Triple H takes a shot at Becky Lynch’s Lemonade Tweet #wwe #shorts #fyp #explore

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I doubt he'd have put up with not being on wrestlemania.


I agree with Triple H. WWE has so much talent and to keep their shows fresh (and not 15 hours long), you can’t have your main event people on all the time. If you don’t like it: leave, go wrestle somewhere else and come back when have a spot available.


Her and Seth need to learn to pull one power move at a time.


This is great he’s basically telling everybody to STFU about who’s getting booked


To think her out of all people is throwing shade for not being booked. She was literally one of the two women that main evented Wrestlemania for the first time.


The biggest problem with wrestling fans nowadays is that they seem to be confused Abt whether they want to be good fans and want consistency in the characters that are pushed, or whether they want to run the company like all life is a video game and what they say matters. And this indecision is at the heart of all indifference towards talent rightfully demanding a spot at wanting to stay at the top, especially if they: aren't injured, have no disciplinary issues, no wellness violations, no decline in performance, and are still over with the fans.


She has been very lucky this far to have had the success that she has had. She isn't good enough to be at the top permanently by default.


Triple H is the smartest Wrestler of all time love this guy🐐


Booker T said it best in an interview or pdcast i seen him in, and thats that as a wwe wrestler the most important thing to have is patience. If you are good at your jib and can electrify the crowd and sell the moves properly you will get your time in the sun, but nobody remains in the sun forever and you need to be able to accept that and wait for your turn again.


Proceeds to let them have an instant classic cagatch with as much time as they wanted in the next PPV and a really damn good RAW mainevent the week before.


remember guys back in the day booking was very different if u were lucky to get a 5 min match you would take it. this is was he’s saying, and if you don’t like well there’s the door go join tna or some other program best of luck to you.


Becky looks 120% different without all the make up


Basically, he's saying WWE is not about one person, its a team effort and everyone needs to have their opportunity in the company whether it be a story line, PPV, or TV time.


I get it considering it was becky and trish and becky being 1 of their biggest stars had to be embarrassing for her being left off SummerSlam but in triple h defense the feud wasnt that good and he let them open the next ppv with a possibe match of the year canidate and it was rondas last match so they couldn't cut that 1 and im a huge becky fan but i think it was better to have a 20 min cage match over a 5 min blowoff that match made payback and was by far the best on the card


Y'all got rid of my boy Manny and HIS boy Mace. Fiendish Triple H, you done fucked up, now!


You give her a stone cold run then push her back like she doesn't work there is weird. That stone cold shit was already cringe because giving her the Steve Austin theme made cheap stone cold and it's coming from a person who is watching her since her learning wrestling from fin balor days. They did run away from that and give her the men charector that was good loved it then heel turn was also fun but kinda boring in some parts but now she just doesn't exist on tv shit is just why? Like you have her in your company who still has 10years left in her and she sitting at home making lemonades like what..


Becky feels like she isn’t given enough opportunity? I wonder what the other women in the locker room think about Becky not getting enough opportunities


Becky HAD her time in thr spotlight for years. Main evented WrestleMania 4 years ago, and still believes she's owed the top spot still? No. That's not how it works and she can ask Sasha Banks what happened when she tried the same shit.


Becky complained and now is wrestling on nxt next week


Becky's been outclassed by at least a half dozen women in the ring now. She's lucky she's still in the produce aisle.
