What I Do When Kids Won’t Stop Talking, High School English Teacher Advice

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An experienced high school English teacher shares tips and tricks to make your teaching life easier. Today, let’s talk about how I handle overly chatty teenagers.

Click here for info about Quarter Trios, a way to use games to build classroom community:

Click here for a set of the vocabulary bell-ringer slides mentioned in the video:

Music used with permission of Sing King:
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Thanks Laura for pointing out what a lot of folks forget - There is no magic formula! Before teachers lose their cool, I would encourage them to look around at the next staff meeting. Are we behaving like we want our students to? A few years ago, I did a count at a staff meeting of the number of cell phones out in 10 minutes. It was 1/3 of the staff! How can we have higher expectations for a 15 year old than an adult? Let's reflect, be reasonable, continue to build relationships.


Another piece of advice: make sure your instructions are crystal clear so that the kids know exactly what they are supposed to be doing. I find that if there is noise once I have set an activity, it is because my kids haven’t fully understood what they’re supposed to be doing and they are all asking each other. I of course from the front of the room hear it as a disrespectful refusal to get on with the work I have set. But the good news is that it is not the kids, it’s me, and improving this aspect of my classroom management is fully within my power.


You're right. Lots of good advice. Classroom management is more art than science. Teachers have to develop a style they feel comfortable with. Most of us old vets have our own stock phrases: "Hey, I want to see everybody's eyes. Your mouths should be closed unless you're a mouth breather." Kids do appreciate honesty (and humor), and if I growled (not barked) at a kid and said "HEY, I'M WORKING HEAH, " they usually would apologize. A New York City street accent helps. Will admit that classroom control and management got a lot easier with experience (I retired after 30 years teaching high school), but those first few years were tough. Even though it seems like you were rambling, Laura, you were offering a variety of strategies that worked for you, and it's hard to give advice unless you're clear about the context of why the little angels are being so annoying. Don't erase this one. I wish I had had some of this advice and support years ago. Certain there are teachers starting out that will love it.


Thank you for keeping it real! You did NOT let us down. This is what I needed to hear today!


This video is actually SO helpful. Your “rambling” is so conversational and authentic. As a teacher in the early stages of his career, thank you.


For me it's all about building relationships with the kids...beginning day 1. Showing them you care and yes, mutual respect. Every day, every class, every facet is different. There are just too many dynamics for any magic pill in teaching. We have to have a toolbox to pull from. Classroom management classes can be very helpful as there is always a takeaway of some sort. In my 2nd year of teaching I was in every one of these classes I could sign up. I quickly realized that this is a nationwide issue (or else the classes would be nationwide and books would only be sold regionally on the topic) and that not all formulas work in all situations. Staying quiet (divide and conquer, as I like to call it) helps when they silence each other. I have used the light flickering in extreme moments, but like you, I have never disrespected them or told them to shut up. Your video was awesome! Keep them coming and hope you have an epic year with your students :)


Thank you so much for your advice! I needed to hear that there is no one fix. I knew this, but trying to survive teaching every day makes you forget the simple things!


Having a relationship with the students is KEY...You nailed that. I loved listening to your suggestions...You're amazing!


Laura, thanks for your excellent channel. Concrete advice, solid philosophy, and you have a very engaging mode of expression! Thanks a bunch!


Thanks Laura for this vid!!! My wife teaches HS English and I teach 8th Grade Science. She started talking about you and we ended up surfing your channel, when I saw this I said let’s watch this one. I am so glad I did!!! Stress relief 101, that’s what you are!! Keep it real Laura!!! Great ideas, and just keep it up, I subscribed and can’t wait to watch your other videos!!! You are an inspiration!!


I really appreciate your help and advice.


Hey, Laura. Love your vibe, energy, and enthusiasm! I fully agree that if what you have for them to do is engaging and interesting, it helps mitigate the chattiness. The key here is planning ahead and being well-prepared. Flying by the seat of one’s pants doesn’t work. Yes, be ready to be flexible if the class zigs when you planned to zag, but always have the zag there to turn back to.


I love this! Thanks for the video. Totally not a let-down! Very good advice!


Thanks for making this one! This is actually one of my favorite videos from you, Laura. You essentially give a teaching philosophy statement :).
It is so encouraging to see like-minded educators having success with the same kind of strategies. When we respect the kids, show that we genuinely care, have high expectations, establish clear boundaries, and then let them have fun within those boundaries...it's amazing what kind of learning can happen. You do have to 'act' a bit within your teacher persona, but dealing with the chatters is all a part of what makes being an educator such a great challenge.
Appreciate your time and advice with this one!


I don't normally comment on ANY video... But I loved, everything you talked about. Such insight, I believe my son's teacher is on the right track. Hope you are doing well


1:06: antecedent behavior. Yes, you generally will get a sense of what is to come by observing students as they all walk into your door (energy level, interactions...)
Relationship building is an essential component to teaching.
Have them help you create (no more) than 5 class rules (I.e., respect (self-others), advocating (self-others), perseverance, etc).


Absolutely. Teaching is more of an art


I'm glad you didn't delete this.
#saveourteachers #saveourkids


You may have felt that this video was all over the place, but I think that’s part of the topic. Everything you’ve said are the thoughts that have been running through my head since the beginning of the year, but have had trouble putting into action. It may still me a bit of time to figure out this crew, yet I did get a lot out of this s video as it helped to organize my thoughts more. Thank you!


Career goals: i want to be like you. This is one of your best videos ever.
