Yemin 338. Bölüm | The Promise Season 3 Episode 338

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Yemin son bölümünde; Ümit'in tehditlerinden bunalan Feride, ağlama krizine girer. Emir ise Feride'yi Ümit'ten nasıl kurtaracağını düşünür...

Yemin 3. Sezon 338. Bölüm Konusu:

Emir artık her şeyin farkındadır. Feride'nin ümit tarafından tehdit edildiğini anlar fakat neyle tehdit ettiğini bulmaya çalışır. Feride'ye yalnız olmadığını söyler ancak destek almak istemediğini söyler. Ümit, Feride'nin aklını karıştırdığı gerçekçesiyle Melike'ye zarar vereceğini söyler. Feride ise buna engel olmak adına kendisine zarar vereceğini söyler. İkilinin boğuşmasında Feride merdivenlerden yuvarlanır ve yere düşer. Peki, Feride'ye ne oldu? Songül'ün hazırlattığı vasiyetname tüm aileyi şaşkına çevirir. Songül'ün hain planı ortaya çıkacak mı?

Yemin Dizisi Oyuncuları

Gökberk Demirci
Cansu Tuman
Can Verel
Yaghmur Shahbazova
Cansın Mina Gür
Gül Arcan
Berkant Müftüler
Ceyda Olguner
Melahat Abbasova
Elif Özkul
Gözde Gündüzlü
Hülya Aydın
Derya Kurtuluş
Mustafa Şimşek
Esra Çoban
Barış Gürses
Can Çağlar
Miran Efe Achylov

Yönetmenler: Yasemin Türkmenli , Serkan Mut
Senaryo: Başak Yazı Odası
Yapım: Karamel Yapım
Müzik: Minör


