'MY LEGACY' by Aaron Velen • World's Most Epic Music

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Title: My Legacy
Artist: Aaron Velen
Label: Epic Music World
Album: My Legacy (Single)
Year: 2020
©: 2020 Epic Music World

📸 Image Artist: 羊

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✔ Be aware picture belongs to the original artist.
✔ This image was given a special license directly from the artist.
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.➝ Please ask the artists and NOT me for permission (image) !!!

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#WorldsMostEpicMusic #EpicMusic #MyLegacy
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Is there anyone else that have a great fantasy while listening this


My time has passed
But today I must make on final stand
I took an oath to fight evil
But the day it consumed me I sat idly and watched the world burn
But now I fight
Not for myself
Not for my family
But for the people I promised to protect
Who stand with me
Do you
Because I stand with a brave heart
Now we charge.


" To the young warrior that managed to get here. I see you have passed my test, i know they may not have been easy. But for that i pass my legacy to you! All i have learn and know is in those books and take this sword. It have saved my live many time's, it may save yours as well. And heed my last wish ...."
And like this a new legend was born.


My legacy is yet unwritten.
How I am remembered shall be up to me and me alone.
Good or evil is within my grasp.
Which ever I choose I pray it will be remembered and help others in their journey.


It make me feel i can do the impossible


My Legacy,
It's now yours,
I am impressed your skill,
That you have passed the test,
The way you fought is tremendous,
You fought with Honor,
I can see your eyes,
That your wish is to protect everyone from Evils,
For now,
My Sword is now yours now,
You earn it,
Now Go,
Young warrior,
Go and save your people,
And fulfill my Legacy.


It feel like this music is one of the composer legacy for the present and future generations to listen and enjoy.


I would call it...'The ... Magical Legacy'⚡💯🎼


Legacy. What comes to your mind when you hear that word? Is it your family? Is it your history? Legacy can mean many things. But one thing is common among all of them. We mark ourselves upon the wall of history and upon the anvil of time. We mark ourselves upon how we want to influence the future. The only question what will you mark?


Beautiful beautiful and GOOSEBUMP worthy!!! Absolutely fantastic piece!!! Love love love it!!!


Emw, I've listened to most of their songs and the song titles I liked the most. All of them are a source of motivation. I like the song titles more.


Deep in the thick forest somewhere near an almost destroyed town settled by humans.

You could hear the clash of metal against each other... Blood spilled upon the ground, some of the trees broken, clawed at, bodies left and right dismembered and disfigured. It was all the work of a beast... One who suffered like most and couldn't take it anymore that it would decide to make a stand, for the sake of all others before they could feel the same pain it did when they arrived upon their lands and took everything from them.

"Is this my last fight to the end..?" The demon thought in his head. As it recalls the painful memories of its clan raided by the human race when they first stumbled upon their territory.

"Give up, demon. There's no more hope for you to continue fighting. We decimated your clan, slaughtered your family and friends. You were lucky to escape only to foolishly come back to our lands and for what? Revenge? How ridiculous." A human guard captain shouted at it.

"Look at this... What a damn massacre, you filthy monster. Killing all of the innocent humans and destroying the nearby town like the many others all by yourself? You deserve to die!" He swings his sword, attempting to cut down the demon. But he failed. With the blade grabbed by the demon's left hand, blood slowly started to spill among the soil. The guard tried to take it back but he failed.

"It's not my time to fall yet." The demon broke the sword into pieces. It lifted its head, it's glowing eyes of blazing fire wide open. It seeks the preys who took everything from it that day they arrived. The sword it holds started to glow with ancient runes embedded into the blade. It stood up as high as it would block the light behind it.

The humans were surprised, now feeling nervous even more as the other soldiers prepared their stances. Their swords and shields gripped on tight.

"Men, prepare to fight!" The army of soldiers started to form their formations yet again.

"You will regret this!" Shouted the human guard who was leading the troops.

"No... You all will." Just then it took the horn by the side of the armor, blew into it. The soldiers felt shook.

"Stand your ground! Watch your surroundings!" Just then a couple of arrows went into their direction. A few soldiers riding on horses and archers caught off guard and hit with poisonous ones from afar. They not only felt the pain but further suffered inside until they could no longer handle it.

Out of nowhere, the drums of war echoed everywhere. The voices of other beasts grew closer, started to show themselves out of the trees. Of all kinds, each who had their friends and family and loved ones gone because of human's greed and taste for power.

"What the... Impossible... How can there be still so many of them still alive?!" The humans were in complete shock.

"Don't.... JUST.... STAND THERE! ATTACK! KILL THEM ALL!" The leader commanded. The rest followed his orders. A fight approaches again as they charged at them.

"Today, our kind will stop retreating, cowering as you simply destroy everything in your way until we have no more place to call home. It is time we make this stand. To take the fight back after countless kins were slayed by your disgusting race. COME MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! LET US AVENGE OUR FALLEN!!" It shouted and all of the others like it gathered behind and with a loud warcry. The earth beneath them shook, the vibration made the charging soldiers feel unease and started to become terrified. Their morale was dropping.

