Leverage Open-Source Code with Confidence

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The JetBrains Dependency Checker plugin powered by Checkmarx helps you leverage open-source code with confidence. Learn how the plugin integrates with IntelliJ IDEA to let you know if the open-source code you are including is vulnerable and see how it provides detailed information about vulnerabilities and suggested fixes. Join your JetBrains host and Checkmarx guests for a tour of the Dependency Checker and insight into what goes on behind the curtains to power the plugin.


Speaker's name: Or Chen

Speaker's title: VP of SCA and API Security

Speaker's organisation: Checkmarx

Speaker's bio:

Or has been in cybersecurity for the past 13 years, primarily as a passionate developer and development leader. Or’s ability to interact with multiple communities – internal, ecosystem, and customer – has been pivotal in his success as a product leader. Most recently, Or’s passion for open-source has played a large role in his leadership of Software Composition Analysis at Checkmarx over the last 4 years. Or is also a true geek and huge Star Wars fan.

Speaker's name: Guy Lyuboshits

Speaker's title: Research Professional Lead

Speaker's organisation: Checkmarx

Speaker's bio:

Guy is an experienced Research Lead at Checkmarx, with 9 years of R&D experience across a variety of security fields, including OS internals, network, and application security. This broad experience has made Guy a big believer in solutions which embrace a holistic approach to cybersecurity by incorporating multiple disciplines, including Checkmarx One. Guy currently takes part in many innovative projects at Checkmarx, leading them from the early stages of analyzing customer requirements, through hands-on PoC processes, and on to production adoption.