How to Start an Online Teaching Business - The Mind of the Entrepreneur - Drew Badger

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What you'll learn today are some of the most important principles of entrepreneurship I’ve learned over my early career… The keys to business success. In this video, you’ll discover:
The Dangerous Myth of the Entrepreneur
The #1 driver – and benefit – of a successful business
The 1 idea that makes success possible
Put what I’ll share into practice and you, too, will be on your way to building a successful business that can improve the lives of millions of people around the world, and give you financial freedom…
More than business skills or tactical information about how to write sales copy, build websites or advertise, the one thing most responsible for me finally achieving success was knowledge of a single life principle, what I call The Insight.
Everything that happens in your life is a choice point. It may be that the person who finds your wallet becomes a trusted friend and adviser, turning a seemingly unfortunate situation into a fortunate one. Maybe not. The point is that in the moment, you can never know for sure. So why choose to complicate things with a negative attitude, almost certainly turning a neutral experience into a negative one?
You see, there is no such thing as an independent experience. Your life is an unending stream of events, each connected to the next. So, logically, you can’t consider any one event as good or bad.
To fail is to stop walking on a path because some experience looks negative, frustrating or difficult to you. Yet, how do you really know that a mistake or frustration isn’t part of something positive that will lead you to your ultimate goal? The truth, as hard as it may be to believe at times, is that life is merely how you see it.
You may not be able to control the world around you, but you always have the power to decide how you think, feel and react. That’s the REAL secret to success!
The best part about The Insight is that it’s something everyone has access to. You just need to accept responsibility for success or failure.
The takeaways from this presentation:
1. How you think is the strongest indicator of your future success. If you can control how you feel about situations, and view the seemingly disastrous as potentially beneficial, you will be well-prepared for the entrepreneur’s journey.
2. To become successful, learn from those who are where you’d like to be. Remember that advice is often worth what you pay for it.
3. To build a successful business, act like an entrepreneur. Listen to your market and build systems you can leverage to serve more people with less effort.