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Hi everyone. I just came across this in my short videos, I believe the Father, has placed it in my Spirit, to share the gospel, here. Out of Jesus Love.. I hope this blesses by the "multitudes" (maybe even a few family members, if it be Jesus Will, be done).
I saw this and feel such a strong desire, to share His Truth (that everyone deserves to know).. have you ever heard someone ask "what IS the name of the Father"?
There are so many powerful scriptures throughout the Word.. "who is the WORD?"..
Here's a "paraphrased" scripture that I feel led, to share..
"In the beginning was the Word, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD..WAS..GOD"
Who's the "WORD"? (another of His multitude of TITLES..none are His NAME)
I pray, in Jesus name, that multitudes get the "God-Given Revelation, or 'gain' new God-Given knowledge.. (good seed planted or watered /in good ground) then, in His Timing, Jesus gives the increase.".
Jesus spoke to all of us, when He taught His early disciples/Apostles.. those were the 'early biblical Times'
we are now in the "latter biblical times"..
In the upper room, on the day of Pentecost, when "it was fully come"
ACTS 2:37-38
("The man asked the Apostles".. "men and brethren, what must we do to be Saved")..
ACTS 2:38 Peter stood up and shouted Repent, every one of you, and be Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, that your sins may be forgiven, and ye shall be filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is unto you and to your children and to your children's children, and for those who are afar off..
Where in the Word of God, does it say get Baptized in the name"s" of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.. the word name is singular (meaning One).. if you've already received revelation on this topic or "gained" knowledge.. how amazing is our God!
If someone hasnt received it yet, it will happen, if we believe, and do as He said to do.. the best way for me to understand, is to get revelation from my own humbled prayer closet. There, He speaks to me, in my spirit. Oh, how we all praise, Lord, Jesus!
I was asked years ago, who is Jesus and who is God? I hadnt yet received the revelation..wasnt quite as important in my Walk with Jesus, back then.. but, 50+ years later... I started getting deeper into the WORD/JESUS..
Very Powerful Revelations have come into my spirit, from God..
I started "listening -to-learn"..
I'd prayed several years ago, about things just weren't quite "right", in my spirit, at the church I used to attend.. I prayed to God, and wasnt a month later, I'd found this church, that I currently attend, and they are under the Holy Spirit, anointing. They encouraged me to study Acts 2:38.. one lady said to me, read it slowly.. and let Jesus get deeper and deeper..
As He spoke in the Bible,
"Draw nigh to Me, and I'll draw nigh to you"
There are so many scriptures that the Lord is speaking into my spirit, I'd love to be a blessing to someone on here.. that's one reason I responded to the blessing of this video to begin with.. I'm guessing there are alot of friends on here that have questions in the back of their minds, but, dont know who to turn to..as I didnt in my younger years. Now, I'm not afraid to ask any questions, I've started my journey, in Jesus name. He is my boldness, my strength, my shield and buckler... JESUS is "The Holy One of Israel".. everything He taught them, is to still be taught today.. the Great Commission doesnt end, until Jesus comes back "on the clouds".. "as a thief in the night".. He's coming back to claim every one who truly followed Him..
And shared His "Gospel with every living creature"...
Prayers, in Jesus name..
and much love, from a humbled, fellow Christ-follower, from afar off!
God bless to everyone.
