Livestream: Bibby Problems For Rishi! Nadine Dorries! Tory Corruption?

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If they have escaped from a corrupt government and police, they have come to the wrong country.


Best one you will ever hear from an English actual voter, I am not intelligent enough , that's a brexiter , right there


Is Ms Dorries guilty of Theft?
A person is guilty of theft if he/she dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it (Theft Act 1968). Obviously Ms Dorries was not guilty of theft whilst properly performing her duties as an MP and she was within her rights to draw her MP's and ministerial salary during the time she did so. That said, there is of necessity an implicit understanding that an elected public servant cannot continue drawing her salary willy-nilly after she ceases performing the duties for which she was put in post. It seems that Ms Dorries ceased performing her duties as an MP many months ago but did not cease banking her MP's salary. We are told that her 2 daughters like herself have continued drawing significant salaries despite not performing their duties).
We need to have a Judge or KC led Public Inquiry at the earlest available date, with a remit to determine such questions as:
1. From what date should Ms Dorries be considered to have ceased performing her duties as an MP, if that be the case?
2. Should she be seen from that time on as 'dishonestly appropriating' public money?
3. Is it lawful for an MP to continue drawing on the public purse after ceasing to perform her MP's duties?
4. Is there a breach of parliamentary convention or contract law if an MP continues drawing a salary in those circumstances?
5. By corollary should Ms Dorries be entitled to continue paying her staff?
6. If the 3 ladies cannot prove they had no intention to deprive the public of the salaries they received for doing nothing, is the taxpayer entitled to claw back Ms Dorries' salary and that of her daughters from the time they ceased performing their parliamentary duties?
7. In the event that Ms Dorries declines to restore taxpayer money paid after the date she is found to have ceased performing her duties as an MP, what sanctions are available to the taxpayer?
8. Has the Prime Minister acted with Integrity, Professionalism and Accountability in overseeing the conduct of Ms Dorries?

Comment: Whatever the legal position proves to be, Ms Dorries is intelligent enough to realise her actions are immoral and tantamount to flinging a pot of paint in the face of the British people.


“We are a gas-lit nation.” - James O’Brien

This man is proof of the joke that is British democracy. The fact he’s so remotely distant from the reality that these politicians we’ve voted for, are doing an awful job, and that he’s probably reading the biased tabloid papers that tell him otherwise.

In a truly democratic country, he should know that his opinion and the opinion of everyone should be valid in shaping the country they live in, that we live in.

As it is, the establishment has treated him and too many for fools and made them think these things.
It’s unbelievably insulting to not let people have their say in democracy from the bottom up.

He says he’s “not intelligent enough” to give his views. In a country where the press and news we read was unbiased and told us the truth about what we do in society, exactly what we vote for, he wouldn’t be unintelligent. A society that respects the intelligence of its people is worth a thousand nations that keep their people in the dark.


Bibby is another depressing example of government by newspaper headline. The Tories want favourable coverage in the right-wing press and will put the wellbeing of human beings at risk to do so. Pathetic.


‘Too many do gooders’ a perfect encapsulation of the right wings gaslit mindset- let’s have less people who do good and presumable more people that are ‘do badders’


Darling Buds of May meets Downton Abbey.


We r the shame of the western world...


I just wondering if Great Britain has a prime minister in London ?


What's the point of this channel, Novara or others. Nothing changes. Just more and more news of how we are being screwed over. When is anyone going to come up with how we can actually force a change.


This might be your major bug bear with brexit but your channel is the same. you need to highlight the positives from the tory party in order to then highlight the terrible things. only by including tory voters will you be able to change their mind.


This will be used as another reason for leaving the European court of human rights. You just watch. Please stop expecting them to behave as you do, then being surprised when they don't. It doesn't make them stupid, it makes you stupid
