11 Months In · What I Think of My Citrus Book Bindery Bullet Journal — A Notebook Review

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let’s review a bullet journal i’ve been using all year: a custom citrus book bindery bujo with all the fixings that i thought would make for a perfect bullet journal. let’s talk paper types, fountain pens, page count, bujo features, and more! should i use this notebook for 2024? #citrusbookbindery #juliaroyal

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Instagram: @valovanity

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⭐️ My 2023 Bujo Specs on Citrus Book Bindery:

Style: Matte-Finish Open Spine Book
Size: B5
Page Count: Wide
Paper: Standard
Weight: 140gsm Multi-Media Paper
Pattern: Standard Dot (5mm)
Preferences: Page Numbers, Rounded Page Corners
Extras: Back Cover Pocket
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Thanks for watching!! What are you using next year as your main; what changes are you making?? 👀


Thanks for this review! I haven't seen this brand before, and the open spine is beautiful!

I'm a Scribbles That Matter girl. I'm moving to a B5 for the first time next year. I had tons of plans for that and even started setting a couple things up. Then I had a complete mental shift. Now, my B5 is going to be mostly for yearly collections/trackers/stuff. Really no regular planning in that. I started using a traveler's notebook for any scheduling (which is minimal in my life right now) and daily tracking. I love it! I think this system really fits my life right now. I'm excited to shake things up a bit.

Best wishes with your new plans!


I just ordered my fourth annual Citrus Book Bindery journal for 2024! I get the 140gsm multimedia paper with the dot grid and primarily use fountain pens (lately mostly my TWSBI Eco with medium nib) and I've never found a problem with the paper. Certainly never bleeds!
If anyone is interested in trying these books, they also have paper samplers so you can test their paper before ordering a full book too. I also get the wide page count and it's plenty for the year and I have extra pages at the end! I also get the last signature with the 3.5mm dot grid pages, which I use for sketching cross stitch patterns or just doodling repeating patterns. They have a pen loop option but I don't use it, but for the second year now I'm getting an extra pocket in the front so there's a front pocket AND back pocket to hold things! So happy with how customizable they are 😊 and I love the open spine!


Do you have the thickness of the notebook? I was thinking of trying one of these but I wanna make sure it fits into my Hobonichi cover
