@TimothyDimoff Explains Why You Need to Know Multiple Exit Points in Large Events

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When attending a large event, always take the time to locate multiple ways of escape so that you are prepared in case of emergency. Planning a special event or meeting has gotten more complicated in recent years. Not only do organizations have to ensure the logistics and content provided during the event are of value to the audience, but they must also consider the safety of all the attendees. Why? Because aggressive behavior turning into violence has become more and more commonplace.

Before opening the doors and allowing people to file into an event, be sure to prepare for the worst-case scenario by:

Assessing all possible attendees
Selecting a secure physical venue
Making sure all personnel is ready to act
Assess the Level of Threat
When it comes to the safety of attendees, always weigh the risks against the costs. This means determining the level of security needed and planning accordingly.

Consider these questions to fully determine if there could be potentially aggressive behavior from invited or “uninvited” guests:

Are there disgruntled employees currently or recently let go from the organization?
Does an employee have a domestic situation that may lead to violence?
Is the subject matter of the event controversial?
Is the speaker/presenter(s) controversial or associated with a controversial issue?
Is there political unrest in the area?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, be prepared with extra security safeguards and personnel.
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