GAME OF THRONES: S5 E6 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken' | Recap + Review

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I hope you enjoyed this recap and review of Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken", even though we were all traumatized by this episode. Keep an eye out for another recap + review next week, and hopefully things will get better :)

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And it's live! Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 | Recap + Review. Now let's talk about this... Because I'm traumatized...


Hi Marianna. love your recaps. Personally I found the “Red Wedding” more disturbing. I've red the books and knew it was comming...
Still, when they started stabbing Talisa in the belly (with child), the cry out to Lord Frey (heartbreaking) by Catelyn and eventually cutting Catelyns throat.

Even book readers had a hard time with that scene, I did!

Keep up your outstanding work.


Another great recap Marianna. This season more than any other I'm curious to see how the show is deviating from the novels or not. On the one hand its refreshing because even after reading the novels I wonder, "What's gonna happen next?" And of course, "They better have that happen in the show!" There are some upcoming events that I just can't wait always.

Yea the very end of the episode did not make a pleasant Sunday evening. 

Have a great week and I look forward to the next recap.


Peter Dinklage said it a couple seasons back: "If you're watching waiting for a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention". Even George RR Martin said he's not interested in a happy ending if it doesn't make sense which I applaud him for. No need to make things happy or sad, but rather truthful. Bad things happen. I wouldn't be surprised if the series ends with the white walkers wiping everyone out.


Was the wedding night/bedding ceremony really rape? I thought it was all apart of Sansa's plan? She decided to marry him and by law they have to consummate their marriage, right? I mean if you want to get down to it, Sam didn't give consent to Gilly. How about when Theon got raped by those two girls (on screen) while saying "no", nobody said a thing about that.

So back to the this scene, maybe it was marital rape, but I don't think that existed in Westeros. What we saw definitely wasn't "rape" according to Westerosi standards.

Part of the problem is we do not know what is going on in Sansa's head. Also, we know what Ramsay is capable, but does Sansa?

Either way, we've seen much worse on the show. If people are triggered by these happenings in particular, they have only themselves to blame for watching this show. I know it's a very controversial subject, but I think the outrage is ridiculous.

Sorry for the wall of text, and thank you for your review!


I have a feeling that Sansa's saving grace is going to be Lady Brienne (light a candle in the northern that what the old lady told her?)
I think Theon may snap but hopefully he'll play it smart and keep Ramsay thinking he is still devoted to him.
Who knows...maybe it will be Miranda who snaps.
I realize that there was a lot more that happened in this episode but Sansa's storyline is the most intriguing.
I feel like Tyrion and Jorah will be ok, and since we all love Bronn, we know he is a dead man walking.

I'm on book three as well and excited to see the differences.


Good review. I totally get your frustrations with this episode, lol, but I think things are getting bad for some of the characters, before they get better. As awful as it was to watch, I think Sansa knew (to some extent) what she was going to have to endure on her wedding night, but her plan to get revenge on the Boltons is still in place. She is going to come out of this even stronger. Hopefully.


Nice video !! I just discovered your channel because I was desperate to hear the thoughts of someone who has seen the episode and is so frustrate as I am! I read all the books and it is even worse because as you said, it is really not what is happening to Sansa in the book, I loved the book's version better! And so now I am really afraid because I have no idea of what is going to happen to her and I really hate that. I totally agree with what you said about her development, she was so great, she was getting more self-confidence and  that was awesome. But now, I am just so sad for her.
I have no idea of what to think of Baelish, we do not know his interests and he is so good at it, this is frustrating.
I can wait for next episode.


This episode seemed to be setting up specific plot lines for the final episodes. Unfortunately the writers have a lot of story to cram into the rest of the season. It explains why this season feels so rushed. Condensing two books into one season will do that!

I agree that the rape/bedding scene was controversial but this type of behaviour is not uncommon in the world of Ice and Fire. By no means am I condoning Ramsey, but I wasn't as shocked as most show watchers when this happened. It still left a bad taste in my mouth though.

