Sewing Knowledge and Resistance: recap from the Gender Justice learning exchange in Colombia, 2024

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Sewing Knowledge and Resistance is the second edition of a series of exchanges conducted by ILC. In its first edition, held in Arusha, Tanzania, women from people's organizations from more than 12 countries of the ILC network were trained in Gender Transformative Approaches, and learned from the experience of Maasai women engaging men as advocates for women's land rights and forging alliances with local governments.

In 2024, this exchange represents a milestone for ILC, uniting over 40 women from grassroots organizations from Latin America, Asia, Africa, and EMENA region to learn about concrete actions that pave the way for the advancement of women's land rights. This includes a close look at the successful initiatives spearheaded by the Colombian National Coalition of Caribbean Women for Land and Territory safeguard their territories, the application of the Gender Transformative Approach (GTA), the S4HL campaign, and ILC's Gender Justice cross-cutting pledge and Action Plan.

Women’s organizations are agents of change and this learning is aimed to position gender transformative agendas at the heart of National Land Coalitions. By doing so, their advocacy efforts are boosted, ensuring they are more effective and impactful in promoting gender equality in land rights.
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