Here's the REAL Reason Why Harpo Marx NEVER Spoke!--The Marx Brothers!

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Harpo Marx NEVER Spoke! Here's the REAL Reason Why!--The Marx Brothers!

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Harpo's wife was one of my Mother's best friends. Very sweet woman! She spoke very highly of Harpo's character and said he was a very eloquent and thoughtful person:-)


No one since has been as talented as the Marx Brothers, their musical skills, comedic timing, ad libs, pantomimes, they were incredible.


I heard a story about Harpo from Chico Marx: People used to ask Chico: "Can Harpo talk?" Well, Chico said that if you took Harpo to any golf course & you see Harpo miss a putt by no, more than a centimeter....You're gonna hear him talk alright!!"


I'm 65 years on, but as a child my Dad would take me to a small and only theater in our town.
The Marx Brothers were a huge faverote. Mom, my little sister and older brother would go later.
Harpo was for me and Dad. Thanks for that memory. Blessings


I always figured that Harpo didn't speak was because his brothers wouldn't shut up and took all the best lines. But Harpo said more with his gestures and horn than all of his brothers


It’s a tragic fact that an entire generation has grown up not knowing who these jewels are. You can probably add Laurel and Hardy to that crime.


I love Harpo Marx, the I Love Lucy he did was brilliant but did you know he was 67 years old when he did that? Amazing. I am also told his ashes are scattered at the 7th hole of his favorite Palm Springs golf course and that his children were adopted, he said he wanted enough kids so he can have a kid in eat window waving goodbye when he left for work in the morning. Love that. One last note when Harpo died his brother Julius wept at his funeral and no one had ever seen Groucho cry. I think those men must have loved each other very much. They are a lost era.


Not speaking made his character even more distinct from the others. I loved his beautiful harp-playing. They were each such multi-talented men!


In later life Harpo toured the US doing concerts for children with full orchestras. They were to teach kids the amazingness of music and orchestral music in particular. I got to see the performance two different years. Harpo spoke throughout the performances, he played virtually every instrument in the orchestra (and very well) and was magnificently funny throughout. He was a massive talent! At one point in the show, while he was conducting the orchestra, he produced a pair of wind-up clacking teeth, wound it up and set it on the table in front of him. He kept producing more and more pairs of wind-up teeth, wound them up, set them down where ever he could find a spot and kept conducting the orchestra throughout. Each time one of the pairs of teeth stopped chattering he would grab it and wind it up again. He finally had at least 20 pairs of wind-up teeth all around him. He was frantically conducting the orchestra, winding teeth, putting them down grabbing the next one that had stopped, winding it, etc. It was impossibly funny! Those two concerts were among the most amazing things I have ever witnessed! I think Harpo was certainly the most talented of the Marx Brothers!


His harp playing always gave me chills as a kid, the mastery of harp skill is unreal


Harpo's harp playing was also phenomenal. I'm always mesmerized watching and hearing him play.


Later in life when he did limited speaking engagements, he would bring down the house by starting with "Unaccustomed as I am to speaking..."


The episode of Harpo Marx in I Love Lucy was brilliant. Both of them did an excellent job!


I read something similar about this critic mention about Harpo’s performance in which he said that Harpo’s speaking was atrocious and that he should stick to pantomime. If I’m not mistaken, the brothers were traveling with their uncle who believed it was best that Harpo(then known as Arthur)should stick with pantomime because of his whimsical character. Harpo was really upset about the review of his performance that he never spoke in public. Yet bravo to him and his brothers for not letting that critic let him have his way! Without a doubt, the Marx Brothers are among the most successful comedy acts of all time and are in a class by themselves. I was able to find a recording of him speaking for about 30 seconds—he had a marvelous speaking voice. Thanks very much for this upload!


People interviewed on Harpo said he was one of kindest; he adopted children and was quoted as saying he wanted to adopt as many children as he had windows in his house; truly one of the finest harpists ever and the best of the Marx Brothers for me.


I’m 63 grew up watching there movies, Harpo my favorite as well, his guest appearance on I love
Lucy was awesome. Ty 4 listening


I’ll admit that I love Harpo the most out of the Marx Brothers! I’ll never forget when Lucille Ball and Harpo did that skit together, comedic genius!


HARPO MARX ( November 28, 1888 to September 28, 1964 ) lived to be 75 years old and was my all time
favorite Marx brother . I was saddened when he died as I enjoyed his antics on film . I was also so intrigued
by his playing the harp on film . No one has ever been able to replace him in film history ! I was born in the
early 1950's and I grew up with THE MARX BROTHERS as well as LAUREL AND HARDY, BUD ABBOTT AND


I was good friends with the "Night at the Opera" singer, Kitty Carlisle Hart, even though she was fifty + years older than I. She stated that people accused her of "slumming" by working with the Marx Brothers, but she said she enjoyed working with them tremendously & never considered it slumming. She & her husband, the legendary playwright Moss Hart, became best friends with Harpo. He even painted a portrait for Kitty, which she kept until the day she died. Kitty told me that there was no adlibbing when the film was made, because, by that time, it was a well oiled machine. They had taken the show up & down the coast in a Broadway play type of situation to fix all of the "bits of business" before the movie was filmed . She relayed a story about how Harpo, who was a dear friend, created a scenario that was hilarious. One day, when Harpo was visiting, Moss & Kitty were told that the local minister was going to visit them at their farmhouse in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Moss had heard that the minister tended to talk on & on, & came up with an idea. He said to Harpo ... "After 20 minutes, do something to end the ministers visit." Harpo, being the funny man that he was, appeared at top of the balcony over the living room, dressed in only a towel around his waist. Carrying a razor he said, "Come, Moss, it's time to shave the cat". The minister fled. LOL


Harpo wrote a great book 'Harpo Speaks' ... had a very happy, married life & retirement ...