Chapter 338 English
Umit: You know we can be very happy, right? all we have to do is get rid of the people around us, if it's just the two of us we could be very happy, rest, today I'm tired. Emir: she is afraid, very afraid, whatever she says, I shouldn't have let her go with that man, I made a mistake. Oya: You are angry with me, but no, none of the woman's actions seem sincere to me, I accepted her apology to leave as soon as possible, I am not lying. Narin: don't bother anymore Kemal: we'll handle it for my brother's sake. Oya: I lost my brother, will I take care of that too? Narin will go to bed, Kemal will return. Emir: Sister Melike, what do you think? Do you think he is happy like he said he? Melike: Feride is not well at all, as if Feride's eyes are dead, soulless, but she is afraid to say what makes her unhappy. Emir: I asked her many times, I told her that she would help her, but no, she rejects him every time. Melike: if she could say it, she would say it, what are you going to do, do you have something in mind? Emir: (Hikmet: Take care of Feride, protect him even if he doesn't want to, never give up) I don't know, but I have to do something. Melike: but be careful, that man is not good at all, he has the girl scared, he doesn't even open his mouth about her. I hope he doesn't hurt her. Feride: God help me, I beg you help me. I'm at a dead end, I don't know which branch to hold. I cannot get up if you do not help, I will not be able to get out of this nightmare, please God show me a way, give me strength to continue, please, I am very afraid, I beg you, help me. Oya: Once in London I was inadvertently in custody due to an incident, my brother took a plane and came to save me, without my telling you. Kemal: So that was the reason for that mysterious trip to London, and you didn't tell me, Oya: I knew you would be mad, but my brother Hikmet would never be mad at me. Kemal: You tell the truth, he would never hurt you. He was not only our brother, he was a father, Oya: you are right I do not know how to get used to his absence, my arm is broken, my wing is broken brother, there is a great emptiness inside me, like an earthquake and I do not know how to overcome it . Kemal: I know it will be difficult but we will start to live without him, he wanted to see us happy and at peace. Oya: you're right, he didn't think of anyone other than us and his children. My dear brother may he rest in peace in heaven. Narin asks if Oya is calm, Kemal: I think she needs a little time, Narin: you're fine, Kemal: I'm trying, with time I think I'll be better, her absence will be covered with memory, you give me strength. Tomorrow the will will be read, she had forgotten me. Narin: so fast? Kemal: It must be done as soon as possible, it is very important for the company, Narin: After all, hundreds of people earn their bread and you do not want to leave anyone in a difficult situation, do not feel guilty you will do what you must do, that that's all. Emir: how are your days you thought well, Feride: why should I come. Emir: we can talk a bit, why are you afraid of that man, tell me what scares you, you must not be afraid. You are not alone how many times I will have to remind you of this. Feride: I am not afraid of anything or anyone. I was going to ask you the same thing, how many more times do I have to tell you? Emir: you can deny it a hundred or a thousand times but I know that he threatened you, the only thing I do not know is what he threatens you with but I will know, do not worry. Feride: let's say you're right, he hits me, what are you going to do, he's my husband and I'm his wife, don't get involved, Emir: I'm right, look at that man. Feride: that man does nothing of what you think, Emir: then why are your attitude, your speech, your appearance in this state, it is not you, I know you and I do not need to know anything else to realize that you are unhappy, tell me, don't run, talk to me. Feride: you are not interested in what happens between Umit and me, we will heal our own wounds, live your own life and let me be happy. Oya does not want to go to the mansion because of the will, Kemal tells her that it is important to her that her presence will wait for her in the car. Narin: I ask you to accompany him, he is sad, do not leave him alone, please. Oya: Ok, I'll go get ready. The lawyer gives him an altered will, Songül must put it in the safe. Feride. my lamb i'm so trapped as i try to move away to protect you, the more i try to convince him the more he haunts me. I know I just broke his heart, I have no other choice, what am I going to do, Yigit? Emir: why are you afraid, she says that she loves it (listen to the voice of your inner son, take care of Feride) Kemal says goodbye to Narin and asks him to take care of herself and the baby. Sheriye thinks that Taci is checking her phone for Asli, he