Can we hack sugar to be healthy? | Just Might Work by Freethink

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“Healthy sugar” might sound like an oxymoron, but a group of innovative food scientists in Israel doesn’t think so.

What if the most healthy sugar alternative is actually real sugar with a few adjustments? These food scientists believe they’ve cracked the code on how to reduce sugar intake, and (fortunately) it’s not by eating less sweets. They’re redesigning sugar itself.

DouxMatok, an international food-tech company, claims to have finally found a sweetener solution that balances both taste and health. They’re recreating the sugar compound itself, so that it’s healthier to consume.

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"silicon dioxide, a food additive"

thats SAND in normal person parlance


literally every Freethink video is interesting and has just the right length. keep up the good work please!!


the only reason we adding more and more sugar into our food and drink is we are so used to consume sweet thing.

try cut all sugar intake in 2 weeks, including hiding sugar like in those processed food.

I'll guarantee you cant handle the sweetness of coke or starbuck shake or supermarket's spagethi sauce in a jar anymore


4:07 Yup, taste is definitely the kink.


Really, if we just get rid of high fructose corn syrup we can get rid of half the obesity problems. This new sugar will cut it even further. Still, I'm waiting for someone to invent a way to neutralize all carbs so I can eat pasta but stay on my keto diet.


Manufacturers have increased the sugar content over time because people got used to the sweetness. What will keep them from doing so with this reformulated sugar?


Sucralose, it's made from sugar and 600 times sweeter. It does have a little bit of an after-taste but you can buy it today for cheap. It's so sweet that put directly on the tongue it feels sharp.


3:28 *glucose is not bad…. sucrose (sugar) and fructose are not metabolized like glucose


Honestly I feel like I’m just not a sweet person so I don’t even eat that much sugar other that natural sugar:) But I feel like we can just learn to eat in moderation and learn to eat all things.


Saw your video on YT ads and it turns out the contents are some nice work of efforts. But unfortunately the lack of reliable references undermines the credibility so much that I cannot take it.


I guess as long as people want to eat things that are bad for them, reducing the sugar in bad foods is worthwhile like filtering cigarettes.

But really we should normalize rejecting food that is bad for us regardless of the sugar content in that bad food. Breakfast cereals, for example, can't be made healthy no matter how little sugar they contain.


Just my opinion, better learn how to control your cravings and what you eat. You learn other good things in the process.


Allulose is the real answer. Tastes similar to sugar, has a similar molecular structure, but it's not digested by the body.


Non-centrifugal cane sugar is already healthy, as it still has all of the minerals that were originally in the molasses, and it tastes *SO* much better than white sugar. Some examples are panela, kokuto, jaggery (the only thing I might not like about jaggery is, I believe they add something to it, and it might be baking soda, I forget - I'd prefer not to have additives). It goes by several other names, and is produced in many different countries where sugarcane is grown, using traditional methods.


Another commenter, @Sips_of_Hell, asked if this product might cause cancer. Since silicon dioxide is basically glass, there is a chance it might do that and more.
Inhaling fibreglass (also largely fine silicon dioxide) causes cancer, so this might as well. Since this product's silicon dioxide mesh does not break down and is made porous in the lab, it might also enter cells and mess functions up there, or if everybody consumes it create great amounts of environmental pollution if not handled properly at waste plants.
It certainly causes cancer when accidentally inhaled, might coat the lungs and and drown you if inhaled in large amounts. If it is accidentally ground, like to make home-made powdered sugar, it will also put shards of what is essentially glass micro particles throughout your intestinal track, lowering nutrient absorption for at least until your cell layers regenerate. This might make for a good diet product, but might also severely damage the user.
I hope the scientists also thought of all of this, and have found solutions.


When we have Birch Xylitol, Monk Fruit extract and Stevia. All manufactured - but from natural sources?
Xylitol is a health sugar, that fights tooth decay, has only a small glycemic impact and if you build up slowly, little to no digestive issues. Monk Fruit ext is another good one and some forms of Stevia are pretty good.


Isn’t it better to use glucose instead of sukrose, as the fructose is usually the problem? Glucose is only 20% less sweet than sucrose, but doesn’t poison our livers and doesn’t get stored the same way as fructose or alcohol


U don't need to redefine it just use jaggery powder or unrefined sugar it works well.


This is incredible, we can basically have our cake and eat it too in terms of sugar


Man I wanna grab a bag of this and try baking with it, and also try it in my tea
