Drupal 8 Theming - Part 20 - Using Drush

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In this Drupal 8 Theming tutorial we are going to take a look at Drush, a command line interface for Drupal.

Drush enables you to make actions that would take many clicks in Drupal administration much quicker by making them available to you via command line.

So instead of going to Configuration and then Performance and then clicking "Clear Cache" button you can just write ```drush cc``` and be done with it in seconds. But also you can download and install modules, you can update modules, you can even make the complete backup of your sites files and database by just doing ```drush ard```.

As you can imagine it's an invaluable tool if you are doing Drupal development and it's going to make your workflow much quicker.

Рекомендации по теме

If a template modification locks you out of your site because you can't see your login form or admin controls etc., this command will set Bartik theme as your default so you can get in and sort things out: drush config-set system.theme default Bartik


You Sir are a living legend! I can't thank you enough for the premium skills you share on your videos.


Fan-darn-tastic, Ivan! No one could give a straight answer as to why I get this error: PHP Fatal error: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Drush\Command\DrushInputAdapter, it's because of a conflict with Laravel! Your instruction to do: "composer require drush/drush" is a god-send!


happy to see you in drupal8 series again


Question, if a developer setup a refresh program for the database and it refreshes the database at a certain time. Should that refresh delete any thing that is pushed to the database from Drupal? For example, if a Designer creates a page for a facility with address, phone number, facility name and description along with a picture and that info is pushed to the database and you have a database entry for that page. Should the refresh be removing that entry is what I am saying?


Hi Ivan,
I regularly update CORE with drush.
as of this date, I have drupal 8 installed without composer, drush without composer.
What is a bug ?


Hi Ivan,
thank you so much for your video. And because of you I finally tested Drush ;-)
But I have a question : How to recover the backup we made with Drush from ubuntu to Windows ?


If you install Drupal 8 with Composer it already comes with Drush.