says that he is reading the newspaper. Sheriye asks Taci to fix the mixer, Taci will go buy one, Sheriye laughs because if she knew how to fix Asli's necklace, Melike: What's wrong, did something happen? Feride: Nothing important, I have something to do Melike: You know we are a family, It doesn't change because you got married, I know you, you're like my daughter, if you have a problem, tell me, you don't have to be afraid of anyone, don't put up with anything either, Feride: don't do it sister Melike, please, I'm fine, don't worry, Songül: here is its final value, there is little left, very little, Kemal calls Emir to tell him that they are going to the house for the will, Emir: why today, it is not very fast. Kemal: I thought the same, but the lawyers of the company called so that the value of the shares in the stock market did not go down, think about our employees. Emir: you're right, if we have to do it today, we will, ok I'll wait for you Feride: (marriage is fortune, if you are not well get out of there, your house is always open for you, do not forget that I am your father, I am always behind you, you know this) Taci arrives with the mixer, Sheriye asks if I buy the starch, Taci says she forgot, Sheriye asks if she has a fever and the reason is the nurse, Taci asks her not to come back with the same topic, Narin asks about Masal, the girl went to the park with Minuvver, asks what about Taci, In the mansion they wait for the company's lawyer but they delay, Melike tells Emir that he will go with Yigit to the park, Umit: what happened, why did you arrive so early? Feride: I finish my work, I left early to rest, Umit: who is calling, Feride: Sister Melike, Hello, Melike: I am a little restless, I am thinking of you, Feride: Do not worry, if something will happen, I would tell you. Melike: I know you, even if you say that you are happy, it is obvious that you are not, you are worse day by day, do you think I do not understand? not only me Emir too, God always shows a way out daughter, it is not worth being miserable, there is a remedy for everything, except for death, Emir arrives with a man is Songül's lawyer, everyone is surprised, the other lawyers delay, Narin asks Taci what's wrong, he says it's Sheriye who won't give up on the marriage, Narin: I know but you know her. she does not do it out of evil, if not because she loves you. Feride: There's nothing to worry about, I'm fine sister, I'm closing, we'll talk later. Umit: you do it on purpose, you like to provoke me and make me angry, don't ask you, you love sister Melike, it surprises me, I think you love her, I think I have a job, Feride: Don't hurt her. Umit: then don't provoke me, stop, Severt: his father was a very precious man, his lawyers are too late. I'll be late for a case. Kemal: They'll be here soon. Feride: I did not say anything, I swear I did not, I beg you, do not do anything to her, Melike is not to blame, Umit: look, she is close, you see her, I will go right now, I will not let her confuse you, she will learn not to get involved in what does not concern you, I will do a lot of harm to your life, a lot of harm, Feride: Umit, you won't do anything to Melike, you won't, Umit: what are you going to do, will you hide her, wait, I'm coming Feride: no, to myself, Umit: what are you doing, don't be silly, Feride: If you don't stop, if you don't stop hurting people. She said that he did all this because of me, so it's over, if I go, I'll finish it all, right? I can not take it anymore. Umit: don't be crazy, ok, calm down, Melike you hear Feride's screams, the phone was open, Girl, can you hear me, Taci says that it will continue until I do, Narin says that it is not easy to find love and nobody can choose it For him, while they talk, Asli calls, Narin: Taci answers, Asli calls to thank the arrangement of the necklace, says that he will send him a gift, Taci. there's no need. As the lawyers delay Kemal to open the envelope and when he reads it Severt is surprised: Mr. Hikmet arranged that after his death the inheritance be divided equally between his son Emir and his wife Songül, the papers will be signed as soon as possible . Oya: Wait a minute, did my brother want all of his assets to be shared equally between Emir and Songül? Do I understand correctly? Severt: Yes, Mrs. Oya, all movable and immovable property, everything is clearly written, Oya: No, it is not possible, it is impossible for my brother to leave such a will, also, he had recently explained another situation to us. Severt: I don't know what you're talking about for me, what's valid is what is written here, Oya: So my brother left his wife, whom he married a few months ago, instead of his brothers, the wealth of his life? nobody can make me believe that, nobody brother say something do you think your mind is based on your logic? There must be a mistake,


