Every Coin Collector should give Ancient Coins a try! (answering @TheCoinGeek viewers)

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Relevant videos mentioned on this episode:

Ancient Coins: How to Avoid Fakes

How to identify FAKE Ancient Coins - Cast Fakes:

Recommended Literature (affiliate links)

Recommended STORAGE and DISPLAY solutions for your coins (Affiliate links)

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Ancient coins have never interested me a bit... until I found your channel! They are very scary as I know nothing about them and am afraid of fakes. When I was younger they just looked very crude but through watching your videos I've seen some very nice, realistic looking portraits in extremely high relief which is mega cool. I don't see myself becoming a huge collector of ancients but after seeing your collection I'd like a couple examples for my own.


I've been trying to get one from all the main Ancient Cities. Your programmes are of great interest and help 😊!


I love your channel, I stumbled onto it, researching ancient coins. I'm located in the U.S and have realized that the amount of collectors in the US are afraid of ancients and rather collect us coinage. While yes I like US and world modern coins, theirs just something special about ancients and I have a collection of ancients. Thank you for making content on ancients and you and your channel is what sparked my fancy on ancient coins.


The studying and knowledge you can get from collecting ancient coins is my main reason for collecting, other than my obsession with antiquity. I look forward to every episode. Thank you again for your hard work. I hope you are still making a video on Sol/Helios. Looking forward to that one


I began collecting coins in 1997 when my grandparents gave me a small box of old silver dollars, but my introduction to ancient coins happened in 2004. I purchased a follis of Diocletian struck in Alexandria, after reading a book by Zahi Hawass about the Valley of the Golden Mummies; I learned that the mummies were buried w/ coins of the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, specifically (as you mentioned) to pay Charon, and I thought, "I want a coin that looks like what I see in the picture in this book!" From there I eventually acquired a well-toned tetradrachm of Ptolemy I in 2008, which is still in my collection today. Since then I've honed my collection to a humble assembly of the Julio-Claudians in silver, w/ a Byzantine solidus of Constantine VII as a gold addition, bearing the Christ Pantokrator (coincidentally, acquired around the time you released your video on that coin type).


Awesome!! I love your Chanel and Ben’s.


I have recently embarked on collecting ancients and often think the further East you go the more exciting! I have cool kings from Parthia, elephants from Bactria, a hippocampus from Syracuse, tetradrachm horse riders from Kushan, hemidrachms from Thrace, staters from Lydia, siglos from Achaemenid, Dolphins from Sarmatia, flat Abbasid silver coins, a star coin from Mysia, and a tiny rose from islands off Caria. Why not take us on an strange and exciting journey to visit past empires and regions that are no longer. It is so very exciting and exotic. I love your videos but let's venture further into the strange and exotic! You got me started on Parthian coins, I blame you! :-)


To me it’s the learning curve, not knowing where to start, I am stacking for the future Dark Ages and I think the more modern coins will be more recognizable for bartering


How many times per day do you think about ancient Rome?😂😂😂


Unfortunately my first ancient purchase ended up being fakes. They were done before the internet was a thing. Before Yelp. There was no way for me to find out if the dealers were good. They advertised in legit magazines and I was young and trusting.


I am glad I found your channel. Great videos. Ancient coins are awesome.


There are lots of fake ancients, but many are really bad counterfeits that would only fool the most rank beginner.


Thanks! Love both you and The Coin Geek's channels. Wonder if you would be so kind as to let me cut some pieces of your video clips into my video's?


Absolutely. You can't be a real numismatist if you don't study ancients and collect some.


I've heard of the coin in the mouth practice but also about two on the eyes, are they both right? Never heard of the coin in the mouth


Anyone know an ancient coin expert I could send some pics of my coins to ?


I think the ethical concerns is a large deterrent to the hobby. It is important to talk about as collectors too. I think you should make a video about it.


Maybe it's irrelevent here, but would somebody care to explain what the Chalques coins are? What are they made of? What were the uses? Maybe a little bit of history?
Btw I am a newbie when it comes to coins, I am just a random guy who came a across the word dichalkoi (dichalques?) in a text I'm translating.


Was a hoard of Athenian coins recently released?
