Russia 250 Rubles 1917 ( Provisional Government - Swastika ) 250 Рублей - Временное Правительство
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250 рублей 1917 года (выпуск Временного правительства) В сентябре 1917 года в дополнение к 1000-рублёвой купюре выпускается вторая - 250 рублей, на которой также отсутствовали имперские символы. Печать продолжалась и при советском правительстве до выхода кредитных билетов образца 1918 года. Осенью 1922 их обменивали на денежные знаки нового типа. Рисунок выполнен в коричневом, тёмно-зелёном, бежевом, красном и светло-зелёном цветах.Варианты подписей кассиров: Софронов, Федулеев, Овчинников, Я.Метц, И.Гусев, Былинский, Бубякин, Гр.Иванов, Барышев, Богатырев, Афанасьев, Шагин, Чихиржин.При Временном правительстве выпускались серии от АА-001 до АА-018, при советской власти от АА-019 и выше, а также серии АБ, АВ, АГ. Выпуски с перфорацией "ОБРАЗЕЦ" (каждая сторона на отдельном листе) использовались в демонстрационных целях, в обращение не поступали. В настоящее время высоко оцениваются коллекционерами. Встречаются экземпляры с перфорацией в виде аббревиатуры "ГБСО" (Государственный банк Северной области), которая наносилась правительством Северной области в 1919 году. Они попадаются намного реже бон без перфорации, но в большинстве случаев не имеют особой ценности среди коллекционеров.
250 rubles 1917 (issue of the Provisional Government) In September 1917, in addition to the 1000-ruble note, a second one was issued - 250 rubles, which also lacked imperial symbols. Printing continued under the Soviet government until the 1918 model of banknotes were issued. In the fall of 1922, they were exchanged for banknotes of a new type. The drawing is made in brown, dark green, beige, red and light green colors. Variants of signatures of cashiers: Sofronov, Feduleev, Ovchinnikov, Y. Metz, I. Gusev, Bylinsky, Bubyakin, G. Ivanov, Baryshev, Bogatyrev, Afanasyev, Shagin, Chikhirzhin. Under the Provisional Government, series from AA-001 to AA-018 were produced, under Soviet rule from AA-019 and above, as well as series AB, AB, AG. Issues with perforation "SAMPLE" (each side on a separate sheet) were used for demonstration purposes, did not come into circulation. Currently highly valued by collectors. There are examples with perforation in the form of the abbreviation "GBSO" (State Bank of the Northern Region), which was applied by the government of the Northern Region in 1919. They come across much less often bon without perforation, but in most cases they have no special value among collectors.
250 rubles 1917 (issue of the Provisional Government) In September 1917, in addition to the 1000-ruble note, a second one was issued - 250 rubles, which also lacked imperial symbols. Printing continued under the Soviet government until the 1918 model of banknotes were issued. In the fall of 1922, they were exchanged for banknotes of a new type. The drawing is made in brown, dark green, beige, red and light green colors. Variants of signatures of cashiers: Sofronov, Feduleev, Ovchinnikov, Y. Metz, I. Gusev, Bylinsky, Bubyakin, G. Ivanov, Baryshev, Bogatyrev, Afanasyev, Shagin, Chikhirzhin. Under the Provisional Government, series from AA-001 to AA-018 were produced, under Soviet rule from AA-019 and above, as well as series AB, AB, AG. Issues with perforation "SAMPLE" (each side on a separate sheet) were used for demonstration purposes, did not come into circulation. Currently highly valued by collectors. There are examples with perforation in the form of the abbreviation "GBSO" (State Bank of the Northern Region), which was applied by the government of the Northern Region in 1919. They come across much less often bon without perforation, but in most cases they have no special value among collectors.