His point is that as human beings, we all have a hierarchy of values that we use to make sense of the world. If we didn’t prioritize what is truly important then we live life in a painfully confused mode. And the values that are of utmost importance are religious: faith, family, friendship, etc. These are the values that give life genuine meaning, fulfillment, and hope. Compare that to the values that are not as important, but society tends to idolize: money, power, status, etc.
God is who we use to make sense of the world. He sets the standard for what is the highest possible good that we should strive for. In other words, God is the spirit we must emulate in order to thrive.
This is my understanding of this clip. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
I feel like this is an argument against Atheism but I genuinely cant find it.
Things are only important if I decide to give them importance.
to believe in god is not a religion domain, its a respect of what you see and about what u cant see
We as a species are so focused on labeling people with words rather than speaking the truth, it's a shame... If you engage with the lost, you entangle your brains frequencies with ignorance and you lose.. it's like a wave in the ocean, colliding with opposing waves and believe it or not afterwards your wave has been manipulated.... Be a tsunami in mind, don't allow any other wave to deflect yours.... Consume the waves that are in your path do not collide, consume! We are all heading in one direction and that direction is death, why waste your precious time on ignorance?
Its simple. Your god is what or who you serve, religiously. As in habitually. With passion.
my cousin was an agnostic almost same thing he was talking to me about all the books he was reading proving there was no god he told me if i was brought up knowing god i would believe now i talk to everybody in such a way is to keep the communication whatever they say whether it true or not true l now say to them you are absolutely right according to what you know you might need more information do you think that it is good to get enough information to make an intelligent decision now i found out if you do this the person does not get on the defensive one of the
main ingredients to keep the communication going at the same time you are teaching them how to keep the communication going and also teaching them respect also teaching them about listening if you listen to them you are teaching them to listen you are preparing the ground for them to receive the seed that you are going to give them which is the information for them to make an intelligent decision so now they are an emty container if the container could talk i can now be what i need to be iam full ready to be released to be what i need to be that is the information they need to make an intelligent decision you both will leave with a good feeling which then makes you want to get back together again this is what happened with my cousin who accepted jesus christ as his personal savior
People, please just watch the full series if youre going to argue about the fact that youtube shorts are confusing. What he is trying to say is that the word "god", the very word itself in the first place, denotes whatsoever one finds to be of highest importance in their perception, at a subconscious level. For example, many people view women as highly important, since they bear our children, and so many people who say they arent religious are actually some odd pseudo-believers of some kind of goddess of femininity. Hence, feminism. Or saying you dont believe in a god of play, when video games are so commonplace nowadays. And yes, these are more like concepts than what people think of by the word "god", but the point, if you actually watch the full thing and not just a short, is that religion IS a process of taking thise concepts of higher importance and placing a sentient spirit as in control of them, so as to better conceptualize it. And indeed, one has to admit that imagining the world as sentient does help conceptualize many things about it. So its just one method of thinking about things, it has nothing to do with belief. It doesnt matter if there really is a goddess of chaos or not out there, imagining that there is helps one understand chaos as a principle, by attributing to it the characteristics of a person, namely that people are multifaceted, complex, and everchanging.
Agreed bro but how does this lead to believing that some magical carpenter who lived in Judea 2000 years ago was god
😂ok for the first time I'm seeing Jordan Peterson laugh
I didn't know Jenna Jameson and Jenna McCarthy were religious when I was a teen
Does Anyone have the link to the full conversation?
From only this short ass clip, I can infer that his definition of religion is "the highest, the most profound, the utmost important experience that one values in their life".
So in case of me, my religion would be family, my girlfriend, my wife. Is my relationship with her a religion? Maybe, quite likely. But who's God in "this religion". Certainly I'll never consider my girlfriend to be anything more than a flawed human being like I am. Can a godless religion exist?
Fair enough but then at some point we start talking past each other.
You have a religious sensibility, or you don’t. If you don’t, don’t spend a lot of time quibbling if nothing turns on the religiosity of another. Let them have their profoundly valued things.
This simple respect would save so many arguments, but people like to argue…
this guy is really good at going wayyyy off topic as quickly as possible and then compounding the irrelevance over and voer with obviously true one-liners that only apply if the goal is to be as vague and off-topic as possible...and that kind of tactic will surely appeal to the kinds of people that latch on to platitudes before understanding complex and nuanced issues... this is petersons method..
"are there greater and lesser things"
"youre going to orient yourself to the most important things"
ummm, no. not always. why would you assume people always do that? whats the point of claiming that? what does that have to do with atheism?
"clearly there is a rank order of importance"
..so what?
"otherwise its a chaotic mess"
..what is a chaotic mess? why? how did you conlude that? what does this mess look like>? can you describe it? why does it matter anyway? what does it have to do with anything else youre claiming?
"they are the most profound"
...how do you know that? why do you assume that people rank the most profound things the most important things to them? again, what does this have to do with anything???
"those are the religious things. its a matter of definition"
WHAT is a matter of definition? definition of what? what is the definition????
"its not a matter of belief, its a matter of exoperience"
what is this guy even blabbering about at this point??
beauty is a matter of definiton not an argument??
this is all meandering nonsense, disguised in articulate presentatoin designed to sound deep as long as you dont think about it too deeply....
His lines aboutwhat people do, only apply to SOME people... this is what alot of his fans fail to realize...he has a problem delving deep into any topic
he is trying to discuss
I don't get this one. He seems to play the slippery influencer when it comes to religion.. Sometimes he seems on board with the evangelical people, other times he sounds like he might be an atheist himself. He wraps it all in "deep" and academic lingo that is impressive, yet sometimes obscure, contemplative yet confusing. (His ardent fan base, who consider him a celebrity, won't admit they don't always understand what he expounds upon as they are egotistically attached to being great intellectuals and deep thinkers.) I enjoy him, but I don't buy everything he's selling. What i am sure of is that he has someone analyzing the demographics of who watches his videos, attends his live presentations, and buys his books.
You can argue about definition. I'd argue in favour of a dictionary definition.
Funny, I decided not to respond to this after feeling intimidated reading many of these replies. Then Jim Gaffigan came up next with “ they are coming for all us dummies “. Being scared he’ll come off stupid if he keeps talking.
Personally, I’ll keep saying my prayers to God, just in case as someone once said 😊If I sound like a dummy, don’t care.
I like Jordan Peterson, but I don't understand the point of this
The point he's making is everybody worships something above all else, that they use to orient there actions. Whether it's maximizing money, time with friends, building a better life for family, etc... Christians put God at the highest place and in doing so they accept the rules God put place in the Bible. Ex: following commandments of willing the good of the other (loving your neighbors), avoiding sin and practicing acts of virtue. This creates an ideal way to live and orient a life. Atheists rarely think about how they should act in the grand scheme of things and that's what religion provides that science doesn't.