The Complexities of Life - An Intimate Collision

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"The peace of men is nothing than a tentative and deluded calm under which the turbulence of men’s greed roils and churns. In time the waters of gluttony and winds of selfishness turn the seas wild and dangerous. The resources of men dispatched to calm the tumult find themselves tossed and helpless is the rage of mankind gone mad. And it is God who passes a steadying hand over the surging seas and orders all to a calm that leaves the resources of men subdued and their souls awed. And God stands ready to bring this formidable power into the center of the greatest storms imaginable…and those are the storm within us."
- Craig D. Lounsbrough

If mankind had the answer to its problems, we wouldn't have any more problems for which we needed answers. However, our problems continue to grow because our solutions continue to fail. At some point we would be wise to realize that life is greater than our solutions. It is vaster than our ability to comprehend. It is beyond our intellect and it exceeds all of our combined resources.

And if we dare to embrace these realities, we are left with the reality that God exists and that we are in desperate need of Him. But not only that, we would be wise to understand that He is everything that we are not and He delivers everything that we cannot. And He does so majestically, perfectly, with a wisdom infinite in scope, and a power against which no adversary can stand. Yes, life is complex...terribly so. But God renders any complexity a problem already solved long before we ever knew that it was a problem.

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