Python 3 Basics # 3.1 | Receiving input in python | Python Type Conversion | Python input function

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Python 3 Basics # 3.1 | Receiving input in python | Python Type Conversion | Python input function

Python Basics - Session # 9

Topic to be covered -
1. Receiving inputs in Python
2. Type conversion

The input() method reads a line from input, converts into a string and returns it.
The syntax of input() method is: input([prompt])

input() Parameters
The input() method takes a single optional argument:
prompt (Optional) - a string that is written to standard output (usually screen) without trailing newline

The process of converting the value of one data type (integer, string, float, etc.) to another data type is called type conversion. Python has two types of type conversion.

Implicit Type Conversion and Explicit Type Conversion

Code Starts Here

name = input('enter your name : ')
favourite_food = input('enter your favourite food : ')
print(name + ' loves ' + favourite_food)

account_balance = 50000

salary = input('enter the salary credited : ')
final_balace = account_balance + int(salary)
print('Final amount in the account :',final_balace)

celcius to farenheit conversion

temp_in_celcius = int(input('enter the temp in celcius : '))
print('Temperature entered in celcius is :', temp_in_celcius)

C/5 = (F-32)/9

F = 9 * C/5 + 32

temp_in_farenhiet = 9 * temp_in_celcius/5 + 32

print('temp in farenheit is :', temp_in_farenhiet)

All the playlist of this youtube channel

1. Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning

2. Confusion Matrix in Machine Learning, ML, AI

3. Anaconda, Python Installation, Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, PyCharm, Graphviz

4. Cross Validation, Sampling, train test split in Machine Learning

5. Drop and Delete Operations in Python Pandas

6. Matrices and Vectors with python

7. Detect Outliers in Machine Learning

8. TimeSeries preprocessing in Machine Learning

9. Handling Missing Values in Machine Learning

10. Dummy Encoding Encoding in Machine Learning

11. Data Visualisation with Python, Seaborn, Matplotlib

12. Feature Scaling in Machine Learning

13. Python 3 basics for Beginner

14. Statistics with Python

15. Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning

16. Sklearn Scikit Learn Machine Learning

17. Linear Regression, Supervised Machine Learning

18 Interview Questions on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python Pandas and Python Basics

19. Jupyter Notebook Operations
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