Harvard Scientists Say There May Be an Unknown,Technologically Advanced Civilization Hiding on Earth

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In an intriguing new paper, researchers from Harvard University and Montana Technological University propose a bold and controversial hypothesis: an unknown, technologically advanced civilization might be hiding on Earth. This theory suggests that these beings could be living in underground bases, emerging as UFOs, or even blending in with humans.

The paper addresses the increasing attention given to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the official term for UFOs, over the past decade. Notably, the interest spiked last summer after former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch testified before Congress, alleging that the US had recovered alien spacecraft as part of a long-standing UFO retrieval program. Even NASA has shown interest in investigating these mysterious sightings reported by military personnel.

Despite the absence of definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life from numerous Pentagon reports, the researchers argue that unconventional theories should still be considered. They put forward several possibilities, each more speculative than the last. One hypothesis suggests a "remnant form" of an ancient, highly advanced human civilization is covertly observing us. Another posits that an intelligent species, potentially originating from "intelligent dinosaurs," evolved independently of humans and remains hidden. They also speculate that these entities might have traveled to Earth from another planet or time period.

One particularly imaginative idea is that these cryptoterrestrials could be "less technological than magical," akin to "earthbound angels." This concept hints at beings with advanced abilities that might appear mystical to us.

The researchers also consider the possibility that UFO sightings near potential underground access points, such as volcanoes, could indicate these beings reside in subterranean or underwater bases. They cite former House Representative Mike Gallagher, who last year suggested that an ancient civilization might have been hiding on Earth all along, only now revealing itself in light of recent UAP disclosures.

Moreover, the paper delves into the idea that these cryptoterrestrials might adopt various non-human forms, including non-human primates or reptiles. It also speculates about their potential presence on the Moon or their ability to disguise themselves as humans, a theme often explored in science fiction.

Adding to the array of theories, Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, known for his controversial views, suggests that ancient civilizations could have existed on planets like Mars or Earth, but at different times, separated by billions of years, thus remaining unaware of each other.

While the researchers acknowledge the far-fetched nature of their hypotheses, they advocate for keeping an open mind due to the enigmatic nature of UAP. They argue that even the most improbable ideas should be considered as we strive to understand these unexplained phenomena.

In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the importance of maintaining epistemic humility and openness in the face of ongoing UAP mysteries, suggesting that unconventional explanations, though highly improbable, should remain on the table as we continue our quest for understanding.
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