Decoding Hoi4's Collaboration Governments! Unleash Their Power With La Resistance Dlc 💥

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In this video I will explain to the viewer what a collaboration government is in Hearts of Iron IV. You can set up collaboration governments using two spies after they achieve a 50% or greater intel network. The collaboration government mission can give a country up to 100% compliance which gives the country occupying the country with the set up collabs 99% of the countries resources and factories. If you release the collaboration government as an event and decision this will only give you 75% of the countries resources and factories. Because of this I would never release a collaboration government after it is set up by my spies. If you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe. Cheers!

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The main purpose of collaboration government:

- Surrender Limit: Make the target capitulate faster, useful against large countries like USSR or USA.
- Instant Compliance: You get their factories and resources immediately, plus less garrison required due to high compliance.
- Instant Puppet: In a long war between big factions, having collaboration government in a country means your puppet forms immediately after the original country's capitulation. Also the territory where your collaboration government spawns (not ones given to them after they have been spawned) is considered owned by them and cannot be taken away by others in a peace deal. Plus, you don't need to garrison their territory anymore and if it is large enough you can ask for garrison support from them.
- Remove bad national spirit from some countries you wished to puppet: For example as Japan you can perform collaboration government ops on British Raj and have Japanese India as your puppet without that negative manpower national spirit. The original country must be in a faction for this to work however.


I think it's REALLY important to note that if your country changes ideology and you have already completed collaboration government missions, you will lose some compliance with the country you've done those missions in. For example if unaligned Romania with Carol II as its head does 3 collab gov missions in Greece and capitulates it, but then goes down its facist focusses and boots out Carol in favour of a fascist leader, then they will probably lose 30-40% compliance in those greek territories. It's really easy to be caught out by this as the collab gov info in-game doesn't provide any warnings.


Be careful, that you will get more factories (with the exception of naval yards, unless that works differently) from your puppet, than by yourself. How? You get 75% of factories from collaboration puppets, while you get almost 100% factories with 100% collab, but! on a non-core state you have a -50% building slot modifier (you can get +100% from the techs so instead of 200% overall, it will be 150% or 75% of the overall at the end).


I know this is an old video but i wonder one thing. If a have the By Blood Alone DLC with the option to get resources rights and a certain % of the civs in the peace deal, the colab government operation is still worth it ???


Mate, you make AMAZING videos. Idk why is your channel is so small! You are legit one of my favorite content creators on youtube starting today! Too bad im ultra poor and cannot help you in any monetary ways but keep it up! Also maybe you should look a guy called Ludi et Historia, he makes EU4 videos, i think you could learn a bit from his style to grow your channel a bit, but definitely i love your videos!


If you release a country as a collab you automatically get them after the war so Italy can’t take any territory also do collaboration governments makes them capitulate faster (good for Russia)


1)if both I and the collaborationists have cores on a province, who will get it?
2)if I switch to democracy, what will happen to them?


Last week I got this dlc, no step back, and by blood alone. I tried a lot of stuff with the spy's researched all the spy tech. Did some missions, set up spy networks. But I was never able to find the collaboration mission. Am I blind or is there something specific I have to do?


As Germany, i always do 3 times on France for their factories and at least 2 times on Romania for their oil. İts awesome.


Anyone know if the released collabs states count as “control” towards focus still?


Nice guide overall, but there are some things that still makes me wonder. So I was playing as the soviet union and wanted to do a global communist run with Stalin. The idea is that I was going to go after Britain, France and the USA after I dealt with the German invasion. Since you get half of Poland from the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact anyway I thought to myself: hey let's make a collaboration government so I'd have high compliance when I get those territories. I finished the third operation quite early in the game (around the 1937 or at the beggining of 1938). To my surprise though, when Germany honoured the pact and gave me half of Poland I found all compliance to be 0. So this raised me two important questions.

1. Is there a time limit to the compliance boost from the form government operation? Say I finish 3 operations to form a collaboration government in Uruguay as Brazil around 1937 and invade them only in 1940, will compliance in the conquered state still be 100%?

2. Does this operation work with states gained through events (Germany claiming Memel, the Soviets demanding Karjala or even the case I had mentioned)?


collaboration govs do not share their naval dockyards which is a huge downside imo.


Hi, why am I not getting the capitulation bonuses when I use spies for colab governments?
I'm playing as Romania and had 100% colab with the soviets (45% when they attacked me). But I can't seem to defeat them because they move their capital east and it's a barren wasteland.
The game says that at 100% colab the AI capitulates at 50% victory points and not 20%. Is it because I called Germany into the war? Any help would be appreciated.


So according to the wiki formula if you get 100% compliance it's 90% factories but at 80% it's 77% factories. Which as far as i can tell from this video the wiki is just wrong because your screen shows 99% factories and resources.


My biggest problem lately with collab’s in Poland is, a civil war starts and my collab sides with the populist/communist side. Don’t know if that’s just chance but it’s a bummer when it happens since I’ve seen them join Comintern on me


Should play a game without hardcore mode and then go through the end result of each choice.

Also, what about the Collab government with Vichy France?
