FASTEST Method to GET DEATH TOKENS in Creatures of Sonaria

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Today I'm releasing a quick straight-forward video guide on death rewards!
In order to buy a death gacha, you must pay 500 mush + 1 death token.
When you reach 1200 death points, you receive a death token after you die.
Check creature stats and go on survival stats to check death point count.

discord user: soulfire_wyvern
cos server name: WyvernOfSolvarne
Borenhir Guide:
Updated mission farming strat by Wyvern!

-Private Server (preferable)

Fastest personal time:
-2h 32m

Biomes visited:
-Grassy Shoal
-Flower Cove
-Rocky Drops
-Coral Reef

Optimal route (when starting with full thirst/hunger):
Grassy Shoa, then Coral Reef, then Rocky Drops, then Flower Cove

Spawn and immediately place a snowshield.
Start by immediately sniffing upon entering an area and keep doing so the moment the cooldown is gone. Start mudrolling (if possible in the area).
In aquatic areas, you can dive down to the nearest meat spawn and make it back up without any issues.

Doing the aquatic-based missions first will give your thirst enough time to be at around 50% the moment you reach Flower Cove. Complete the missions as instructed above and fill up at flowercove.

This is all! Rinse and repeat until you have enough missions done for the token.
Best creature to you use for grinding death tokens:
really any fast t1 semi aquatic flier

Method 1
How to do food missions really fast:

Tail Drop Method
Use a creature with the ability tail drop - this ability allows you to drop your tail for a food source in exchange for some of your hunger

Use this ability TWICE to restore your tail, depleting your hunger

Eat once your hunger is low enough and only eat 45 Units, save the last remaining 5 units for the creature you're grinding death points with

Creatures with tail drop:
Fyranili (best)


Method 2
For food and water missions:

Use a creature with SNOW SHIELD ability
Snow shield increases your hunger and thirst by 200% every time it is activated

Switch to a creature with snow shield
Wait a bit for your hunger and thirst to go down
Eat/Drink only 45 units or 50 units for the mission
- If you chose 45 units, go back to your original death point creature and eat/drink the remaining 5
- If you chose 50 units, continue grinding death points on both the original death point creature and the snow shield creature (This will get you 2 death tokens faster)
Enjoy :)

Creatures with Snow Shield:
Borenhir (best)

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Рекомендации по теме

For the attack a player 5 times quest, you just need to use breath on any player and run away. Also, jot(unhel) is another good creature for a death token. It has grab, breath and is all terrain, so you could grab an alt account and use your breath on them for that particular quest in a private server.
Also, breath is one of the fastest ways to die when you're done.


For me personally the fastest method is using borenhir with a tsugae alt, place down snow shield and get 150+ disease then go around do missions. It takes up to 2 hours if done right


THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! I HATE grinding for death Tokens so this should help me Get Uleoum


Euvias is like literally the best at anything, I use it on events and on missions, it is literally the best for grinding in my opinion.
(It's easy to get too)


You can get the atack points by using breath too (if they havent changed that) its safe that way


Euvias is a really good creature for death token grinding. I use it and it usually only takes 6-8 hours. A tip though is to never stay still and eat rotten meat if you can for the hunger and dehydration! I wouldn't recommend going into the water (ever) unless your in a private server or there is no aquatics in the server because of the high risk of dying to a tier 5 or something. You can create a pack to check what creature are in the server and tell if there is anybody invisible or aquatic. Also a good way to bypass that is to go onto the floating islands and complete the quests up there!


I recommend using the plush like goldfish that drains water and food.




Tbh another good creature would be flickaflie you can correct me if im wrong but i belive that healing counts as attacking its also fast and you dont have to wait as long as you would with the euvias bec you can just eat grass which fills up slower than meat also just a lil hint i would give is to focus on the missions and on the distance travelled points bec when you're waiting for your hunger to lower you can get some studs which will give you points too


I often use the little t1 which u USED to get when u first began playing, because you can heal five times and it counts the same


If you need something, just complete missions. Creatures, mushrooms, tokens, girlfriend, grass to touch.


Also for the eating and drinking mission, u can eat a rotten food for faster hunger and thirst since it gives +20% (I think) hunger and thirst reduce speed.

If u dont have gold fish plush like me:')


My fav creature to farm death tokens is any healing creatue bc people (usually) spare you.


i tried this, definitely a really good way to get death tokens, it took me 4 hours but i was also killing people sometimes which also took some time


I always use Konomushi because it do some good damage and my play style is attacker so I will just any creature I see (Except a creature that can grab me or something)


To avoid conflict I find healing creatures like flick or breq to work well in those hit tasks since people are less likely to get violent:D


In my opinion kosing as a magna is the best way to farm death tokens, you can get like 200 points per hour if you're good


I would have recommended ripirin, breath was key if you wanted to kill tier 5 creatures while on missions. Normally it would have lasted 3 and half hours for me to get a token before. Too bad they removed it.

But what I do recommend is, if you see the map it’s kind of inverted G shaped. Follow the shape and once you finished every task move on to the next biome. If you’ve got no hunger/thirst doesn’t matter, just move. At the end were every biome only has 1 or 2 food missions, get a flying tier 4-5 (recommend jot) to leave at 45 each food mission. (Try using a Cari and eating rotten food, +20 hunger and thirst)

Get afk, nest or just fly meanwhile to get artifacts and mush. Then come back with your grind creat and finish everything. In total it’s like 60-80 death points in only 5 mins


I normally use Brequeawk because I can heal people (takes me about 2 days to get a token), but not being able to go in the water stinks. I'll try this method for sure.


Euvias is by far the best early game creature to grind on, but honestly if I were to recommend other creatures to use, I’d say Parugama is very good. It’s a tier 2 so it’s still pretty fast, but it has more survivability than a tier 1 along with having reflect, which you can use both aggressively and defensively to get a kill or protect yourself. Its breath also heals so you won’t make people upset when you use it on them for a mission.

Ura is also very good. It’s all terrains and it’s easy to get kills with so you can do both missions and get kills for points.

Olatua is also very good as an all terrain creature since it blocks bleed entirely so you have more survivability in that regard. You’re also a tier 2 so you’re fast and have a breath attack so you can attack without consequence for missions most of the time. Water gale is also very useful to slow people near you down if someone ends up chasing you.

I personally have been using Ura lately for my death token grinding. It’s much slower compared to tier 1s and tier 2s, yes, but it’s more viable to kill with, so you’ll be able to kill things alongside being able to do your missions. Overall missions will get done slightly slower, but if you kill things alongside doing your missions you’ll get the grinding done in the same amount of time as you would on a tier 1 or 2 creature and you’re more tanky if someone tries to attack you.
