These 3 Airbnb Items Could Make You Sick…Here’s how to stay safe

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Learn about 3 common Airbnb items that could be making you sick. From surprising bacteria to unexpected allergens, this video reveals the dangers you might not even know about.

0:00 - Overview
0:08 - 1st thing to get rid of in an Airbnb/hotel: Air Fresheners
1:30 - 2nd thing to get rid of in an Airbnb/hotel: Coffee Machines
2:40 - 3rd thing to get rid of in an Airbnb/hotel: Hidden Cameras
3:16 - [Bonus] 4th thing to get rid of in an Airbnb/hotel: Seed Oil
3:49 - Last week's winner of the Kuvings Juicer and $300 Organifi bundle!

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As always, great information my friend. I just started a heavy metal detox this week. Trying to clean up now instead of waiting until after the holidays. Hard to believe Christmas is only 105 days away. Remember we are all in this together.


Travel Tip: Copper Bottle - bottled water gas no structure and is full of micro plastic, the elastic we can do is cleanse and energize it by storing it in copper. ❤ Love these Videos fam! You're a big inspiration as a father, husband and entrepreneur!


Great tips ! staying healthy is a whole body approach and being aware our environment is one more step in the right direction.


Recently on Uber I see they ask preference of music or conversation vs no conversation maybe soon we can convince them to eliminate toxic deodorizers 🤷🏽‍♀️… it’s always so overpowering and it gives my kid a migraine 😣 … love the videos grateful to be learning all of the valuable knowledge


We always pack Branch Basics cleaning supplies and dishwasher detergent, cleaning everything we're going to use right when we arrive. This helps ensure we're not consuming chemicals on the silverware and dishes.
We pack a water filter for the shower too. (Pack the box for it so you don't leave that behind when you leave).
We always take our supplements and Organifi to ensure good nutrition while traveling and the Red juice gives us the mid-day pick up to keep exploring and having fun!
I'll have to get a mini diffuser to start taking EOs w us! Thanks for the great video Drew as always 😀


Thanks Drew these videos are great! My travel hack is pack your own fragrance free or naturally scented soaps. The artificial fragrance makes me sick especially in a hot shower where the scent combines with steam. 🤢


Bring a Aero press, your own beans and a heating coil that plugs into a socket and boils water in a mug, super cheap to buy.
You can also hard boil eggs that you get from a local market.
Bring your own pillow, listen to the same 8 hour Spotify sleep playlist wherever you are and you’ll have a
“ constant”. I have lots more lol.
Thank you Drew


Wow! These are great quick easy tips! Love your concise videos!!!


I'm looking at creating clean
Nontoxic air bnbs 🙌 I think we need to urge people to do the same


I prefer to clean/disinfect eveey inch of my hotel rooms as soon as I arrive. I always keep fresh organic fruit and teas on hand as well. Thanks for your tips. I'll keep them in mind.


Pack painter's tape for endless toddler entertainment and safety!
Thank you for the content you share!


Hand wash, nontoxic kitchen utensils, alkaline water purifer filter for travel. Water quality is everything so it's something great to invest in.
I like Invigorated Water pH On-The-Go Portable Water Filter - Alkaline Pouch Filter for Water Bottles, Jugs, Pitchers, High pH water


I'm crazy when I travel lol I bring a clean big t-shirt or pillow case since most places don't use unscented/non-toxic laundry detergent and I don't want it on my face.

I ALWAYS bring my own unscented soap

I also during road trips bring my own pans because I found most places have Teflon icky chipped pans.

Loved this video! I'm also totally the same with any scented things.

Thanks Drew🙏


Make sure to bring your own sanitary stuff at a hotel etc, I heard it’s good to bring your own pillows and blankets! That’s crazy to think about hidden cameras, ughh so not right. (Would have never known in the past) Thanks for the tips. Good to know these days. 🙏


I always take my clip on red light for reading at night, i take some shungite stones to help my body better deal with emfs, I bring my own organic tea and my own cookware


1. Pocket size bottle of maple goes with me everywhere to mix in coffee/tea- it’s more rare to find at shops than one may think(sometimes ya gotta fiX your own fiXiNgs ha!)

2. If you can’t decide “which” hat to bring on the plane, bring BOTH!! And stack them on your head. I’ve stacked 3 when we boarded. Once I sat down I flipped two upside down and put them under my seat. I made a hat hanger by sticking a water bottle in the pocket on the seat in front of me, and hooked the last hat on there. You just gotta have faith that “it’s all gonna work out”... haha and so it does.

3. Always have at least one glass gallon of water for the road(no plastic, no bueno ESPECIALLY in sun/heat) for both intended aNd unintended adventures!!

...and that whole “keep a Snickers bar in your car in case of an avalanche” or something?? Make it a “Nelly” bar or better yet.... some Organifi gummies!! Ha dang that sounds good ;)


Amazing information! Thank you for sharing. I now follow on YouTube. My tip, bring your kangen water machine- I take my water ionizer machine with me… hook it up to the faucet and I have chlorine free, fluoride free, hydrogen ion charged alkaline water ! Boom


We just traveled to an Airbnb and people laugh at me that I take my own coffee maker 😂


Uh ohhhh 😮yea I know! I don’t put them in my home but I do occasionally throw one in my car 🚗 coffee ☕️ machines?!?! Ughhh ok I’ll check that out my friend! Thanks 🙏


Great video and enjoyable to watch. I will absolutely subscribe Drew. What do I bring when traveling? First thing I pack from the start is my activated charcoal. It never ceases to amaze me how it puts a stop to any interesting tummy issues. I rarely have them but the couple of times I have, I have felt like the million dollar winner. What's fascinating is that I also noticed it helps if I ever get neck pain. My guess, maybe the heavy metals or some kind of neurotoxin? I don't get them anymore but when I did, it was fascinating that it worked. Second thing I bring are probiotics. For the same reason as the activated charcoal. Bad tummy = bad vacation. Cleaning products to disinfect, Currently I'm using Force of Nature - It's working really well. I also bring dust pillow covers and my own pillow sheets. I'm contemplating bringing my whole bed sheet. lol I bring all my own natural toiletries, and may even start bringing my own bamboo toilet paper as I just switched to them in my home. I ordered the light to see if there were any cameras in the rooms but it never arrived. Some lucky fella has my $35. I always bring flip flops. I'm on the search for some natural flip flops after seeing the Netlix movie, Dark Waters. Once you see that movie, you questions anything that's water proof. If I could I would bring my air filter. A girl can dream. Cans of sardines in case of an emergency and grassfed beef sticks. I have a long list but I'll keep it short. :). Good luck on your new channel. Excellent YT channel name, great tips, and great cinematography Drew.
