Once Human | Predator MG4 Fast Gunner Build | Insane LMG Damage

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Welcome back to the channel, everyone! With the new server types and Wish Machine variants, the meta has shifted in "Once Human." In this video, I’m diving into the insane damage potential of the Fast Gunner build using the MP4 Predator LMG. This build is designed for Phase and Coherence server types, but I’ll also cover how it can be adapted for Void and Balance servers.

We’ll explore everything you need to know to unleash the full power of this build, from optimal gear and mods to the best strategies for maximizing your damage output. Whether you're gearing up for PVE or PVP, this guide will help you dominate the battlefield with the Fast Gunner's rapid fire and massive damage.

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0:00 Intro
0:16 Sever Types
0:45 Phase and Coherence Anomaly Details and Counters
1:50 Main Weapon MP4 Predator How to Obtain & Mod
2:40 How Fast Gunner Works
3:45 Key Item Oasis Mask
5:03 Gear Set Bonuses
6:20 Helm, Mod and Location
6:35 Gloves, Mod and Location
6:45 Shoes, Mod and Location
7:15 Chest, Mod and Location
7:25 Pants, Mod and Location
7:38 Secondary Sniper Rifle
8:00 Mod Stat Priority
8:15 Cradle Override Setup
9:45 Void and Balance Anomaly Server Cradle Changes
10:15 Obtain Free MG4 Predator (Under level 10)
10:50 Outro

License code: ZRBC2TZQ5SCNWOEO
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Fast Gunner Currently Best Build

Helmet / Bastille Helmet / with Gold Mod Fateful Strike Violent / Try to max crit dmg
Mask / Oasis Mask / with Gold Mod Blitzkrieg Violent / Try to max crit dmg
Chest / Bastille Chest / with Gold Mod Resist Advantage Violent / Try to max crit dmg (Reason you are using this mod is so you can tank more in endgame since you want to crouch with Bastille 3 Piece set.)
Pants / Bastille Pants / with Gold Mod Dead Shot Violent / Try to max crit dmg
Gloves / Lonewolf Gloves / with Gold Mod Crit Amplifier Violent / Try to max crit dmg
Shoes / Lonewolf Shoes / with Gold Mod Slow and Steady Violent / Try to max crit dmg

Primery Weapon Predator MG4 / With Gold Mod Shoot Out Violent / Try to max crit dmg
Secondary Weapon S870 - Sandstrorm Shotgun / With Gold Mod Portable Teritory Fortress Warfare / Try to max DMG while in Fortress Warfare

Deviant Lonewolfs Whisper

Boss fight start Diviant, then swith to shotgun to proc Fortress Warfare for weapon DMG then Switch back to LMG MG4 Predator and crouch then keep shooting crouched as much as you can.

You will with all those buffs while also stacking and shooting have about 5k to 8k dmg per shot depending how lucky you get with substats from mods.

The only one who might out DPS you will be Bomber JAW build but thats only if he has best substats on Gold Mods as possible.
Otherwise you will always be in top with dmg.

Ammo try to use Steel Ammo or Tungsten Ammo depending what you have. In end game use Precision LMG AP Ammo which is best ammo for Gunner and has special effects for Fast Gunner to have even more dmg. Tho this Ammo only use against certain bosses you want to be done with as quickly as possible, otherwise you would be using too much of your resources.
Forgot to add that u need to put some 2 x crit rate on MG4 Predator Best one is Stabilized Style Calibration so your MG4 Predator becomes lazer


Once Human build videos fall into 2 categories
1) AI voice that covers a build that 90% of other videos have already covered. Usually using footage from other youtubers.
2) The "I don't have all the right mods" theory craft build video, where the damage "might" be good, if you had the right mods. Usually consists of borrowed footage, and can rarely include altered, or falsified footage.


Thank u for the video I build as u said and it's awesome


Broooo i was looking for MG4 buiilds and ur video pops up... perfect timing!


Ty for this video, sadly i still waiting to sign up for normal server to finally try the fast gunner build.


Nice video bud. Btw i run shrapnel as main build, and ofc like everyone been thinking on makinh a fast gunner just for special cases like keeping the set on inventory and quick switch when i meet an anomaly. Thing is do i really have to go for the legendary weapon? So i made myself a purple fast gunner and. Now that i seen your video im gonna try to set it up with the mods that i already have from past season. Will let you know what i think of it when i do the testing.

So; as u've made the set, i suppose you've tested it against the balance anomalies, Question: do you still have to stuck the mob between something and you or can you shoot it not hiding all time behind something? I ask cause it's impossible to kill it with the shrapnell build if im not hiding (bugging the mob)


If you have lone wolf and crit build set up and want to try a new gun, ya this the gun


the only downside to this build is ammo, you will need a of it :D


My first build was Full Weakspot and it really packs a lot of damage on boss weak spot when I shoot them point black with all of the buffs Damage can go 20K to 30K+ every bullets though not recommended. because if you can't hit the weak spots your damage is shit. 🤣


Did u show ur unbuffed stats? Wana see what to aim for.
Also is it good for hard/pro stuff?


Why do i rarely see slow and steady being used for boots?


How about using blizkreig on the oasis mask? That's what I use


If i were to go Renegage and build weakspot for move overall boss dps, should i got 3 piece or 4 piece with oasis and bastille?


My cradle only has 4 options per line while yours has 5. Thoughts on why?


What purple weapons come with the mg4 banner if I may ask?


What calibration weapon are you using for this build?


Nice guide, but why wouldn't you go The Renegade set instead of Savior?


how are you getting so much starchrom?


every m4 i ever picked up is so all over the place at range, not sure how you hit anything


Why is this labeled MP4 when its an MG4?
