Recruitment is Broken, CareerXi's Solution

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Recruitment is Broken. CareerXi Works For Individuals CXi#005
Career - Recruitment is broken - what you need as an individual is something new. So CareerXi was born

The world of work and the way we work are changing. CareerXi was designed - by founders with extensive experience in various seats in the career industries - with this in mind

As jobs and entire industries are made obsolete, you need to know which roles you would be best suited for. You also need to be able to bypass the ridiculous technologies like applicant tracking systems and AI, that are programmed to keep you stuck

We are different. Not only are we focused on you, in all your wonderful, unique, multi-talented glory. We help you become more

Come and build your career-rich profile, strengthen your soft-skills through our learning hub, have free one-to-one calls to ask your career questions of our wise team, attend virtual events, access thought leadership, look at and apply for genuine jobs (advertised directly by the companies who have them, NOT pesky recruiters - who we've banned from our site!), take part in quizzes and oh, so much more....

Sound good for your people? Plug them all in and see how they shine. Drive engagement. Help them to become the best version of themselves and watch your organisation reap the rewards as their productivity and commitment soars

Want to attract new talent? Come and use our job board and or search our memberbase. For FREE! Brand yourself so people can see what kind of organisation you are and why they might want to apply or respond to you

We are set to become THE career management platform of choice. Joining us now could be the best decision you've ever made