The upside is that any revenge on Sansa or Theons part will be so much sweeter for the viewers after watching that scene. (No spoilers here, they are completely off book in this story line)

I'm hoping that all the big book moments happen this season. If they do, you won't be disappointed!!!

Always fun to watch your reviews. Keep up the good work!


That ending was so upsetting, I'm still bothered by it, but the only thing that I'm hoping for (which is dangerous thing to do when it comes to Game of Thrones) but I hope that when Sansa gets her revenge, its going to be soooo sweet. I can't wait.


I'm sorry. But it's kinda entertaining watching you lose your shit. xD


Obviously, you know how frustrated I was with this episode. But, I just wanted to add one thing, kind of as a response to something you said at the end. I actually thought that this was one of the worst produced and written episodes that we've seen thus far. First, even though there was some brilliant banter in this episode, some of the dialogue was just BAD. Myracella and the Sandsnakes, who wrote this shit?
Then, the timing of Jamie/Bronn and the Sandsnakes showing up at the exact same time. wut.
Of course, the shots were beautiful and everything else seemed up to par with normal episodes, but those things really were awful. 
There is a lot more I could bitch about (which I already have to you), but I'll just leave it at that. I am only that much more motivated to read the books. Also, with only 4 episodes left... I'm REALLY disappointed with the flow of this season in general. Obviously, we are running out of time for epic things, but I hope they make it up in the last few moments they have left in season 5.


Great review. I completely agree with your opinions to this situation... I actually thought she had a dagger in her sleeves when she was taking her clothes off... So much for wishful thinking, huh?




I can't watch because of spoilers, but your thumb nail is perfection. Because I do get on the internet, I have heard about the rape scene and I'm guessing your thumbnail has something to do with that.


And a year later - She does kill Ramsey...


A lot of problems with the TV story are present in the books. I loved the first book, liked the following two, but then struggled to get through the next two. Not because the books sucked, but because the story had grown beyond what had hooked me and all I wanted was to get to the happy ending for Ned Stark. That is on me, not GRRM or DandD. We are having problems because Danni is Meerined the other heroes are reeling from defeats and the bad guys are in charge. I hope the next four episodes give us some redemption because we expect fantasy to make us feel better, because real life sucks enough as it is.

I so wanted a Hollywood ending for the Sansa scene and I took it about as well as Theon did. Great acting and staging, thanks for not being as in the books, but that was too hard to watch.


i dont like it either but i think we have to watch it till the end maybe as we go further gets even more exciting.


Good call on that poison :)

I didn't like this episode. Not just in the 'it pisses me off because I love these characters' kinda way but in general I think some of the writing just didn't work. As you pointed out it feels like everything with Sansa is being completely undone. I thought we'd see a really strong character in her like with Arya, but I just cant help but think how does she not see it coming. Hated seeing Theon just stood there as well :(. The biggest issue I had with this episode was I thought the 'High Sparrow' stuff made absolutely no sense. So Loras is on trial for having gay relations, so why the fuck does that squire betray him and also incriminate himself and absolutely nothing happens to him? While I guess someone like Cercei could pay him off, I don't see why 'High Sparrow' would let it go. I have watched what happens to Cercei in the next episode which actually reinforces my opinion on it. I thought the Arya 'faceless' stuff was brilliant and I absolutely loved her reaction when she's asked if she believed every word of that story as I was taken completely off guard by it. Can't wait to see where this is going.


don't get your hopes up about sansa/alayne in the books--all of her chapters are mind-numbingly boring, especially compared to what they've done with her in the show, which is actually 1 of the MORE intriguing plots this season, considering i couldn't care less about any of sansa's or LF's scenes for the 1st 4 yrs...
& as horrble as it was (& it was worse for the actual girl he married in the books), i don't see this as setting sansa back, i see it as being the thing that will FINALLY make her grow a backbone for once in her life