Capítulo 338 Español
Umit: Sabes que podemos ser muy felices, ¿verdad? todo lo que tenemos que hacer es deshacernos de la gente que nos rodea, si estamos sólo los dos podríamos ser muy felices, descansa, hoy estoy cansado. Emir: tiene miedo, mucho miedo, lo que sea que diga, no debía haberla dejado ir con ese hombre, cometí un error. Oya: Estás enojado conmigo, pero no, ninguna de las acciones de la mujer me parece sincera, acepté sus disculpas para que se fuera lo antes posible, no estoy mintiendo. Narin: no te molestes más Kemal: lo manejaremos por el bien de mi hermano. Oya: Perdí a mi hermano, ¿también me encargaré de eso?. Narin se irá a la cama, Kemal regresará. Emir: hermana Melike, qué opinas ¿Crees que está feliz como dijo? Melike: Feride no está nada bien, como si los ojos de Feride estuvieran muertos, sin alma, pero tiene miedo de decir lo que la hace infeliz. Emir: le pregunté muchas veces, le dije que la ayudaría, pero no, lo rechaza cada vez. Melike: si pudiera decirlo, lo diría, ¿qué vas a hacer, tienes algo en mente? Emir: (Hikmet: Cuida a Feride, protégelo aunque él no quiera, nunca te rindas) No sé, pero algo tengo que hacer. Melike: pero ten cuidado, ese hombre no es nada bueno, tiene a la chica asustada, ni siquiera abre su boca. Espero que no la dañe. Feride: Dios ayúdame, te lo ruego ayúdame. Estoy en un callejón sin salida, no sé que rama sostener. No puedo levantarme si no ayudas, no podré salir de esta pesadilla, por favor Dios muéstrame un camino, dame fuerzas para seguir, por favor, tengo mucho miedo, te lo ruego ayúdame. Oya: Una vez en Londres estuve inadvertidamente bajo custodia por un incidente, mi hermano tomo un avión y vino a salvarme, sin que yo te dijera. Kemal: entonces ese fue el motivo de ese misterioso viaje a Londres, y no me lo dijiste, Oya: sabía que estarías enojado, pero mi hermano Hikmet nunca se enojaría conmigo. Kemal: dices la verdad, él nunca te lastimaría. Él no era sólo nuestro hermano, era un padre, Oya: tienes razón no sé como acostumbrarme a su ausencia, mi brazo está roto, mi ala está rota hermano, hay un gran vacío dentro de mí, como un terremoto y no sé como superarlo. Kemal: sé que será difícil pero prenderemos a vivir sin él, quería vernos feliz y en paz. Oya: tienes razón, él no pensaba en nadie más que en nosotros y sus hijos. Mi querido hermano que descanse en paz en el cielo. Narin pregunta si Oya está calmada, Kemal: creo que necesita un poco de tiempo, Narin: estás bien, Kemal: estoy tratando, con el tiempo creo que estaré mejor, su ausencia se cubrirá con el recuerdo, ustedes me dan fuerza. Mañana se leerá el testamento, se me había olvidado. Narin: ¿tan rápido? Kemal: debe hacerse lo antes posible, es muy importante para la compañía, Narin: Después de todo, cientos de personas se ganan el pan y no quieres dejar a nadie en una situación difícil, no te sientas culpable harás lo que debes hacer, eso es todo. Emir: cómo están tus días pensaste bien, Feride: por qué debería venirme. Emir: podemos hablar un poco, por qué le tienes miedo a ese hombre, dime lo que te asusta, no debes tener miedo. No estas sola cuantas veces tendré que recordarte esto. Feride: no tengo miedo de nada ni de nadie. Te iba a preguntar lo mismo ¿Cuántas veces mas tengo que decirte? Emir: puedes negarlo cien o mil veces pero sé que te amenazó, lo único que no sé es con qué te amenaza pero lo sabré no te preocupes. Feride: digamos que tienes razón, me golpea, qué vas a hacer, el es mi esposo y yo soy su esposa, no te involucres, Emir: tengo razón, mira ese hombre. Feride: ese hombre no hace nada de lo que piensas, Emir: entonces por qué estás en este estado tu actitud, tu habla, tu apariencia, no eres tú, yo te conozco y no necesito saber nada más para darme cuenta de que eres infeliz, dime, no corras, habla conmigo. Feride: no te interesa lo que pase entre Umit y yo, nosotros sanaremos nuestras propias heridas, vive tu propia vida y déjame ser feliz. Oya no quiere ir a la mansión por lo del testamento, Kemal le dice que es importante su presencia la esperará en el auto. Narin: te pido que lo acompañes, está triste no lo dejes solo, por favor. Oya: Ok, me iré a preparar. El abogado le entrega un testamento alterado, Songül debe ponerlo en la caja fuerte. Feride. mi cordero estoy tan atrapada mientras trato de alejarme para protegerte, cuanto más trato de convencerlo más me persigue. Se que acabo de romper su corazón, no me dejo de otra opción, ¿Qué voy a hacer Yigit? Emir: por qué tienes miedo, ella dice que lo quiere (escucha la voz de tu interior hijo, cuida a Feride) Kemal se despide de Narin pide que se cuide ella y el bebé. Sheriye piensa que Taci esta revisando su teléfono por Asli, él dice que esta leyendo el periódico. Sheriye pide a Taci que arregle la batidora, Taci irá a comprar una, Sheriye se ríe porque si supo arreglar el collar de Asli, Melike: ¿Qué sucede, pasó algo? Feride: Nada importante, tengo algo que hacer Melike: Sabes que somos una familia,
