7 TIPS for Getting Back Into LoL in 2019 EASILY & PAINLESSLY

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Playing League of Legends in 2019 for the first time in almost 5 years caused me shell shock. But now that I've gone through that struggle, I make sure you don't have to. In this video, we cover 7 TIPS for getting back into League of Legends in 2019.

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Can you do one of theses for smite as a returning player, i've been wanting to play smite again after 2+ years of not playing. also a lol new player video.


Former d5/p1 player from s3 returning.

God I suck now.


I did so, got silver 1 in my placements and ended up tilting again.


I strongly recommend you give smart cast a shot, it'll make your gameplay much smoother.


Can you make a new video to play lol again in 2020, or is there no difference


One of the reasons I havent gone back is because theres just too much going on compared to when I played. I played back with the crappy graphics when hotshotgg was "number 1" lol but I'm downloading it now like 8 years later, gonna take baby steps. Thanks for the info and video


Recommending Nightblue and Trick2g as educational content LUL. Also surprised you didn't recommend Midbeast for players wanting to learn mid - his commentary over Dopa vods is top tier for learning the role.


So its 2020 now, how much has changed?


Awesome video, hey, have you played Vainglory? What do you think about it?


Could you do one of these for 2021? :)


There's one extremely important tip you missed : muting all and ally chat in the settings. Seriously makes the game 10 millions times more enjoyable, especially in ranked.


Now that you know how cool wards can be, can we get some more options than normal and century in SMITE?


I would like to argue that towers in smite are not safe at all :/ so many games have i had now with teams in smite diving you at like 3 mins for who knows how long making the tower Seem like a noodle slapping you would be more dangerous Towers in smite really need to be many times stronger to be any kind of threat


hi drybear, nothing to offend you and im so sorry if it does honestly, but these arent true kinda and some of them are bad as tips. idk how to say without being offensive but i saw your stream youre kinda a neWb at the game so you cant make tips while being a newbie :/


as a smite player?! what?! i have never ever seen your videos or streams (if you do that) ever! should hurry up and subscriberino then!

But yeah, ill be honest here, i started playing the original dota long ago and moved over to league, which was fun but meh... dunno, i missed the old dotes mechanics that i liked so much. So i went to play Dota 2 which for some reason was so goddamn much harder that i didnt know how to play that!

So back to league, i got bronze fucking 1 and i was like "yeah fuck dat." I only played tryndamere and carried the literal shit out of my teams gettin an overall pretty good KDA and such, but i couldnt do that carry thing that every other tryndamere 1 trick did.

So i was like... now what? Hots? theres no goddamn items dude! Super boring (not completly true anymore, love the game after just playing it for some time!)

As someone that loved mmorpgs but never could grasp that long ass grinding stuff someone told me "yo ever heard of smite?!" did that, made a shitload of friends (livestreaming on twitch back then) and had a load of fun! but after a full 3 man ranked joust idea we had, i got placed in bronze 5.. "How? we literally just lost 1 of our placements!" and my buddys where hitting Platinum and Diamond left and right! even my normal mmr was around platinum for joust!

So to fuel myself with more toxicity i went over to stream league of legends, biggest mistake in my life, for real dude, that game is so toxic, and makes me so goddamn toxic too that im glad that the majority of dota2 players are russians on the EU server, why? cuz you dont know what the hell their saying and thats all fine when they rage at you. but i have to say, i was better than before, I acctually knew how to splitpush, come back from a losing lane and acctually hit Gold. i was somewhat proud of myself until i saw my "silver friends from back in the day" allready hit plat and diamond.

Now i kinda remember watching alot of these boxerpete videos on youtube, a dude who hit challenger 6 years in a row only playing tryndamere and aatrox and he quit around a year ago, the same time as me, but it seems he returned... which makes me hungry for some reason.... so yeah..

Good video!
