Discrimination and Violence Against Asian Americans

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TW: @HouseJudiciary | FB: HouseJudDems | IG: HouseJudDems | M: /HouseJudiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties | Discrimination and Violence Against Asian Americans EventID=111343
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Listened. I cannot understand why Mr. Roy was trying to find excuse for hate crime against Chinese American. Disappointed that person like him was elected to the Congress in a democratic society.


I hope this video picks up views and communities will get together to fight the common enemy. Scraps of resources are thrown to the minority groups and the higher up sits back, laugh, and pat themselves on their back while they watch the groups fight and blame each other for the lack of resource availability (doing their dirty works).


Shame on those who dislikes this video


2:10:10 listen to Jamie's rant. Spot on. Language matters in so far as the the language causes a chain reaction of results. Even if you did not intend those results, the simplest thing you can do is to make sure you do not cause a bunch of negative externalities on your own people.


Those giving dislikes.. is there any reason or just prejudice?


By the way the proper way to state your America plain as this if not you say American Asian or American Hispanic not what this guy said. Wow this people aren't very informative. Sad


I'm against racism, PERIOD. This is awful. Racism against Asian Americans, African Americans, European Americans, all racism is wrong. I'm concerned however, that I have never seen an Asian American stand up for the mistreatment of African Americans. I've seen many whites and blacks, (European & African Americans), marching together and protesting racism together. I may be misinformed. But I don't remember ever seeing or hearing about an Asian supporting African Americans who have been objects of hate, discrimination, and injustice. 🤔 Sometimes people understand mistreatment better, after they go through it themselves. 🤔 May God be with us all 🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏


1:39:00 -- DDK's 5 minutes was powerful. just facts.


I went through the entire thing & timestamped portions that I thought were relevant & pertinent. There were many moments left out so please take my master list for what it is: one person's views. I hope this helps for those who won't have the time or patience to sit through the whole thing.

1) 1:39:58 DDK gives a short 5min, simple, factual summary of the situation. (to the best of my knowledge)
No mention of trump, no mention of rhetoric. Even though we all know how these things are linked, DDK is aware enough to understand that the mere mention of these these points will close the ears of a huge % of people listening.

2) 1:51:50 really interesting testimony from the congressional hearing by looking at the relationship between the role of law & shaping attitudes from "us" and "them". keep in mind what has happened to muslims in US/UK post 9/11. at worst, it is active discrimination, at best the laws and careless language's externality = crimes against specific people.

3) 0:7:38 kind of wild that the first speaker, Chip Roy, gives the most asinine opening statement basically trying to turn a hearing about racial violence into a conversation about the policing of free speech & rants about China being the enemy for 5 minutes, whilst using support against Asian exclusion from ivy league universities as a smoke screen for his remarks. and uses a "texas quote" about lynching. i'm shocked these guys make it through school into positions of power. what a joke of a man.

2:01:12 Ted Lieu's reply to him was pretty great.

4) 2:10:03 Jamie Raskin on the use of "free speech" as a distraction. And the links between words and words&action Great little rant with a hint of hyperbole. Don't get distracted. Listen to the crux of his message and not just strawman.

5) 2:57:14 Tom McClintock cites Asians Americans are 4th on the hate crimes numbers (inferring that it's not that bad?) and that they have the highest median income asking if there is racism towards asians, how can they be doing so well? Then he quotes Shakespeare... why? that quote made no sense. It sounded like you just wanted to quote Shakespeare.

there were 3 hours of speakers explaining these points & you could take an average intelligence 15 year old to explain what (not) mutually exclusive means to him. Like... If you're rich then there's no racism? how does 70 year olds set on fire affects the income statistics of 2019 how exactly? The absolute irony in all of this is his own Republican party is trying to push the notion of Ivy's discriminating against Asians into the forefront during this hearing. The whole thing is a giant contradiction.

He then goes to yield his time to an Asian American and calls him Dr. Fa to which Fa comically replies after a short pause as he didn't realize who Tom was referring to: "Oh errr... it's Mr. Fa, I don't have my doctorate". Because all Asians are Dr. Comical stuff. That made me lol.

6) 3:05:53 9/11 & impacts on those muslim, arab & south asian communities & links to today.
Prof. Sinnar:
"what happened after 9/11 was the government undertook a number of dragnet immigration programs that treated entire communities as threats so hundreds of immigrants were detained on the basis of their race and ethnicity without individual basis for suspicion, 25 muslim countries and their citizens were subject to special registration, fingerprinting, and interrogation. All of this send the message that muslim, arab & south asian communities were disloyal and threatening.
the lesson here is that in times of geopolitical tension and security fears, it is especially important for the government to avoid stigmatizing entire communities because it does lead to great violence and discrimination both in the public sphere and government policy"


Daniel Dae Kim's speech should go down in history as one of the most powerful speeches on behalf of the AAPI community. Just WOW.


You should have a committee on why people hate politicians. But you already know, they are worthless and we really need to have term limits.


Such a dog and pony show, especially with these play actors with their mask on.


We are the home of the BRAVE home of the free. Wearing face covering it shows sign of weakness so this is completely against our country and our values of who we are.
