A Real Beauty Routine - CloudyApples

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Today I discuss and overanalyze my beauty routine! October was a messy month, I was away more than I was home, and my routine was compromised. Topics include my skincare routine, nail care, body care, diet and exercise.

Products Mentioned
Rose Water

On my lips I'm wearing Marshmallow matte lip paint by Coloured Rain
with a pink gloss on top. The artist I mentioned is Juno Calypso, a photographer from London. That was my interpretation of her work, which is beautiful.

Рекомендации по теме

Creepy confession: I am obsessed with you :) you're so inspiring <3.


"Don't do it because you hate yourself". So much yes. I was looking at an ingrown hair on my leg the other day and it dawned on me that it felt like a failure, I was viewing every tiny imperfection as a failure. Body image epiphany, it was then I realised I needed an attitude adjustment. I'm working on it


I love everything you said in this video. Totally agree. When I eat right, sleep well, and have low stress, my beauty routine is simple. And eat until we are nourished and full!! Such an important statement as well!


Kassie! I luv how genuine you always are, l've been following you for almost 3 yrs now, and even tho, I don't comment I don't miss any of your vids I'm so happy for you and how much you and your channel have grown for the las 2 yrs, and I just wanna say, you rock girl!❤️ PS, I've been trying to stay away from chemicals for my hair as well, I got the balayage done, and I've been using white vinegar once a week to keep it from looking dull, and it has work wonders on my hair and the color is looking better than ever, give a try, you are gonna love it!❤️❤️❤️


you are so inspiring! you've inspired me to start living a healthier life style but not with the goal of being skinny and looking good, but with the goal of feeling good inside, thank you <3 keep up with the amazing content


I can listen to you for hours & just nod every now and then like ''yup'', ''exactly!", '' i know right''... Your spontaneity is heartwarming 💕


And I really, really enjoy watching your videos. Overly positive people on here can sometimes seem fake, but you come off as a genuinely lovely person.


You're always like this voice of reason in-between all the beauty videos I watch. Thanks for sharing!


Love this girl so much. My favorite female on YouTube. Incredibly intelligent, and humble, completely inspirational.


I haven't uploaded in *forever* and you're one of the creators that makes me so excited to come back to this space so soon. For real. Thank you for being so real and having such a beautiful soul!


You have genuinely have become one of my favorite youtubers ❤️ you are just simply amazing (:


You're so inspirational. All your videos have so much meaning. So glad i found you!!


Love your attitude towards beauty. The point about the wording of products making up for what we crave is too real.


I'm so glad you talked about stretch marks like they were absolutely normal! You're so body positive!!♥️♥️


I love how you keep it simple and how you always seem to stop and think about why you do what your doing!


WOW a more than 3 minute video! YAY!! I love how you are so honest. Especially about the exercise. Most youtubers like to make it their lives look so "perfect" like they always eat healthy and workout, when in reality they don't. I hope and pray that you have peace on your journey to mental health. Lord knows its necessary lol!!


you're so real and down to earth!! i cant help but subscribe!


Remember how shite we both felt on the last day in Canada!? Haha oh MAN travel aint nice to the face. I still thought your skin looked incredible even after all that festival fun & to the commenting peeps - I can back her up, she actually uses this stuff and it actually works she's bloody glowing like, all the time! <3


I realized something from this video. We women sometimes talk too much about our 'flaws' with our partners. I don't think its good, We shouldn't bash our selves and pick on ourselves in front of them. Its sort of like if you had a favorite food and someone sat there pointing out whats wrong with it etc, you would see it different. Idk, I just wonder how the guy would respect us if we act so disrespectful to ourselves. I'm super guilty of this. I know I wouldn't like it if my partner sat there and pointed out his flaws. I just notice you do this around terry too, seeing it made me realize I should stop.


Seeing you've uploaded a new video is always a small celebration inside my head! As usual, I love the message you're sending with your videos. You manage to turn them into such a pleasant, fun and educating experience.