no cambia porque te casaste, te conozco, eres como mi hija, si tienes un problema, dímelo, no tienes que tener miedo de nadie, tampoco aguantar nada, Feride: no lo hagas hermana Melike, por favor, estoy bien no te preocupes, Songül: aquí está su valor final, queda poco, muy poco, Kemal llama a Emir para decirle que van a la casa por lo del testamento, Emir: por qué hoy, no es muy rápido. Kemal: Yo pensaba lo mismo, pero los abogados de la empresa llamaron para que el valor de las acciones en bolsa no bajara, piensa en nuestros empleados. Emir: tienes razón, si hoy hay que hacerlo, lo haremos, ok los espero. Feride: (el matrimonio es fortuna, si no estas bien sale de ahí, tu casa siempre esta abierta para ti, no olvides que soy tu padre siempre estoy detrás de ti, tu sabes esto) Taci llega con la batidora, Sheriye pregunta si compro el almidón, Taci dice que se olvidó, Sheriye pregunta si tiene fiebre y el motivo es la enfermera, Taci pide que no vuelva con el mismo tema, Narin pregunta por Masal, la niña fue al parque con Minuvver, pregunta qué pasa con Taci, En la mansión esperan al abogado de la empres pero se demoran, Melike dice a Emir que irá con Yigit al parque, Umit: qué pasó ¿por qué llegaste tan temprano? Feride: termino mi trabajo, salí temprano para descansar, Umit: quién llama, Feride: la hermana Melike, Hola, Melike: estoy un poco inquieta, estoy pensando en ti, Feride: No te preocupes, si pasará algo, te lo diría. Melike: Te conozco, incluso si tú dices que eres feliz, es obvio que no lo eres, estás peor día a día, ¿crees que no entiendo? no sólo yo Emir también, Dios siempre muestra una salida hija, no vale la pena ser miserable, hay remedio para todo, menos para la muerte, Emir llega con un hombre es el abogado de Songül, todos se sorprenden, los otros abogados demoran, Narin pregunta a Taci que pasa, él dice que es Sheriye que no se rinde con lo del matrimonio, Narin: lo sé pero tu la conoces. no lo hace por maldad, si no porque te quiere. Feride: No hay nada de que preocuparse, estoy bien hermana, estoy cerrando, hablaremos más tarde. Umit: lo haces a propósito, te gusta provocarme y hacerme enojar, no te pregunte, tu quieres a la hermana Melike, me sorprende, creo que la quieres, creo que tengo un trabajo, Feride: No le hagas daño. Umit: entonces no me provoques, para, Severt: su padre era un hombre muy preciado, sus abogados están demasiado atrasados. Llegaré tarde a un caso. Kemal: Estarán aquí pronto. Feride: No dije nada, te juro que no lo hice., te lo ruego, no le hagas nada, Melike no tiene culpa, Umit: mira, está cerca, la ves, me iré ahora mismo, no dejaré que te confunda, aprenderá a no meterse en lo que no le concierne, haré mucho mal a tu vida, mucho mal, Feride: Umit, no harás nada a Melike, no lo harás, Umit: qué vas a hacer, la esconderás, espera, ya vengo Feride: no, a mi misma, Umit: qué estás haciendo no seas tonta, Feride: Si no te detienes, si no dejas de lastimar a la gente. Dijo que hizo todo esto por mi culpa, entonces se acabó, ¿Si me voy, terminaré con todo, no es así? No puedo soportarlo más. Umit: no hagas una locura, ok, cálmate, Melike escuchas los gritos de Feride, el teléfono estaba abierto, Chica, puedes escucharme, Taci dice que seguirá hasta que lo logre, Narin dice que no es fácil encontrar el amor y nadie puede elegirlo por él, mientras conversan llama Asli, Narin: contesta Taci, Asli llama para agradecer el arreglo del collar, dice que le enviará un regalo, Taci. no es necesario. Como los abogados demoran Kemal habre el sobre y cuando lo lee queda sorprendido Severt: el señor Hikmet dispuso que después de su muerte la herencia sea dividida en partes iguales entre su hijo Emir y su esposa Songül, los papeles serán firmados lo antes posible. Oya: Espera un momento, ¿mi hermano quería que todos sus activos se compartieran equitativamente entre Emir y Songül? ¿Entiendo correctamente? Severt: Sí, señora Oya, todos los bienes muebles e inmuebles, está todo escrito claramente, Oya: No, no es posible, es imposible que mi hermano deje tal testamento, además, recientemente nos había explicado otra situación. Severt: no se de lo que habla para mí lo válido es lo que está escrito acá, Oya: ¿Entonces mi hermano dejó a su esposa, con quien se casó hace unos meses, en lugar de a sus hermanos, la riqueza de su vida? nadie puede hacerme creer eso, nadie, hermano, di algo, ¿crees que tu mente se basa en tu lógica? Debe haber un error,


