The man is the one who takes the lead in choosing the woman he will marry…

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not the other way around. The woman can’t have a predetermined "type" because the man gives the marriage, and his decision to marry a woman won't hinge solely on her physical beauty; rather, it will primarily be influenced by her spirit. Her character and faith will weigh more heavily in his decision than her outward appearance. #marriage #relationships #DOS
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That stray bullet that went for Derick Jackson lol


Facts! It's about characters at the end of the day. Looks can only bring you thus far.


Your type ahould be the one that's stable, can communicate, can deal with adversity with a steady demeanor will likely still be around 30 years from now driving you to your doctor's appointment.


GOLDEN NUGGET: If we would understand that if a RIGHTEOUS man doesn't PURSUE the woman, it's most likely not of the Most High! This may sound old fashioned; however, this must go back to God's Standards!


True to an extent. Even the man won’t pursue a woman who he deems not his “type”
The major point is what looks good to you isn’t always good for you in the long run. Nothing wrong with choosing someone whom you’re actually attracted to.


I’m not sure if when some women say “type” they mean how he looks, how he acts, or both. But I want to be very clear. We MUST stop passing the advice around that it’s ok for a man to want someone attractive and it’s shallow if a woman wants a man she is attracted to. It’s completely false. Relationships should not all be based on looks or emotions but it is completely okay to want someone you are attracted to.

Who you give your heart to should never be solely based on appearance. But you shouldn’t feel guilt or be made to feel guilt if you are just not feeling somebody. Maybe your feelings will change and maybe they won’t. Their are lots of nice men and women in the world it doesn’t mean you are automatically going to click with someone because they are nice.

Remember this … yes a man pursues you, but you have to eventually agree to being in that relationship. You have a say.


That Derrick Jackson comment came out of NOWHERE.


It is a problem when there is no attraction and both parties are in pain because of it. for friends yes there no criteria.


This is true. I always say my type is a man that loves me and treats me amazing. 😊


Ladies: Don’t let your Preferences be your requirements! Let that sink in for a while.


Both men and women can have a type. It’s okay if you have a preference. Its also very important to be in a relationship with someone you are physically attracted to. Otherwise, you may end up cheating with someone who is your type. We are all unique. We are attracted to different things for a reason. Don’t let anyone try to convince you that it is wrong for you to like certain things in a person, whether it is the way they look, how tall they are, or if they are nice or faithful. As long as it is not something that is not right or unhealthy then it is okay. If your goal is to be married, the person that God has for you may not have everything that you may want. But they will have the things that you need. But don’t try to force yourself to like someone that you may not like physically or based on their character. That relationship will not work. Having money is not going to make a relationship work. You also have to be attracted to that person.


While I think what she's saying is legit for most part, speaking as a man, I have to ask myself if I would want to be the "good man who just doesn't do it for her"? I agree that the "type" mentality can go a bit too far and lead to some bad decisions, but from a pragmatic perspective, the last thing you want is to be with a woman who is not on some level, aroused by you. There's gotta be a balance.


Certain type usually means a certain look physically... That's why I tell folks I don't have a type when it comes to physical looks per se, I have more of a range....but those core values gotta be in tact as well


"Type": child mentality that adults have not learned how to grow out of.


Men cannot just walk into a room and pick a woman to be his wife. People have to choose each other, period, you both have to like what you see and have actual feelings of desire and attraction for a relationship to work, otherwise you are just asking for trouble. And you will be weeded out on the basis of your looks. Raggedy and basic people love this rhetoric for obvious reasons but this is why most will die unpartnered unless they get themselves together.


That's real facts for you. Looks or so called "type" can be really deceptive.


WOW 😲😲😲😲😳😲😲😲😲😲 she literally destroyed her 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Everyone a type. How ridiculous to think otherwise? Type is not just a look. 💀


I feel like this is only mostly true. Men and women both know wht they like and what they are ATTRACTED TO. She can be with a man tht has morals and character but those things don't make you want to be intimate with a person. There still has to be some form of lust and passion


Focusing too much on the type of man you want can get women in some trouble especially if she ignores the qualities that really matter.
