He took her from her man..lol Chris definitely has it for her. He made out with her on stage 😭 🤧 😂 rhondawilkerson
He took her from her man..lol Chris definitely has it for her. He made out with her on stage 😭 🤧 😂
This fan is amazing! She wasn't childish, gave him his full attention and enjoyed it. milanessa
This fan is amazing! She wasn't childish, gave him his full attention and enjoyed it.
She is an awesome fan... She gave him her full attention... She didn't even look at those other men.... And he french kissed her at the melodyhunter
She is an awesome fan... She gave him her full attention... She didn't even look at those other men.... And he french kissed her at the
Her boyfriend about to get that slip and slide tonight reminiscing about that concert 😂 Gregory-pioc
Her boyfriend about to get that slip and slide tonight reminiscing about that concert 😂
She stayed focused on Chris just like me on this phone screen 😮 ladyb
She stayed focused on Chris just like me on this phone screen 😮
Atleest she gave him her full attention mariavlogsreaction
Atleest she gave him her full attention
The way he moved her to sit straight 🥵 TheOfficialKilahniLael
The way he moved her to sit straight 🥵
Fact: Don't ever send your girlfriend to his concerts 😂 Anushka-Mandal
Fact: Don't ever send your girlfriend to his concerts 😂
Never thought I'd see a man act the way this man does 😮 ReeceyN
Never thought I'd see a man act the way this man does 😮
I like how the girl kept her eyes on the price! When the other dancers surrounded her she still remained haha damarismaloba
I like how the girl kept her eyes on the price! When the other dancers surrounded her she still remained haha
This goddamn song! This is the reason why the world continues to be overpopulated OO-bejz
This goddamn song! This is the reason why the world continues to be overpopulated
She loved evry last bit of that moment😊😁 xhnkids
She loved evry last bit of that moment😊😁
Take me down Chris I'll be waiting ✋️ wqbsinh
Take me down Chris I'll be waiting ✋️
They all understood the assignment 😂😂😂 jaymal
They all understood the assignment 😂😂😂
This man is hotter than the mid day sun in Florida!😂💃 minnielchandler
This man is hotter than the mid day sun in Florida!😂💃
This is just a beautiful body language... with whispers of sweet thangs.. ickies and tjat lovings nongcebozakwe
This is just a beautiful body language... with whispers of sweet thangs.. ickies and tjat lovings
I mean I felt like others were performances but there is chemistry here lol rn
I mean I felt like others were performances but there is chemistry here lol
Anywhere, anyplace, anytime Breezy can get it! ❤❤❤ kimberlykyle
Anywhere, anyplace, anytime Breezy can get it! ❤❤❤
She's beautiful.... She's definitely his type of women melodyhunter
She's beautiful.... She's definitely his type of women
I would’ve been like nigga come here😂😂😂😮 charismabelcher
I would’ve been like nigga come here😂😂😂😮