Chi Energy Healing ✧ 12 Meridians of the Body ✧ Quantum Healing Sound Therapy of Body Mind Soul

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Chi Energy Healing Music, 12 Meridians of the Body ✧ Quantum Healing Sound Therapy of Body Mind Soul

💕 Lovemotives Meditation Music
💚 Chi Energy Healing
✧ 12 Meridians of the Body
✧ Quantum Healing Sound Therapy of Body Mind Soul
❯❯❯ No Headphones Required


💚 Message:
☯ This music contains a
Secret Quantum Miracle Formula Frequencies,
that makes this music unique and ultra powerful effective.
For complete results, listen every day.
You can either meditate with it or just listen to it in a relaxed state.

It will allow you to emerge with the music and become one,
unified in a quantum field of perception.
You'll experience self-transformation by raising your vibration,
healing the deepest parts of your being.

♡ About:
☯ Meridians of the Body

Meridians of the body are undetectable to our eye, and yet we couldn’t live without them. They influence every organ and physiological system in the body. They carry energy throughout the body, much in the same way arteries carry blood. This energy is often referred to as chi, qi, or prana.

Meridians of the body are responsible for all the body’s major organ systems: endocrine, nervous, circulatory, immune, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive, and the lymphatic systems. If the energy flowing through a meridian is imbalanced in any way, the system it fuels is jeopardized and disease results.

Through the flow of energy, meridians bring balance to the body. They remove energetic blocks, excesses, and imbalances, regulate metabolism and support cellular health. Their flow is as important as the flow of blood; your life and health rely on both.

There are 12 major meridians in the body:

Large intestine
Small intestine
Pericardium (circulation/synergy)
Triple Warmer

This is miracle music for manifestation, be ready for it,
it comes from within and therefore there is no need to search for it,
as it already exists inside you waiting to be awakened,
to the full potential of yourself.
Don't expect anything, just let it go in the unconditional love wave,
and let that energy carry you.


▼LINKS :::
For an ASMR Moment Experience

Second Music Channel for ASMR Miracle Manifestation

For Wisdom Knowledge and Experience

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Infinite Gratefulness for Existence Dear Soul
Ivo Artur
LOKOSMOTIVOS Meditation Music


❯ This Music has been tuned to A4 = 432 Hz and 60 Bpm
432 Hz Resonates with all the 7 Chakras and the Universe
Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy,
because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

💚 Let the music of the spheres play inside you
432Hz unites you with the universal harmony


💛💜💚 Ivo Artur is founder and creator of
Lokosmotivos Meditation Music and WAAO Love,
one of the leading multi-sensory YouTube healing channels that spread messages of pure ascension and impact hundreds of thousands of beings worldwide.

Ivo Artur combines all angles of spiritual observation with wisdom, knowledge, and Experience to transmit messages of source consciousness and oneness through both sound and visual vibrational frequencies that offer profound transformations such as:
Awakening, Ascension, Awareness, and Activation.


#Lokosmotivos #MeditationMusic #IvoArtur
Рекомендации по теме

It's so beautiful seeing everyone awaken around me, I was getting so sad being the only one awake. Many more changes to come, let's just birth our new energy into existence and keep thinking of how well you're doing all the time. Life is about being grateful for what you have learned in the present moment. If I would have known that I would have excelled on a faster scale as I was always in search of the next "informational high", knowledge can be addicted just like any other habit in your life. Take time to feel it, know it, live it, then move on to the next steps. E-ana


outstanding style of sound design! you have honed and crafted and progressed really well over time! KEEP IT UP youtube needs more soul behind the channels! and your unique application of self in all things you create and share is GLORIOUS


Such a wonderful thing to find a comment section without one negative comment!!!❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛💚
The positive force will always overcome the negative force


Thanks you for all the love created by you. You are able to tap into the Source.


I love this music. It's very beautiful, peaceful, and healing. Keep up the good work.


Thank you very much . Gratitude. Love and blessings.🍃🌹🍃


I’m using this this one beautiful morning To do meditate exercise outside.

This is a very very good Thai Chi exercise flow music definitely gets the blood flowing and it definitely helps with centering the mind and the body in the spirit


Thx* 4* good Lovemotives info* message !!! *Knowing* Is half the battle 💙 🔆 Body loves this !!!


Listen. Love will be spread across the realm, trust. I’m not straying from my path again. That’s all they were helping me do. Even so it’s still all love as it always has been🌞


“Divine creator, father, mother, son as one… If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds, and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness… Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies, and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light… And it is done.”

Divino criador, pai, mãe, filho como um só... Se eu, a minha família, os meus parentes e os meus ancestrais ofendemos a ti, tua família, teus parentes e teus ancestrais em pensamentos, palavras, realizações e ações desde o início da criação até o presente, pedimos o teu perdão... Permita que isto limpe, purifique, libere, interrompa todas as memórias, bloqueios, energias e vibrações negativas, e transmute essas energias indesejáveis em uma luz pura... E está feito.


I will forever remember the first name 💙🌙💙


this seem to have an effect on my lower to middle spine and crown


This is wonderful 💗 Thank you so much 🙏


In the name of Jesus Jesus I use my power for good healings of everything in this earth in the name of Jesus for healings on all body's in the name of Jesus for prospirity for love for good healthy soul on me and my kids my mom and all healing all body's in the whole eath of the world in the name of Jesus don't let sa satana win power in the name of Jesus and heal everything Jesus


All pains it's gone from my family my friends the Lord's the fire fighters it's gone in the name of Jesus


Ich denke chi est weiß ich wieder wer ich bin danke ❤


hi, it is necessary to listen to all the videos, or 15 minutes is enough and it repeats ?


My man’s firing a Ka-me-ha-me-ha!
DBZ reference


Here in the world he takes nothing not-given — long, short, large, small, attractive, not: he’s what I call a brahmin. 409 His longing for this & for the next world can’t be found; free from longing, unshackled: he’s what I call a brahmin. 410 His attachments, his homes, can’t be found. Through knowing he is unperplexed, has attained the plunge into Deathlessness: he’s what I call a brahmin.


I deserve to be most richest woman in the planet
And you want me healthy
Health is not important for me right now I deserve instant cash flow and flows and flows my life never ever ending of energy money success and ppl who take my money they feel sorry and return back me my money I deserve it on urgent basis
