Why did Richard Zare study science? Herlinde Koelbl about her exhibition „Fascination Science“

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Why to study science? In her current project, the internationally renowned photographer Herlinde Koelbl portrayed 60 natural scientists and Nobel Prize winners from around the world. Following Einstein’s words “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious”, Herlinde looks for the amazement which is driving every researcher: A formula, a philosophy, a quotation. The quintessence written on hand.

In this video, we get to know the story of Richard Zare, who developed pioneering techniques to study chemical reactions in real time using laser light. He has worked with NASA on astrobiology issues. He is the Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science and a Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University.

#HerlindeKoelbl #RichardZare #PhysicalChemistry #BBAW #BerlinScienceWeek #FallingWalls

► This channel and format is a product of Berlin Science Week.

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