What will the post-pandemic future look like for Singapore?

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New post covid world: people will bow to each other instead of handshake, hazmat suits is the fashion and rage, and copulation involves using tubes dangling out from the suit. 😂


Is this really a responsible statement? He basically told many companies in hospitality, event management, aerospace, night life, etc. "give up and go bankrupt".


the government is honest. they are not trying to sell a glorious story, they tell you what they don't know. they tell you straight. that is the most important thing.


Simpler answer 1 sec : i have no clue at all. Next question please.


I love his honesty n love to hear him speak lawrence lim my fav pap mp


Can CNA consider releasing the full video?


Wow 4 to five years i will be a kite by then


New norm... more work less pay cos company cutting cost


Finally someone from high up admitted that they had made some mistakes.


Let's watch this video's before thinking about vaccines... I was shocked, that's made me think hey are those vaccines really helps.. too many unknowns unable to answers..
Are we gonna be the rat's? After took the vaccines isn't really protecting you from getting the virus, so what's for? Beside too much side effects could have affecting us in the long runs that's untold...


SARS went away on it's own. Surely it will pass. Who knows when


We should have pandemic drills to prepare for future pandemics.


Lawrence Wong paints a really pessimistic view of the near future and I think would increase pandemic fatigue as we don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. How about striving for bringing us back to what we had before? The world has gone through pandemics before and society reverts over time. Bring up the mood! Tell us we will get there as long as we work hard!


This pandemic will take 10 years to recover back to normal. Because of vacation and back to normal .


Mr gan say singaporean cant travel but they allowed imported personel to be here👏👏


I believe the world will have a surprisingly rapid recovery. I believe in the ingenuity, the resilience and most of all, the basic tendency of the Human race to secure its own survival, although with the inevitable pinch of selfishness. While I am apprehensive about the poorer countries not getting help till later in the day, I think the success of dedicated population-wide vaccination policies in stemming the outbreak, such as in Israel now, will positively soon convert all the unwilling, undecided and hesitant. However, post COVID, there needs be changes . We have a good government and our ministers a Godsend; always looking out, preparing and taking precautions, looking ahead. We are blessed also with a population that knows the virtues of tolerance, making do with what we are blessed to have in hand, and patience to wait orderly for a better day that surely will come: That is why we have had such a peaceful experience in a world that is actually undergoing a World War of sorts. Cheer up, the COVID pandemic is winding down, each successful vaccination [ and there will come a time when more vaccinations than infections will be recorded per day ] means one less infection. America has a new President who is reversing the mistakes of the past many years, including the neglect of its own citizen's needs as well as the abandoning of old friends and compatriots as well as the norms and basis for good relations with other countries. China's posture has been wise, measured and restrained. How China resolves Taiwan and Hong Kong will be the thing to watch. Will there be a stock market correction, will hostilities break out in the Persian gulf. Haha! Welcome back to the Earth we are familiar with. I only HOPE that the Human race will set up a permanent record of how the countries of the world used their ingenuity to overcome this blight in our timeline. It is crucial lessons be not forgotten. I HOPE the world can set up a permanent framework to address not only Pandemics but Catastrophes of an intercontinental scale: what we learnt from this precious lessons is that we are woefully and inadequately prepared for Disasters and looming threats to world in terms of Health and Disease, Food and Water resources, Energy production and Pollution, Governance and Social Cohesion. Singapore eased the burden on many, if not most, of its citizens with the generous and unprecedented scale of financial support to individuals and companies. These should have been afforded to the whole world --- what is wrong with our sense of money .... ?


Wow he basically says we will be locked down in Singapore at least 1 more year.


It will like the after effect of BARKING at the wrong tree right from day one !. Spell comatose for the whole world !.


Gan Kim Yong, quite disappointing in this answer to the question, what do you mean by you are sure the next pandemic will arrive before covid's cleared off, the last time we had a global pandemic like this was probable 1918 when the spanish flu was raging. 5-10 years before we see a recovery and before the world can go back to pre-covid, not a 100 percent but close. CNA should really ask when can Singapore progress to the next stage with increasing capacity to venues and opening up nightclubs rather than trying so hard to promote tourism and getting tourist in. 1-1.5 years staying in stage 3 is outrageous and doesn't make sense at all...


Not a good time to be Health Minister...