Emira jedino dobro što se desilo u zakletvi


Umit: You know we can be very happy, right? all we have to do is get rid of the people around us, if we're just the two of us, we could be very happy, rest, today I'm tired.
Emir: she's afraid, a lot of fear, whatever she says, I shouldn't have let her go with that man, I made a mistake.
Oya: You're mad at me, but no, none of the woman's actions seem sincere to me, I accepted her apologies to leave as soon as possible, I'm not lying.
Narin: don't bother
Kemal anymore: we'll handle it for my brother's sake.
Oya: I lost my brother, will I take care of that too?
Emir: Sister Melike, what do you think she's happy like she said?
Melike: Feride is not well at all, as if Feride's eyes were dead, soulless, but she is afraid to say what makes her unhappy. Emir: I asked her many times, I told her I would help her, but no, she rejects it every time.
Melike: if I could say it, I'd say, what are you going to do, you got something on your mind?
Emir: (Hikmet: Take care of Feride, protect him even if he doesn't want to, never give up) I don't know, but something I have to do.
Melike: but be careful, that man is not good at all, he has the frightened girl, he doesn't even open his mouth. I hope you don't hurt her.
Feride: God help me, I beg you to help me. I'm in a dead end, I don't know which branch to hold. I can't get up if you don't help, I won't be able to get out of this nightmare, please God show me a way, give me strength to go on, please, I'm very afraid, I beg you to help me.
Oya: Once in London I was inadvertently in custody for an incident, my brother took a plane and came to save me, without me telling you.
Kemal: so that was the reason for that mysterious trip to London, and you didn't tell me,
Oya: I knew you'd be angry, but my brother Hikmet would never be mad at me.
Kemal: You're telling the truth, he'd never hurt you. He wasn't just our brother, he was a father,
Oya: you're right I don't know how to get used to his absence, my arm is broken, my wing is broken brother, there's a big void inside me, like an earthquake and I don't know how to get over it.
Kemal: I know it's going to be hard, but we're going to start living without him, I wanted to see us happy and at peace. Hey, you're right, he wasn't thinking about anyone but us and his kids. My dear brother, may he rest in peace in heaven. Narin asks if Oya is calm,
Kemal: I think she needs a little time, Narin: you're fine,
Kemal: I'm trying, in time I think I'll be better off, your absence will be covered with remembrance, you give me strength. Tomorrow the will will will be read, I had forgotten.
Narin: so fast?
Kemal: it must be done as soon as possible, it is very important for the company,
Narin: After all, hundreds of people earn bread and you don't want to leave anyone in a difficult situation, don't feel guilty you will do what you have to do, that's all.
Emir, how are your days you thought well, Feride: why should I come.
Emir: we can talk a little, why you're afraid of that man, tell me what scares you, you shouldn't be afraid. You're not alone how many times I'm going to have to remind you of this.
Feride: I'm not afraid of anything or anyone. I was going to ask you the same thing, how many more times do I have to tell you?
Emir: you can deny it a hundred or a thousand times, but I know he threatened you, the only thing I don't know is what threatens you, but I'll know you don't worry. Feride: let's say you're right, he hits me, what you're going to do, he's my husband and I'm his wife, don't get involved,
Emir: I'm right, look at that man.
Feride: that man does nothing you think, Emir: then why are you in this state your attitude, your speech, your appearance, it's not you, I know you and I don't need to know anything else to realize that you're unhappy, tell me, don't run, talk to me. Feride: you don't care what happens between me and Umit, we'll heal our own wounds, live your own life and let me be happy.
Oya doesn't want to go to the mansion about the will,
Kemal tells her it's important her presence will wait for her in the car.
Narin: I ask you to accompany him, it's sad don't leave him alone, please. Hey, okay, I'm going to get ready. The lawyer gives you an altered will,
Songel must put it in the safe.
Feride. my lamb I'm so trapped as I try to walk away to protect you, the more I try to convince him the more he chases me. I know I just broke his heart, I don't stop any other choice, what am I going to do Yigit? Emir: why are you afraid, she says she loves him (listen to the voice of your inside son, take care of Feride) Kemal says goodbye to Narin asks her and the baby to be taken care of.
Sheriye thinks Taci is checking his phone for Asli, he says he's reading the paper. Sheriye asks Taci to fix the blender, Taci goes to buy one,
Sheriye laughs because if she knew how to fix Asli's necklace,
Melike: What happens, something happened?
Feride: Nothing important, I have something to do Melike: You know we're a family,


