Best LONG Stephen King Books

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In my last King video, I talked about King’s best short books. But what about his best LONG books? Watch and find out! What are YOUR favorite King Tomes? Comment down below!

Best SHORT Stephen King Books: Best SHORT Stephen King Books

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I agree with you about Duma Key! Absolutely loved that book!


Reason why it is so cool is because of its story its idea is just so cool .


I didn't read most of those long books, thanks for your opinions... Great shirt by the way 👊


Based on that Night Surf story I'm not terribly interested in the Stand... I loved Under the Dome but yeah the ending definitely didn't hold up to the rest of it. Needful Things sounds wonderful! Glad to know it's more consistent than his other chonkers. Gotta read Duma Key too.


IT was my first Stephen King book, then i read 11.22.63 and now I'm starting the dark tower (skipping the extra ones which I'll read after i complete the series and then reread to get the references.. I'm too impatient to read 20+ books ;-;)
... IT is still my fav one by far (even though i haven't read much of his works)


The Stand is ridiculously long. I just couldn’t get into it. I was like 400 pages into it, and I was done. I just watched the mini series (the Gary Sinise mini series), and It was okay.


Needful things is so great but underrated 💯🙂


I think I need to go back to Under the Dome. I may have unintentionally DNF back in 2010... even though the ending is considered terrible by many, I'm dying to know what they do about this damn dome.
As far as IT and Stand goes, I can see why you'd think they need edited down. But to this day, they remain my favorite SK books (with Pet Semetary and 11/22/63). My only complaint with IT is how long the ending took. I wasn't bothered by the "scene" that everyone complained about. It's just that the final showdown took forever, and THAT is what I would have loved to seen edited down.


The wastelands and wizard and glass are my favorite reads from king 😃 I did enjoy the dark tower including the ending


I loved Insomnia, which I think is long but not tedious to get through, because of the dark tower connections and it taking place in Derry, Maine.


Okay, completely agree with you regarding The Stand, but I am basic and have 11/22/63 in my top 5 King. 😂


I love seeing you talk about some long King books that you love! Normally you talk about how you aren't a huge fan of them but it's awesome to see you talk positively about them. I love The Stand, 11.22.63 and It, but I also love Desperation and Needful Things. I finished The Regulators the other day and I'm sorry but it was too stupid. Spoiler below.

When a really intense and violent book relies heavily on literal shit in it's ending, just, what? Maybe I'll like it better in retrospect but after just coming off Desperation it was just too dumb, and I love dumb stories.


Opinions do alter from person to person. For me, 11/22/63 is easily the best King book this side of the year 2000. The world would be a boring place if we all thought the same thing. Under the dome is actually longer than 11/22/63. 275, 000 Vrs 330, 000 for UTD. IT is 440, 000 and the Stand 500, 000.


Needful things is absolutely amazing!!! Great pacing, great characters, great ending … It’s a big book but it reads very quickly.. I also want ro reread it soon.
When it comes to IT I have to say that I agree that it is a masterpiece.. maybe it is too long but when I finished it I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to spend more time with those amazing characters


Observation based on Revival:
When we are filled with understanding, we'll know, presence in heaven with God, is where we want to be. Exercising disobedience robs us of His blessings. Obedience causes God to step forward in our life. Disobedience makes him step back to let us have our way. Don't miss your blessings


Lol 😂 I love most of the ones you didn’t like


The only unpopular opinion that I have with his novels, is with It. I've read it three times, and never enjoyed it at all. I really really wanted to enjoy it, but it ended up feeling rambling and uninteresting to me. It also never scared me, unlike some of his other "monster book/short story" stuff.

*I did really like Insomnia, though. That's probably my perspersonal favorite, of his longer format books.


I always think IT couldve been shorter and then i try to think of what i would remove from the book snd cant think of nothing, exept THAT scene….


Ok I thought I was clicking on a video from the bookish triangle player not the bookish drummer my bad I’ll see myself out


Love the stand even though I enjoyed 11/22/63 it's not a favorite of mine
Just started reading desperation
Under the dome is really great except the ending