"No more hiding, start with your heads staring at your enemies in their eyes as you take away the same who took yours. Show them we are no longer afraid! SHOW THEM YOUR ANGER!"

The beasts charged faster against the humans. The vanguard was quickly overwhelmed, their screams filled the air and the blood once again spilling upon nature. The demon led them into one strong spear that could pierce the human's weak spot. The fight was turning into their favor quickly

The commander was in its sight, the very same one who killed everyone it knew and cherished. It pushed, it crushed every human in its way as it hastens, the human commander realizes he was its target.

"KILL THAT THING! NOW!" But it was futile, no soldier could make it in time as they were the ones now being slaughtered left and right. And as he could look around to witness. The demon sliced him into half.

Moments later, the human army that guarded the area was no more. The sounds of victory and cheer could be heard for miles.
But for the demon, it blew its horn once again. Gathering the attention of every single one of them.

"This was only the first of many we will come to face. I ask all of you once more. Will you let them go wherever as they please? Let them see how afraid we are and that we should just hold up somewhere and let them take it again and again until we have no more homes to stay in?"

"Or will you gladly join me as I lead you all into the fray to show them what we are? To show them our own legacy born from their own mistakes."

They made another warcry. It was simply an answer of yes.

"Very well then. There will be no turning back for us. So let's do this and come back home for everyone who will miss until we return." As the demon lifted his blade and marched forward. The rest behind it followed into the beyond, pushing back all of the humans who occupied. Until they were to go to their ships and never to return.

"This legacy we will bring and leave is something I'll make sure all will never forget..."


The Fallen

"It came upon us without warning.
Savages, ruthless embodiment of devilish evil.
My brothers in arms, slain.
I hear them.
My sisters, burned.
I can smell them.
Children of Ellinia scattering for their lives, torn limb from limb.
I see them when I close my eyes.

I bare witness that no surface on my body remains unscathed.
These wounds that ache to the core of my soul are ever present.
I cannot escape the cries of battle nor the stench of iron and steel.
With each swing of my blade I could no longer feel the souls I have cut down.
I failed to be their protector.
There was no justice nor honor.
This wasn't supposed to be, I did not want this!

The man you raised could not recognize that which eyes reflect.
I could not foresee this oh King of Kings, Lord of all Lords, fallen ruler of Ellinia.
What greatness that I was birthed into, now stained in memory of suffering.

Woken by a silent whisper of a debt paid in full.
I was surrounded by a sea of blood with no enemy in sight, only dismembered children.
Forgive me, Father.." -- Arturious Plomyde II of Ellinia.


Zack Fair: "Cloud... do you remember what I told you?"

Cloud Strife: "Yeah... I am you living legacy."


Smiles and sits under a tree - today is .. The day i draw my last breath ... There are no more battles to be fought ... No army's left to command ... Just a quiet silence through the battle field ... - sets my sword at my side - .. I have nothing left but a legacy i leave behind ... My name made into legend .. And I regret nothing .. - closes my eyes and passes peacefully -


What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.
I Shall Know no Fear


Why does everybody in the chat make a whole monologue to a song


"I am dying so I ask that you take this sword" the knight gasped ruggedly as he lifted up his sword shakily.
"But I can't, it's yours." the young boy replied horrified, as he stared at his dying savior.
He had been recruited by the army only at the age of fifteen because the times were desperate due to the war. He had been foolish and had let his guard down for a split second in the battlefield because of weariness. As he had done so a man had seen him and had come up from behind to do a death blow. However, a knight in bright armor suddenly stepped in the way and had blocked the attack.
The boy like any other had stood dumbstruck and couldn't seem to find the will to move like he should have. At one point the man got a strike to the knights stomach, stabbing deep. He had grinned thinking he had just won, when the knight with a mighty swing of his sword finished him off with a slice to the neck, lopping his head off.
He had then fallen to his knees and now was handing his sword on to the young boy, too foolish to even keep up his guard.
"Take it. I am not asking you." Dragging in a few hard breaths he added "When I looked at you boy I saw something in you that I have not seen in a long time. Myself."
"How can you say that, I nearly just got myself killed!" he exclaimed in disbelief.
"And so did I at your age, this was not my sword when I was young, but belonged to a man who gave his life for me." Coughing up blood he went on "He told me to carry on his legacy, and now I am asking you..." he wheezed "to carry on my legacy. So I give you this sword."
Nodding, unsure of what else to do or say, the boy wrapped his hand around the hilt and lifted it up. Although it was huge, for some reason, he was able to lift it almost as easily as if it was made of air. His mouth dropped, surprised at the feel of such a huge weapon.
Smiling weakly the knight said "It is made of a magical metal so as to give only the owners of the weapon the ability to lift it." Falling to his side he breathed " Use it well, and when the time comes give it to one who you know will wield it right also." And with that he breathed his last.
Tears coming to the boys eyes he replied in a sob "I will, I promise. And from now on until that day I will carry on yours and your saviors legacy."
That boy grew to be the best warrior known in all history. Never dying and always fighting so as to keep his saviors legacy alive.

Hope you enjoyed :)


Quizás no pueda hablar bien en Inglés, pero encontrar esta joya de canal es algo epic .. :3 saludos desde argentina
