Song of the Unborn Child | Pro-Life Inspirational Music

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How is life defined by science?
There are 7 things that determine whether or not something is living or non-
living. It is on this basis we make our determination. In the case of the
unborn, if they are fully human from conception to birth, we can assign
moral worth and determine whether or not they deserve legal protection
under the law. Here are the 7 scientific criteria that defines life:
Order, Growth, Response to Environment, Uses Energy, Evolution,
Regulation, and Reproduction.
Let’s look at each one:
ORDER: Cells are the simplest unit of life and order. A fetus is composed
of a vast array of living cells. From the moment of conception, the baby
contains all the genetic DNA coding, so ordered to produce a fully
developed human being. The extremely complex DNA chain, present at the
moment of conception, exhibits extraordinary design and orderly processes
of growth and function leading to a fully developed human being, if the
process is not interrupted.
• The fetus demonstrates ORDER
GROWTH: The second factor defining life is growth. Is it growing? The
information contained in the baby’s DNA is clear and exact, facilitating
growth and maturity of all body parts and functions. This genetic
information is clear and exact. Everything necessary for the embryo to grow
into a fully developed human being is present, if only it is allowed to grow.
• A fetus is GROWING
RESPONDS to Its ENVIRONMENT: Scientifically, at no point in that
development is the fetus not fully human. Does an embryo RESPOND to
stimuli in its environment? According to the Journal of Child Health, at Day
6-10 an embryo will implant itself into the wall of the uterus. It will
RESPOND to touch in 8 weeks. It will RESPOND to sound in 16 weeks
according to the National Library of Medicine.
USES ENERGY: Another factor used to define a living organism is that it
eats. And in the case of a fetus, it eats what a mother provides. An embryo
obtains energy from its mother and uses it for growth. It gets the
nourishment from the mother through the umbilical cord.
EVOLUTION: The biological definition of evolution is a change in genes
or DNA over time. It is also known as recombination. The genetic code of
the father combined with the genetic code of the mother creates in the
embryo a different DNA combination than either parent. So the combining
of sperm and egg creates a new being with a new DNA code which has, by
definition above, evolved.
• A fetus is EVOLVING
REGULATION: To be a living thing you must have the ability to regulate
biological functions of the body. For example, does a fetus regulate body
temperature? Yes. Does a fetus regulate blood pressure? Yes. Does a
fetus regulate brain temperature? Yes. The brain temperature will remain
constant even if the umbilical cord is obstructed, at least for a while.
REPRODUCTION: Does the fetus have the ability to reproduce so that
generational life will continue? Yes. Each embryo has contained within its
genetic code, at conception, either an XX or an XY chromosome. An XX
chromosome designates one to be female”. An XY designates one to be
“male”. There are no other options. Male or female; that’s it!
• A fetus is equipped to REPRODUCE
Now looking at this evidence you must establish for yourself what is real
and what is unreal, what is fact and what is fiction, what is political and
what is science. If an embryo/ fetus meets all 7 criteria, which it does, then
it is a living human being from conception. We can scientifically conclude
that the unborn child, indeed, has moral worth and deserves the full
protection of the Constitution of the United States. And any objection to this
fact would usher in the Principle of Objective Evidence.
The Principle of Objective Evidence states that if a definition is valid, it
ought to have supporting evidence that would allow other people of
reasonable intelligence to verify it.
One such evidence is the work of Dr. Jerome LeJeune, the internationally
recognized French geneticist. After a lifetime of study and research on the
matter, he stated that the full human genetic code is present in the human
embryo from the moment of sperm/egg fusion. And not just a human DNA
code but a distinct, individual, unrepeatable, unique DNA code, exclusive to
that individual child. Things like blue eyes or brown, brown hair or blonde,
type O blood or A positive, left- handed or right, all present at conception.
Dr. LeJeune writes, “To accept the fact that, after fertilization has taken
place, a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of
taste or opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to
old age is no longer a metaphysical contention. It is plain experimental
Psalm 139:13, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit
me together in my mother’s womb.”
