
20.(04:55:33​) Importance of Inheritance
21.(05:14:47​) Types of Inheritance
22.(05:27:47​) Multiple Inheritance
23.(05:51:43​) Cyclic Inheritance
24.(05:56:33​) Method Signature
25.(06:12:50​) Overloading Introduction
26.(06:27:30​) Method Overloading:Case Study-1
27.(06:39:35​) Method Overloading:Case Study-2
28.(06:47:32​) Method Overloading:Case Study-3
29.(06:53:29​) Method Overloading:Case Study-4
30.(07:02:46​) Method Overloading:Case Study-5
31.(07:11:39​) Method Overloading:Case Study-6
32.(07:20:24​) Method Overriding
33.(07:37:00​) Method Overriding Rules Part-1
34.(07:52:11​) Method Overriding Rules Part-2
35.(08:06:25​) Method Overriding Rules Part-3
36.(08:14:59​) Method Overriding Rules Part-4
37.(08:30:54​) Method Hiding
38.(08:47:12​) Overriding wrt var-arg methods
39.(08:57:15​) Overriding wrt variables
40.(09:06:59​) Comparison between overloading and overriding
41.(09:15:17​) Polymorphism Summary
42.(09:26:55​) 3 Pillars of OOPs
43.(09:32:14​) 3 Mantras of Object Type Casting
44.(09:56:28​) Object Type Casting- Case Study
45.(10:06:29​) Internal Things of Object Type Casting
46.(10:18:16​) Different Scenarios with Object Type Casting


happy teachers Day... with the help of your videos i got placed in MNC...THNK UH SO MUCH SIR


The best ever teaching vedio of Java in YouTube..even non computer science people can become softwares by his teaching


Your way of teaching is Outstanding sir, I watched 3 hrs of video without being bored for a second...."Compiler will give left and right " is hilarious🤣🤣🤣


I had my viva today and they asked me 5 questions. Among 5 questions 4 questions came from this video thank god I watched this before
I understand every concept in this video and you are the best 👍💯 teacher


His absolute hardworking and outstanding job is highly appreciated. I wished we had many of these kind of great and dedicated teachers.
Thank you Mr. Durga!


Best series of OOP tutorials . I have already finished them and I really improved my OOP knowledge . Thanks to Durga . Greetings from Turkey


The compiler will give left and right.

Great lecture...very thorough


I completed total lecture in a day with full of joy... #Lockdown... Awesome lecture..funny... interesting... brainstorming... knowledge sharing...👏👏👌👌


I normally don't write comments, but writing this to appreciate Durga Sir's teaching style. A well explained, detail oriented course on OOP!
I completed only two and a half hours and still needs to go up to 10:33:30, but I have a feeling that I will gain a very solid knowledge on OOP concept from this video.
After completing this video, hopefully my compiler won't give me a lot of "Left and Right" :)


Whenever i hear word java....Durga sir is the first thing comes in my mind 😁😁. You are a legend sir.


you got the best camera man. You Durga created your own CLASS Level . Good job indeed sharing with world.
