'Our Mercy Is Too Good!' 💙 Surviving As Mercy! - Overwatch 2

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Mercy is not great right now but I'll still do my best playing my fav hero! 💙

Intro Song • French Fuse - Tropic Fuse 🌟

Lofi Background Music • by lofi-girl ✨

Thumbnail Screenshot • by overmercy 💖

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Intro: (00:00)
Hollywood: (00:37)
Colosseo: (13:34)

#overwatch #overwatch2 #mercy #eleyzhau #zhau
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Cass say heal but walk right into Why would i risk my life too???!!!


I'm barely 2 minutes in but seeing the bastion spam he needs healing and watching him just march away while continually spamming got me dead. lol


the valking and your whole team just perishing instantaneously is mercy main core


Successfully stalling/contesting as Mercy is one of the most satisfying things in the game. One of the things she’s best at, honestly.


I saw my tank died so many times this season while healing him on valk …. So sad 😭


i am tired of trying to make Mercy work this season


LMFAO 6:32
"who checks that"


Your mercy gameplay is transcendent, you teach me so much about positioning. Thank you.


im a silver 2 mercy with about 70 hours on her (mostly qp cuz ranked makes me nervous, not to mention its so hard to climb as her in my experience... but shes the hero i love to play most so </3). i found that some of this stuff ive learned through just playing mercy, and some ive been aware of but i never really thought too hard about. thank you for explaining yourself well !! im trying to get better at movement, but i can hold my own pretty well. i think i need to also not be scared to pocket people, because sometimes im nervous that my team will point it out and get mad (which has happened but i think thats inevitable). but sometimes its more optimal to just dmg boost someone who will make the most out of it instead of the other salty dps lol. watching you really just gives me more insight into how fun mercy can be when played like this, i cant wait to queue tn and incorporate ur tips into my gameplay :D keep up the great work !! (also i have the same skin and i think its my fave mercy skin so it makes me happy seeing other ppl use it ♡)


i really love your Mercy Zhau, thanks to you i learn a lot and i can play her nicer! <3


My fav maps as a mercy main are circuit royal when it’s dark, osais when it’s dark, and Hollywood when it’s Halloween and the lighthouse ❤🦄


Honestly I feel a bit bad for spacepig, the bastion/widow in the beginning round. It looked like he didn’t get much support but also running away from your supports expecting them to chase you down is insane


23:6 "where are we" an relatable response in ow2
also dang, this Cass was so annoying, glad u muted him...


My favorite maps (Not even just for Mercy but most heroes) are Dorado, King Street, and Junkertown ^.^ I just like the map layout in general and how fun they feel. Also thank you for being a positive source of content <3 Mercy's place in the meta right now is really discouraging, but seeing you play her always lifts my spirits <3 Thank you for everything you do!


I love how you showed that harassing your teammates literally only hinders the team. As soon as you muted that Cass you were able to focus more and guess what… you’re team was able to win. Just be nice people please! In the end its just a game haha ❤


i was watching some of your old videos and i feel like a toned down version of her season 3 healing would be pretty impactful now. since we have reduced healing from the dps passive the critical healing she had in season 3 might be really good for her and wouldn’t be as overpowering as it was back then as there’s a natural counter for it now.


The GA at 3:33 is a thing that happens when Echo ults, I’ve seen it explained before but I can’t remember specifically why that happens


7:28 some of my favourite maps are dorado, havana, route 66, and my top favourite is eichenwalde :)


i love playing mercy but i feel like the dps passive now being 25% healing reduction (iirc) has killed mercy healing wise, ofc her damage boost and rez are still really good but if your other support isnt a bap/moira/ana it just feels like everyone is dying so fast


I think the GA going backwards may have been because Echo was just finishing her duplication of Bastion, whilst your team also has one. As Echo Bastion was no longer a valid target, but regular Bastion was, the game decided 'Fly to Bastion' was what to do 😂