… with all 7 life characteristics science confirms.
How is life defined by science?
There are 7 things that determine whether or not something is living or non-
living. It is on this basis we make our determination. In the case of the
unborn, if they are fully human from conception to birth, we can assign
moral worth and determine whether or not they deserve legal protection
under the law. Here are the 7 scientific criteria that defines life:
Order, Growth, Response to Environment, Uses Energy, Evolution,
Regulation, and Reproduction.
Let’s look at each one:
ORDER: Cells are the simplest unit of life and order. A fetus is composed
of a vast array of living cells. From the moment of conception, the baby
contains all the genetic DNA coding, so ordered to produce a fully
developed human being. The extremely complex DNA chain, present at the
moment of conception, exhibits extraordinary design and orderly processes
of growth and function leading to a fully developed human being, if the
process is not interrupted.
• The fetus demonstrates ORDER
GROWTH: The second factor defining life is growth. Is it growing? The
information contained in the baby’s DNA is clear and exact, facilitating
growth and maturity of all body parts and functions. This genetic
information is clear and exact. Everything necessary for the embryo to grow
into a fully developed human being is present, if only it is allowed to grow.
• A fetus is GROWING
RESPONDS to Its ENVIRONMENT: Scientifically, at no point in that
development is the fetus not fully human. Does an embryo RESPOND to
stimuli in its environment? According to the Journal of Child Health, at Day
6-10 an embryo will implant itself into the wall of the uterus. It will
RESPOND to touch in 8 weeks. It will RESPOND to sound in 16 weeks
according to the National Library of Medicine.
USES ENERGY: Another factor used to define a living organism is that it
eats. And in the case of a fetus, it eats what a mother provides. An embryo
obtains energy from its mother and uses it for growth. It gets the
nourishment from the mother through the umbilical cord.
EVOLUTION: The biological definition of evolution is a change in genes
or DNA over time. It is also known as recombination. The genetic code of
the father combined with the genetic code of the mother creates in the
embryo a different DNA combination than either parent. So the combining
of sperm and egg creates a new being with a new DNA code which has, by
definition above, evolved.
• A fetus is EVOLVING
REGULATION: To be a living thing you must have the ability to regulate
biological functions of the body. For example, does a fetus regulate body
temperature? Yes. Does a fetus regulate blood pressure? Yes. Does a
fetus regulate brain temperature? Yes. The brain temperature will remain
constant even if the umbilical cord is obstructed, at least for a while.
REPRODUCTION: Does the fetus have the ability to reproduce so that
generational life will continue? Yes. Each embryo has contained within its
genetic code, at conception, either an XX or an XY chromosome. An XX
chromosome designates one to be female”. An XY designates one to be
“male”. There are no other options. Male or female; that’s it!
• A fetus is equipped to REPRODUCE
Now looking at this evidence you must establish for yourself what is real
and what is unreal, what is fact and what is fiction, what is political and
what is science. If an embryo/ fetus meets all 7 criteria, which it does, then
it is a living human being from conception. We can scientifically conclude
that the unborn child, indeed, has moral worth and deserves the full
protection of the Constitution of the United States. And any objection to this
fact would usher in the Principle of Objective Evidence.
The Principle of Objective Evidence states that if a definition is valid, it
ought to have supporting evidence that would allow other people of
reasonable intelligence to verify it.
One such evidence is the work of Dr. Jerome LeJeune, the internationally
recognized French geneticist. After a lifetime of study and research on the
matter, he stated that the full human genetic code is present in the human
embryo from the moment of sperm/egg fusion. And not just a human DNA
code but a distinct, individual, unrepeatable, unique DNA code, exclusive to
that individual child. Things like blue eyes or brown, brown hair or blonde,
type O blood or A positive, left- handed or right, all present at conception.
Dr. LeJeune writes, “To accept the fact that, after fertilization has taken
place, a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of
taste or opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to
old age is no longer a metaphysical contention. It is plain experimental
Psalm 139:13, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit
me together in my mother’s womb.”
… with all 7 life characteristics science confirms.