Arrays: Left Rotation | HackerRank Solution Javascript
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A left rotation operation on an array shifts each of the array's elements unit to the left. For example, if 2 left rotations are performed on array [1,2,3,4,5], then the array would become [3,4,5,1,2]. Note that the lowest index item moves to the highest index in a rotation. This is called a circular array.
Given an array a of n integers and a number, d, perform d left rotations on the array. Return the updated array to be printed as a single line of space-separated integers.
Let's solve Arrays: Left Rotation | HackerRank Solution Javascript
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Given an array a of n integers and a number, d, perform d left rotations on the array. Return the updated array to be printed as a single line of space-separated integers.
Let's solve Arrays: Left Rotation | HackerRank Solution Javascript
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