Hydroponic Tomatoes & Indoor Garden Update January 23, 2011 / Plant Clips / Floramato

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Just a quick update for my indoor winter garden. The Mexico Midget tomato plants have grown 3 feet in 31 days and show no signs of stopping! Currently going through 10 gallons of nutrients each week in all systems. My first tomatoes are now appearing. I'm pollinating each variety with a separate paint brush to avoid cross pollination. I raised my grow lights to the max and they are covering a huge area. Next update in 2 weeks

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You're growing a FOREST of tomatoes! everything looks so healthy! thanks for the tip on the coleman blanket!


I still use FloraMato which I bought a few years back. It absorbed moisture from the air and is a little wet and pasty, but it still fertilizes like the granular powder that it was new. It is a good mix, with plenty of calcium so that your fruits don't get blossom end rot. When I finish the FloraMato I'll buy Maxibloom-pretty much the same but with a little less nitrogen.


It looks like everything is doing fantastic. I found a guy locally on Craig's list who has about a 100 of those industrial lights for sale cheap but he won't sell less than 10 at a time. None of my friends are into hydroponics and I can't afford or have room for 10. It's still a great idea and I will keep looking.


Hey I'm really enjoying all your videos and I have created a similar setup using a combo of drip and dwc. I was wondering with all your dwc tubs how often do you do water changes and what do you find the easiest way to change out all the water? I have thought of pumping it out into another bucket because once your plants get pretty big theres no way you're taking the lid off all the time to change the water. Other possible solution I guess... dont change it just keep topping up. any thoughts?


I Really love the Tiny Tim's. Mine seen to have purple stems, do your tiny tim's have purple stems?


Hand pollinating? I use an oscillating fan in my indoor tomato garden. Tomatoes mostly wind pollinate. If you don't have a fan, just gently shake the blooms. I could never keep up with a paintbrush. OTOH, my eggplants have far fewer blooms and I can keep up with a paintbrush.


I wonder how much electricity it takes cost wise to have winter vegetables. I would love to do some hydroponics but I'm kinda worried it would cost too much for the gains of not needing greens from the store.


Hey man, looks like everything is doing awesome right now :) .I just had a quick question.I know with tomatoes when they start to flower you dont change ur lights to 12/12, just keep it 18/6.But do u still switch from MH to HPS when u see flowers?I got some of my own tomatoes going atm, no flowers yet.Cant wait to see an update on urs :)


@SleestaksRule @SleestaksRule Do you only grow hydroponically in the winter time? I plan on doing it year round for growing out of season crops mainly. As well as a constant tomato supply.

What type of camera do you use to film with?

One last question for now, when peppers begin are they supposed to lose their first set of leaves? All 3 of my bell plants have let the lower/first leaves go white while the new leaves look very healthy and deep green.


@SleestaksRule Do you only grow hydroponically in the winter time? I plan on doing it year round for growing out of season crops mainly. As well as a constant tomato supply.

What type of camera do you use to film with?

One last question for now, when peppers begin are they supposed to lose their first set of leaves? All 3 of my bell plants have let the lower/first leaves go white while the new leaves look very healthy and deep green.


put more sand in the mix, in your carrot box soil. trust me.


Are you pruning your tomato plants at all? I had a plant growing that I literally had to junk it got so out of control. I read up a bit on the issue and apparently you are supposed to "sucker" tomato plants. Is this part of your routine?
