Where to Shop for Vintage Cookbooks PLUS Recent Cookbook Finds!

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Hi all! This video is an updated version of one I published back in August 2021 - Vintage Cookbooks and Where I find them. If you're thinking of starting a vintage cookbook collection or just want to add to your current one, this video is for you.

0:00 Intro
1:19 Thrift Stores
4:08 Antique Shops
4:58 Online Booksellers
5:50 Buy/Sell Facebook Groups
5:57 Second Hand Bookstores
6:57 Recent Cookbook Finds



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Where do you like to pick up your vintage cookbooks? Let me know!


Our library has a once a year sale to make room for new books. A very good source of of old books


Luckily, my mom & grandma were hoarders, so that’s where I found mine. I have been airing them out for a few years and now there are ready to browse without too much sneezing!


When I saw the title of a cookbook I use to possess a long time ago, I was super eager to watch. It was a cookbook that I had borrowed from a friend for an extended length of time that I eventually returned. However, I wish I had my own copy as when I borrowed it I was not as confident of my abilities as I am now.

It was the Sherlock Holmes cook book. I made one thing and oddly enough it was a mold.😆😆😆

But it was not disgusting. In fact it was very good. It took much longer to set than expected. I even remember the name of the recipe because it was a pun. It was calked, " Lion's Mane Ginger Jelly " made with lime Jello for the lime/ lion sound alike joke. It was very refreshing the Summer that I made it.


Thank you for reminding me how enjoyable cooking is, more important; how much fun looking for meals and dishes can be.


A few months ago I inherited several hundred old cookbooks. I love t cook but felt overwhelmed and kinda wanted t take them all t SVDP t donate. Then I thought I’d go through them and research the history etc of the books and cooking. Then I found you!!! Oh what a joy it’s been to watch your videos and learn through you as well. I share the same love of pyrex and vintage dishes etc. I too, live in Ohio but am from Indiana originally and so many of the “product cookbooks” and spiral bound church cookbooks are from our shared states. I’ve been a lot of fun in this new found hobby and I thank you for all that you have done to enhance it!!


I've never really found cookbooks at Goodwill either. I do have a St Vincent de Paul thrift store near me that I've never been to. I think I'll make a trip this weekend. I also love those promotional cookbook pamphlets. Pamphlets and cookbooks from the 50's, 70's and 80's are my favorites. Thanks for sharing!


I’ve found a lot of mine in the used cookbook section at Barnes and Noble!! My store always has an awesome selection!!


Omg 😳 I asked for the special effect cookbook I love


OMG! I got a shout-out!! (and that little placard IS perfect!)
Most all the Goodwills in my area (central Florida) have been slowly phasing out most of the media (books, CDs, DVDs, records, etc). Our book section has gotten VERY small. But when we venture out to smaller outlying towns/counties, we find the church/hospital thrift stores and, like you said, those usually yield good results. As always, thanks for sharing your finds and your recipes! :)


I remember going as a kid with my grandma to church sales and she was always looking for cookbooks there! -S


This is awesome, and love that you mentioned Tommy!!!! Time to head to some smaller thrift stores!!!!


I got my favorite cookbook from St. Vincent de Paul thrift store in Castle Shannon near Pittsburgh, PA. It's called Reader's Digest Creative Cooking first published in 1973. I got it for $2.74 which was a steal.


So lucky you found so many good spots... especially that little place you'd skipped! All the treasures you've picked up so far are looking fantastic. I loved that flaming ghost eyes one, so I'm sure I'd love the full skeleton! And you know I'd be all about that encyclopedic volume of tofu... that thing is insane! Can't wait for all the new old recipes!


we do theme dinners in our house. I have never seen Sherlock Holmes cookbook so am super excited to see that suggestion!


Anna! It’s so wonderful to see you do you, ya know? You really care about these books and know a lot about them; it is so fun to watch you explain and explore them. I love that you point out all the fun parts of the books and even the not fun fun parts. You know so much about the recipes and which ones overlap with other books, which ones are just adaptations of other recipes, and what ingredients you can buy today, it is truly impressive! You are a great resource for anyone getting started!!


I still have a lot of my moms, I actually think they’re probably worth money now but I won’t get rid of them because I have such great memories of her cooking and baking, love your videos keep up the awesome work


I have been collecting cookbooks for years but recently started thinning out my collection because there are so many recipes online now. You find the best recipes in the vintage cookbooks. It looks like you have made a nice collection for yourself. Enjoy, Dolores 😍


Awesome! I would find them at flea markets and yard sales. Sometimes Goodwill.. A lot of mine were from family.


It's fun to watch you talk about cookbooks, Anna. It's really obvious how much you love them. I like to grab cookbooks from local thrift stores and we have a fantastic library system here in greater Cincinnati and I always check out their annual book sale. I inevitably return with an armload every time. I was looking through some just this evening in search of something fun. Hopefully I'll find something worthy of filming! See you soon, friend!
