Ground Effect💀

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1: Ground Effect is the phenomenon where an aircraft or object experiences increased lift due to the compression of air beneath the wings when it is flying close to the ground. This effect is most noticeable during takeoff or landing, as the aircraft is near the surface.
2: Centrifugal force is the apparent force that acts outward on a body moving around a center, arising from the body’s inertia. When the rod is rotated, this force causes the object on the string to move away from the center of rotation and possibly rise upward.
3: Bernoulli’s Principle is a fundamental physical principle that states that in a fluid flow, where the velocity of the fluid increases, the pressure decreases. It helps explain how fluids behave and how pressure changes in different regions of the flow. Bernoulli’s Principle is widely used to understand the motion of fluids such as air and water.
2: Centrifugal force is the apparent force that acts outward on a body moving around a center, arising from the body’s inertia. When the rod is rotated, this force causes the object on the string to move away from the center of rotation and possibly rise upward.
3: Bernoulli’s Principle is a fundamental physical principle that states that in a fluid flow, where the velocity of the fluid increases, the pressure decreases. It helps explain how fluids behave and how pressure changes in different regions of the flow. Bernoulli’s Principle is widely used to understand the motion of fluids such as air and water.
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