Nintendo Direct Revealed - Any Animal Crossing New Horizons News in 2023?

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📜 A Little About Todays Topic:
Welcome to my Animal Crossing channel. Today's Animal Crossing video is all about the latest Nintendo Direct details.
We highlight the Nintendo Direct announcement and breakdown the times the Nintendo Direct can be watched.
We then discuss the probability of Animal Crossing or Animal Crossing New Horizons making an appearance, and whether any Animal Crossing news will feature in the Direct.
We assume it's still too early in the year for Animal Crossing New Horizons and Animal Crossing news, based on historical announcements. We conclude it's more likely Animal Crossing will see a spin-off, a port or an announcement some time in the Autumn... but there's always a chance.
What are you looking forward to hearing about tomorrow in the Nintendo Direct? Let us know and thanks for watching 🥰

🥁 Word Of The Day:
If you read this far, please post "DIRECT" in the comments 🎈

On the off-chance you're reading this far in the description, I just want to say thank you for being so awesome, and I want you to know how grateful I am for being able to make Animal Crossing content, and having you click in and watch. It truly means the world, and I'm way beyond grateful. Thank you, stay awesome, and I hope you enjoyed the video. See you in the next one 🙏❤️

🔎 Sources/Credits/Further Reading:

🎨 Patterns I use:
►Dirt/Stone Path Patterns: Creator ID: MA-6647-9230-4716
►Wasp Sign: MO-QBWW-CT0W-832D

💭 Dream Address:
►Moriland: DA-5470-0186-1170
►Moriween: DA-2054-5278-7699

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🔖 Tags:
#AnimalCrossing #ACNH #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons
Рекомендации по теме

I think the least they could do is release the Zelda villagers and items.


I doubt it, I think NH is done. However if they are doing a spin off or new game I’d like a create your own animal villager feature where you can be an animal or create your own villagers and pick personalities for them etc.


We need a new animal crossing game soon for the direct and 3 years since it came out. And playing it in lockdown


I've honestly given up hope with nintendo


….I just want quality of life changes to the game. Please.


I'm looking forward to the direct. I'm not a fan of Pikimin (sp) but I'm excited to see what new games are in the pipeline. I'll be watching. Thanks for the video.


I hope there will be a couple games similar to Animal Crossing. I think Nintendo gave up on ACNH.


If they were at all interested in milking AC, we would have seen more DLC. They definitely aren't interested in milking it.

The main thing I expect to be announced at this direct is TOTK DLC. Beyond that, I'm not sure.


I want city folk HD. City folk is underrated. Basically wild world HD. They can do it with the technology they did with mario galaxy and the wii pointer. New items and city areas maybe. Top animal Crossing vibes. Or ACGC port id be okay with that too. I just want something other then ACNH on the system considering all these other IPs have multiple like pokemon or zelda


Probably Pikmin, Zelda season pass, Pokemon dlc details.

But imagine an animal crossing farming simulator...


Looking forward to trying Pikmin. I’ve never played any of those before so it’ll be something new for me. Interested to see what else they come up with…


Regardless of whether AC will be in the direct or not, I'm excited for the direct andsee the games that are coming...


I want another animal crossing on the switch, that's all I want


Sadly, no AC news, but at least we're getting Fae Farm to help fill in that void.


I really liked the direct. I'm excited for the new Mario, peaches new game, and Luigi remaster. All in it was a really good direct. As always, Mori, you rock! ❤❤


Most of the work is done for older games to be ported, comeon nintendo, we have been patient 😢


they already did the spinoff i thought...that happy home designer game for nh. So i dont think we will get anything unless you are talking about that pocket camp game which is still getting updates. At least until the next console as each one tends to get 1 mainline ac game (not always as wii u did not get one) and 1 spin off game. (though we did get 2 if you count pocket camp)


This videos are pointless.. Nintendo has made it obvious that they are done with New Horizons.. :p


I think no AC news... should i restart my island? lols


I am new to ACNH can anyone tell me where do you watch these announcements?
