ESO TRADER TIER LIST 💸 Ranking ESO Trading Locations

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In this video, I will briefly go over all of the noteworthy qualities of each kind of ESO zone as they pertain to trading. I’ll also be sorting all of these zones by way of a tier list to give you a better visual representation of the best zones for trading in ESO, as well as the least ideal ones.

As mentioned in the video, I am approaching this tier list with my experience as a seasoned trader on the PC NA server. There are going to be minor differences between servers, but general concepts, such as the ones mentioned in this video, should be relevant no matter what server you play on.

Because there are only so many grades in this tier list, I had to lump in some locations where I would have otherwise liked to have been able to distinguish them further, but overall, I’m think I've managed to sort everything within reason.

Do recall that a trader is different than a trading guild. A trader refers to the actual NPC located at a trading stall. A trading guild can purchase a trader for a week; this grants players that are a part of that guild the opportunity to list their wares on this trader for others to then buy!

And of course, just because a trading guild is located in a spot that is not super ideal for trading, that does not necessarily mean that you will not be able to make a lot of gold there, or that this is at all indicative of how great the guild is that occupies this location. Keep in mind notions such as sales requirements, dues, events, and community spirit when you consider picking out a guild that is right for you!

If you play on a different server, feel free to let us know what changes you might make to this tier list to better accommodate the trading and social climate on your platform!

0:00 Introduction
-Criteria that will help me judge these locations:
0:44 Proximity to a wayshrine
1:05 Loading screens?
1:37 Locked behind DLC?
2:04 Located in a "player hub"?
3:09 Trader tier list
7:04 Conclusion

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(All from Eric Godlow Beats)

“Miss You”


“To The Moon”

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Heya! I've been receiving a few comments from peeps who I presume are new players/traders that are not super familiar with ESO trading lingo. So I just wanted to clarify that this video ranks the best locations (on PC NA) for *TRADING* (i.e trading your wares/selling your wares), not *BUYING* or *SHOPPING* *FOR* *A* *DEAL* .This information is meant to help you understand which traders will receive more traffic so that you may pick out a guild that vibes best with your standards and expectations when it comes to trading; it isn't meant to direct you to the nearest and best shopping centre ;p If you have any more beginner-tier questions about trading or finding a trading guild or trading location that's best for you, feel free to ask away in the comments

If you wanna mess around with the same template that I used, you can find it here:


Now THIS is the topic I’ve been waiting for forever. Mournhold is seemingly the center of the trading universe, but it will be cool to see what you come up with.


I agree. I remember when our trader was in rawlka, a couple years ago, and it was bustling of course, but we had a “battle” with another guild for our spot and subsequently lost our spot for like 3 weeks straight. As a result, we wound up in Vivec city (which was much cheaper anyway). After a few weeks some of us spoke up that our sales were much higher in Vivec, and would prefer to stay there. Fast forward 2.5 years and we’re still there lol.

I say all of this to say Vivec > rawlka any day.


I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy your videos. As a returning player after 6 years, you and your videos have been essential. I also really appreciate that you keep schit real, without being a dingaling about it. Keep up the fantastic work!


NGL I've spent months and months trying to figure this out, and I'm so glad to see you tackling this topic at a high level. Alas, I'm responsible for getting a trader for my little social/trading guild (sub 100 active players), so we're looking at a lot less buying power than most. As such, I'm constantly trying to figure out the combination of (zone X location in zone) for bidding on traders. For instance, figuring out how Cormount (Grahtwood x Wilderness) compares to Sadrith Mora (Vvardenfell X Small City). Or getting even more detailed - how does Vulkhel Guard overland compare to outlaws refuge? How does that differ from Davon's Watch? How about 'invisible' traders - how does Voljar Meadery compare to Fort Amol (where the trader doesn't appear on the map until you zoom in on the city)?


So, will we get Mournhold and then everything else? I can’t wait to see!

Thanks for this! I’ve always wondered what the top 5 trading zones were.


Yes!! A well done, usefully informative, nobitchgripe video with a good touch of humor! IMO - Perfect. Thanks!


p.s. Its also worth mentioning that When I thought that places like Vivec City would be an awesome place to sell products... our guild did not sell much there, I concluded that it must have something to do with what we sold there. considering that a lot of people craft there, it would make sense to sell products that crafters would want.


I really love the retro effects you used at the beginning of the video. I was born in the very early 80's so it is nostalgic to me.


Wow thx Atrea, keep up the FINE work appreciated!


This is the most useful ESO guide i have seen in a long time! Soooo tired of patch notes and "the most broken 1M dps build of all time"


Great list! I love Leyawiin for writs and occasional trading. Kind of a bummer it’s a chapter city. It’s so convenient.


Gosh I hate the guild trader location in RIften. It's not even close to the Riften wayshrine and it's even closer to the wayshrine OUTSIDE Riften. Same goes with the Orsinium guild traders.


Will be checking other listings in the guild today, oops! Thanks for another great vid!! 🙂❤️


I would say that there are two types of shoppers. As you pointed out, some players just browse certain popular/easy areas, And there are shoppers that use a shopping addon/website to locate cheaper products. As you pointed out, there are popular areas to attract shoppers, and that in order for a cheap guild trader to even have a chance, its products have to be really cheap so as to attract the people that are not just browsing. Thanks again for the video.


love ur editing style and flow of the videos will be watching you all the time from now on


I'm a bit slow apparently, but the DLC vs Non DLC concept never occurred to me before. That explains my new guild's sales. Recently, I picked up a 5th trading guild that's located in Daggerfall. I thought the location would suck, but it's turned out to be very, very busy...I can barely keep my 30 slots filled.


This is pretty much accurate for Xbox NA as well, with the exception that wayrest would be S tier because it’s a popular duel location and many people hang there and wait for battlegrounds queues.


Also, if we want to talk trading strategy, can we open up the can of worms of discussion between ‘holding a trader’ vs. ‘Getting what you can get’?

I would love to have been able to establish a consistent trader from my little guild, but there’s a lot of risk associated with it. For instance, even ‘Great Minds’ who held Hoarfrost Downs for years (maybe one of the worst traders?), they lost it during an event, and it’s been back and forth since then (bidding wars?)

I’ve tried to focus on bidding on a single city primarily, which is helpful (I suppose), but I still have 4-5 backup slots that would be a significant change.

Also, can we talk about raising funds to bid on one or two traders (at a higher number) vs. shotgunning 10 traders?


Thanks, Arttea. Great vid :) . IMO the Trader system needs work. The traders have been a PITA on console. Way harder for the 2yrs I've played on PS4.