I am not a brutal woman but for me women who have characters like Feride must be locked up and have a medical follow-up like all dangerous criminals, She is too resentful towards Emir who even risked his life to protect her and be forgiven for marriage but here she is like a beast behind her criminal husband this is crazy 🤮🤮🤮For me Yemin is finish the time Riyhan the original promise left the show, I don't like the new show same times I watch only for Emir and another older actors because all new actors make me sick beuuurrkkk.


Kemal Narın bir birinə sahib çıxan aile 💕💞🙏👩‍❤️‍👩🙋🙋🙋


bu Umutun hakkindan gelen yokmu? Feridenin halasi nerde? gelsin də baksin da öyunduyu Ümit nasil da pıskopatdi


Reyhan❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ EMIR ❤️❤️❤️❤️ YIGIT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Narin and Sheriya abla good teamwork to help Taji 😂😂


That look of devastation on Emir's face & a light step he took back when Umit lied that Feride is Expecting & that look of smile of relief when Mellike tells him she can't be pregnant. Acting class apart. Gokberck nailed it


❤️ YIGIT ❤️


Siz bu dizini final edin sayin senarist.gitdikce dahada kotu oluyor🤪


Hikmet bey ölmeden evvel zaten mal varlığını çocuklarına, kardeşlerine bırakmamışmıydı ? Songül'e de Şişli de bir daire ..bu nasıl olur ? Nazmiye hanım !!! bravo size, helal olsun.!!!..Kadını baş tacı ettiniz ya, ne mutlu size ...


Please Sonugul needs to get her dues and get that smirk off her face. Justice must be served.




I don’t get why Oya never worked at company. She’s so smart and can sniff something is not right before even the men.


Thank you Melocoton! Your work in translating is very much appreciated. 😉


Narinle kemal bir birlerine çok yakışıyorlar


Böyle bi cahil gelip o kadar emeğin üstüne oturmamali normal değil Türkiyede Adalet diye bı şey var kötüler kazanmamali


Berkant Müftüler adı "Yemin" dizisinde hâlâ geçiyor!
Keşke ikiz kardeşi çıksa Hikmet Abi'nin o zaman Ümit'e iyi bir ders versin!
