Practice Set 4.1 Lecture 1 Chapter 4 Geometric Constructions | SSC Class 10 Geometry| Maths 2

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This Video explains Geometry Practice Set 4.1 Class 10 of Geometric Constructions Chapter 5.
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#Geometry #Class10 #10thMaths #Construction #Constructions
00:00 - Introduction.
02:28 - Question 1. ∆ABC ~ ∆LMN. In ABC, AB = 5.5 cm, BC = 6 cm, CA = 4.5 cm. Construct ∆ABC and ∆LMN such that BC/MN = 5/4
15:03 - Question 3. ∆RST ~ ∆XYZ. In ∆RST, RS = 4.5 cm, ∠RST = 40°, ST = 5.7 cm. Construct ∆RST and ∆XYZ, such that RS/XY = 3/5
Lesson number 4 Geometric Constructions is a scoring chapter for Standard 10th Board exams.
Follow me on WhatsApp, Telegram and Instagram where I share regular updates.
#Geometry #Class10 #10thMaths #Construction #Constructions
00:00 - Introduction.
02:28 - Question 1. ∆ABC ~ ∆LMN. In ABC, AB = 5.5 cm, BC = 6 cm, CA = 4.5 cm. Construct ∆ABC and ∆LMN such that BC/MN = 5/4
15:03 - Question 3. ∆RST ~ ∆XYZ. In ∆RST, RS = 4.5 cm, ∠RST = 40°, ST = 5.7 cm. Construct ∆RST and ∆XYZ, such that RS/XY = 3/5
Lesson number 4 Geometric Constructions is a scoring chapter for Standard 10th Board exams.
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