Brit HaDasha New Testament Bible Study: Luke 3-4

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Today on the Bear Independent show we're reading Luke 3 and 4 from a Hebrew Roots whole Bible Torah perspective.

This topic is quintessential to preparedness for all doomsday preppers, homesteaders survivalist, militia, minuteman, city prepping, rural prepper, normal people, or urban prepper looking to prepare for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI or natural disaster. Whether your own personal SHTF is the 2020 elections, economic collapse, civil unrest, martial law, food crisis, civil war, food shortage, EMP or CME, black swan event, or whatever, a prepper needs to be prepared for this topic.

Regardless if you’re a Viking Preparedness prepper, Canadian Prepper, into city prepping, or just normal people, you need to be ready for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI which is why we’re discussing this topic today. Common prepper concerns are bug out bag, bugging out in general, food storage, security, commo, emergency preparedness, homesteading, budget, gardening, bushcrafting, end times, torah, get home bag, survival, EDC, and all the things we discuss at this channel.

Subscribe for weekly Brit Hadasha (New Testament) and No Roots No Fruit Torah Study (Old Testament) Shabbat bible readings, updates on SHTF TEOTWAWKI WROL Survival Tips, Homestead Updates, Tribal Leadership, Gear Reviews, Gardening Tips, Real World Experience and a complete lack of third-party advertising and hypothetical BS!

We believe at this channel that Yeshua is Messiah, that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed of YHWH. We teach and preach the prophets and the Torah of YHWH as given to Moshe (Moses) and retaught by Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is our doctrinal foundation as Torah Observant Christians that we should keep the Torah to the best of broken ability, and not abuse the Grace of the atoning sacrifice of our Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ; and that we become one with YHWH The Father through the Son, Yeshua Messiah. We are not militant Hebrew Israelites who have corrupted the words of YHWH The Father to suit their racial and political ideologies; we are whole bible believers who keep The Way as taught by Yeshua Messiah, the Torah of YHWH The Father.

These same teachings are reinforced by other channels here on YouTube, including Pastor Joe Fox and Shofar Mountain/Viking Preparedness, Zach Bauer at New2Torah, Paul Nison at Torah Life Ministries, 119 Ministries, Rob Skiba, and Monte Judah at Lion and Lamb Ministries. The awakening of The Way and the Torah is happening this very moment at YHWH The Father calls His people back to Him.


I am very encouraged by your teaching. Thank you for teaching the true word.


Pastor Bear, thank you for another great video.


Great Reading brother. Bless you and your Family


Good Morning Bear! God bless this message to all ears who hear. Thank you for sharing once again. God is Good and He is King!


Good morning T. God bless. You are a good man.


Shabbat Shalom! I got a week behind. All good I look forward to Luke two days this weekend. Thank you Brother T! God Bless you for all you do.


Good Morning from Australia! I listened to this video while driving back from Canberra to Sydney during a thunderstorm. It cleared my mind from the rubbish of a long day doing the corporate grind. Thanks for sharing the Good Word Brother Bear!


Jesus Christ is King HALLELUJAH! God bless you brother


I love your energy and your grace in teaching. I pray that I can attain the gentleness that you show backed up by firmness in belief. I haven’t been in the Word for very long after coming back from a long time under Scientism. I get so very frustrated with people who can’t see the truth and either blank out with a fluoride stare or erupt into a seething rage for questioning their minister or even calling them out as liars. I’m not a very gentle type of person and have always had a very blunt tongue. Thanks for sharing these Brother! It’s a relief to find real strong male role models that we lack so very much in my millennial generation.


Not really the same bible I was raised on, but I love it🖒 keep your faith strong my brother✊


Thank you for the bible studies man I admit I don't hit it hard enough much helps me


Torah, Brit HaDasha teaching and guns not to love about this channel. Keep it up my brother.


Awesome brother, me and my family been worshipping in Saturday since 2011. ashereth hadebarijm=ten the words is jesus christ in the flesh that is also eternal life, if you love me keep my commandments.


Hey brother, great read. You're rocking that Nazarite hair style! Hope this round is going well.


Hey my Shalomi homie I used to go by the moniker ninjaman. God you and yours my brother.


Can you make audio tracks of these bible studies for in the car listening?


At around twenty six and thirty one, yes and Yes! I absolutely agree, and appreciate a good underestimation now and then ♡


In beginning be the words and the words be toward the elohijm and the words be elohijm. And the words generate flesh and tent in us; just something to think about brother.


Man haters gonna hate I didn't realize there will be haters here 😠 I guess there every we're word is good


8:36 until around 10:04
...just fast forward.
I am not sorry for saying...
[ Unless genealogy is your thing
;) ♡♡♡ ]
*edit: grammar
