Ramanujan || great mathematician || black hole theory ✨

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Ramanujan || great mathematician || black hole theory ✨
Ramanujan spoke about black holes nearly a hundred years ago or more than hundred years ago when there was no concept of black holes He made mathematics for black holes when there was no concept of black holes Science always progresses like this First the concept then the theory and then the mathematics But he made the mathematics first before there was a concept before there was a theory And when they asked him he was sitting on his deathbed and simply pouring out mathematics notebooks and notebooks of mathematics simply pouring out People asked where is this coming from What is this? He said my devi bleeds mathematics
Video Credits:- @sadhguru
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Ramanujan spoke about black holes nearly a hundred years ago or more than hundred years ago when there was no concept of black holes He made mathematics for black holes when there was no concept of black holes Science always progresses like this First the concept then the theory and then the mathematics But he made the mathematics first before there was a concept before there was a theory And when they asked him he was sitting on his deathbed and simply pouring out mathematics notebooks and notebooks of mathematics simply pouring out People asked where is this coming from What is this? He said my devi bleeds mathematics
Video Credits:- @sadhguru
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